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Kirkby Luneside (Original): End of the line....


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Thanks Rob. The picture reminds me to add a couple of Britannias to the "wants" list. Like the 9Fs, you can't have too many of these!


Two heaters switched on in the bunker. Hopefully work can start by 9am, when it's socially acceptable to hammer, drill and cut - and most people have gone to work!



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What was the teaser, Andy? As Chris said last night, the problem is - you blink - and 20 posts have gone in!



fitted with roller bearing wheelsets for higher speed running and the bodysides of vehicles so equipped were marked with a large blue circle, known as a "Blue Spot". Fitted with vacuum braking and Oleo pneumatic buffers. A through steam heat pipe allowed it to travel in passenger trains?
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Chaz D, you are the winner, with a completely correct answer! You win..... wait for it...................................









.......A lifetimes subscription to Luney Kirkside!!!!




Do you want another?


Andy G

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Thanks for sharing your Layout Jeff, I've thoroughly enjoyed watching your progress on this thread! I love the S&C myself so am looking forward to seeing your future progress, & maybe one day I can build my own part of the S&C!




Thanks very much Mark. I've just come in from the bunker for a hot cup of coffee - 2 turnouts and Cobalts fitted this morning. Progress is being made, but the "real" S&C feel of the layout won't appear until the landscaping goes in. That's easily my favourite part (I think I'd enjoy the project even if the trains didn't run, so long as there were hills and rivers!) and I'm looking forward to getting on to that.


Good to hear you're an S&C fan - how can anyone not be? Keep watching and please participate as much as you like!



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Ok, some time back (probably about 15 pages the way we prattle on here!) I mentioned about what was on the workbench (or the table in the box) well I thought I'd better show you lot two of them. They are S&C related being MR celerestories:


The closest being a standard Ratio kit.


This one is a Branchlines etched brass kit (my first Etched brass kit!). The painting didn't go too well, but this will get weathered down at some point.


Jeff, your not having any Peco medium radius or smaller points / curves now are you? If you do this pair will buffer lock! So two out of the rake I'll be taking to the open day are finished (apart from the lettering, and that will be LMS)


(the track is plonked on top of my locker in the box)


Andy G

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Nice bit of work Andy - though it'll be Larry whose plaudits will be worthy of attracting!


I've got one pair of 36" (Marcway) turnouts forming a cross-over - only used them to save a bit of space. All the other non-curved turnouts are 60".


Just a passing visit from the bunker - it's bl**dy freezing outside, but with the bunker at the dizzy heights of 12C the PVA is considering whether to set or not. Cup of coffee then off to lay 2 more sections of track. Piccys later!



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Larry will be disappointed in the fact that I haven't done the lining with yellow edges!


They should be ok then, the next MR coach should be ready for painting around feb!


Somewhere I have a pair of MR 6 wheelers too, a scratchbuild (body on Branchlines chassis) of a full brake, and a Slaters all 3rd. I suppose they could come for a trip too?


Would a Crab be ok to pull it all? Or would a 2P be better (Belper Fireboxed one)?


Andy G

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One way of lining the Ratio MR square-panelled coaches is to run a thick cream line along the raised beading, then a fine black line down the centre. It's certainly the best way for neat results. Off-topic so I'll behave now....


... So I'll suggest Andy goes onto your thread, then you can wax lyrical without feeling guilty, Larry!


A couple of sections of track fitted in addition to the turnouts. PVA is "drying" at the mo. Camera battery charging, so I'll give it a couple of hours then get some photos posted. It'll make a change from wish-lists, tunnels, trackbuilding and the like!



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I hope you're not intending to derail the discussions by going way off topic and posting pictures of Kirby Luneside...


Glad to hear you've made progress Jeff, all I've managed since Saturday is 7 saw cuts. I wouldn't mind so much but 4 of them are on my hand :scratchhead:

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I hope you're not intending to derail the discussions by going way off topic and posting pictures of Kirby Luneside...


Glad to hear you've made progress Jeff, all I've managed since Saturday is 7 saw cuts. I wouldn't mind so much but 4 of them are on my hand :scratchhead:


Sorry to hear of your injuries Michael. Stiff upper lip...all done in the cause of great modelling!


You'll have noticed that I've gone off-thread by posting pics of work on Kirkby Luneside. Apologies. Discussions on the colour of a blue-bottles backside will re-commence as soon as time allows!



When's the "Golden Spike" ceremony with the tracklaying Jeff?


Not quite sure Peter. I fancied something along the lines of when the Union Pacific met its rival on the plains of the USA (was it in Utah?). Grand ceremony, great revelry and, maybe, just a cup of tea to warm me in the cold weather!


I reckon it'll be a while as there's a bit of point-workery needed in the fiddle yard in relation to the branch - and I'm not spending any more money on track this year! (good job it's December, then!!)



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Thanks Larry. It should be ok - as you say, all those lines (on the left) are in the down direction, so all going the same way - and I'll only store stock on the straight bits. I've got over 9 feet on the third line you referred to, so backing-off a few inches should be fine!


My main concern was the passing of coach stock on adjacent main lines into the yard at this end. Even with the relatively gentle radii (around 5 feet) I only have 5-6mm clearance at 47mm track centres. Mike made me aware of the potential problem a few weeks ago - it's surprising how careful you have to be.


Btw, I'm not going to indulge in any more banter re. your changes to Greenfield. You must be getting sick of it, yet it continues - I look at your thread regularly.


Best wishes,



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I am confident that there will be no problems with coaches under a scale 60' at the end of the fiddle yard shown, and I have spare Hornby doorhandles anyway. The cold PVA looks nice. It reminds me of far-off winters..




all care, no responsibility,



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I am confident that there will be no problems with coaches under a scale 60' at the end of the fiddle yard shown, and I have spare Hornby doorhandles anyway. The cold PVA looks nice. It reminds me of far-off winters..




all care, no responsibility,




Not so far off from where I'm sat! A smattering of the white stuff covering the road outside, -5C tonight and maybe a few cm of "cold PVA" tomorrow. Nevermind, true British grit - up at 6am to get the bunker fired-up for more modelling... What was that I was saying about being insane?


Have your locos arrived Rob? Let's see a close-up of your B17 and Evening Star when they do!



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Evening Jeff, Great pics of the fiddle yard, that lovelly sweeping curve off the viaduct has wetted my apitite even more to get some propper trains on a continious run. I will e-mail you my thoughts.



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Not so far off from where I'm sat! A smattering of the white stuff covering the road outside, -5C tonight and maybe a few cm of "cold PVA" tomorrow. Nevermind, true British grit - up at 6am to get the bunker fired-up for more modelling... What was that I was saying about being insane?


Have your locos arrived Rob? Let's see a close-up of your B17 and Evening Star when they do!




I received a Spamcan Bulleid '75 Squadron' from a second-hand dealer in Auckland yesterday, and two Thompson suburbans; 3rd and composite from Hattons, still waiting for the B17 sent from Liverpool last week. Hattons despatcher forgot to register the airmail package but they usually arrive inside 4 weeks, sometime in as little as 1 week... the two 9Fs are from Hattons (with tracking number) and Kernows (priority airmail, whatever that is, but usually less than 1 week). At this time of year one does not expect speed in airmail packets. If it happens, it's a random event, as are things which get lost, or crushed, and they nearly all get thrown at my back door... gently of course.


Plenty to be going on with though, always of course mindful of the need for a balanced and healthy life. I have a 5.7 litre V8 which might need exercising someday soon, too. Pre-Christmas traffic building up at times. December here is a warm, odd sort of month, with business as usual but lots of office parties (ughhh!) and attendant burnt-out looking sun-burned people. In January the country closes down. We won't even notice the US fiscal cliff and subsequent wobbles in the eurozone...


Not sure if -5C is exactly better than our regular 20C...



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Physicsman, on 04 December 2012 - 11:42 , said:




Bachmann have a weathered 9F due for release next year. It's 92233 and on checking the BR database I see it was Western-based (86G, 86C, 86A) until the early 60s, then - lucky for me - was at 12A, Carlisle Kingmoor from 1964.


Looks like another 9F in the fleet!





It looks like I've got a fair choice of 9Fs to choose from for Great West Road. Your comments forced led me back to the BRDatabase to see which 9Fs were at Southall and which ones were there in April 1961 when the 'Fab Four' decided to save a 14xx.

There were 17 9Fs between 1960 and 1965, 6 of which were allocated there in 1961. So if I decide to get another one, I'm spoilt for choice, but I could (easily) renumber 92233 to 92238. :D


April '61, I was in last year of Primary School...(aka Pig Sty - I didn't make the connection at the time, but there was a pig farm at the end of the road).


As to the 14xx, I had read about the Didcot presevation story awhile back, but it wasn't until I decided to use 81C as the prototype for a layout that I decided I liked the story enough to model it and when Ray saw 1466 sitting on the shelf at the Corris exhibition that was the clincher. There were also some inviting comments on my thread. Who could resist? I like 'telling' visual stories, as one of my graphic design tutors picked up on - I thought I was just doing what he told us to do....Anyway, I carried on doing it...and it's what drives my modelling.





New avatar? What’s wrong with a Rebuilt MN? One of the best-looking locomotives ever? (Oh God! I wish I hadn’t said that! I can see the LYRS putting the contract out as I speak (type?) :)


Regards to all




Nothing wrong with an MN of BoB, we're just into WCs, 'Wilton' in particular - our first Southern 00 loco. :locomotive:


When we move, which will be sooner than first anticipated, I will hopefully have an 8.5ft x 4ft layout. I have been desperately trying to get a scenic space in the middle that I can lift out when there are derailments in the fiddle yard. I think I have achieved it. All I have to do now, is exchange contracts, move in, build an extension, do the thousand other jobs that need doing in a new place and I should be good for go.


A lift out section - brilliant idea. You obviously didn't go for filling the board up with sidings and turntable. :lol:

Good luck with the move and building your layout. At the rate I'm going, you'll probably get there before me.


Time to do the hot drinks - always something mundane to tear you away.

Till next time.


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Thanks Rob. The picture reminds me to add a couple of Britannias to the "wants" list. Like the 9Fs, you can't have too many of these!


Two heaters switched on in the bunker. Hopefully work can start by 9am, when it's socially acceptable to hammer, drill and cut - and most people have gone to work!




Britannias are quite hard to find at under a hundred quid even second hand now, and the variations are a minefield, smoke deflectors (3 kinds), tenders (2 kinds), and other minor differences to keep the more fastidious amongst us happy.


Weathered Stanier 8F... there's an excellent unmarked boxed s/h one for sale here but in your money 100 quid Guv'nor. Better off buying bullhead rail and ballast.... 8Fs are really boring anyway, aren't they?


Rob (ah, the heat you know....)

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