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The worst film you've ever watched

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  • RMweb Premium

Starship Troopers. Absolute c**p.


"BUG HUNT!" :rofl: I agree this film's wildly implausible in pretty much all respects, though. However, it does, in my opinion, have one redeeming quality of sorts, in that I guess you could understand it as a rather biting satire on militarism.

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I think it was called Grand Prix. Anyway, it was about motor racing and I almost died of boredom. I quietly persuaded my then girlfriend that we should leave the cinema and do something more interesting, like walk about Manchester in the rain.

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Starship Troopers. Absolute c**p.


And they made two sequels...


It took all the really interesting bits of the book and removed them. Seriously, hordes of unsupported infantry with pitiful weapons as the primary combat force of the far future?



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I think it was called Grand Prix. Anyway, it was about motor racing and I almost died of boredom. I quietly persuaded my then girlfriend that we should leave the cinema and do something more interesting, like walk about Manchester in the rain.


Grand Prix is one of the classic racing films. Although I agree its plot is a bit on the slow side, the depiction of the racing using actual footage interlaced with movie film (unfortunately using slightly different cars for various reasons) is quite good. Le Mans is better, as they brought a lot of the actual cars back to Le Mans to shoot it, making interlacing the actual footage easier.


For bad racing movies, Driven is truly dire (Sylvester Stallone in Indycars), as is Days of Thunder (Tom Cruise in Nascar). Talledega Nights is also bad, but it is meant to be (and it is entertaining) - however Stroker Ace is a better Nascar comedy.



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Another one I really detested was "the Talented Mr Ripley" - ... for me, the end credits were the best bit!

On that note, may I nominate the 1990s film of "Lost In Space" - the end credits were so exciting that I almost didn't resent the 2 hours of my life I'd never see again. Almost.


28 Days Later - Unadulterated twaddle. Watched about 15 mins and gave up as the characters actions were so implausible.

It's a game of opinions, isn't it? I really enjoyed that film and, to a slightly lesser extent, its sequel. Nice to have a zombie film (or two) that doesn't actually have - or even mention - zombies!


Anything by M. Night Shyamalan.

The only director who's films have got progressively worse with each new one....


Even the "surprise" in The Sixth Sense was too easy to work out early on. I gave up after "Signs" - stupid aliens going to a water world and being terminally allergic to it.

"Surprises" are pretty much his thing, though, aren't they? "Sixth Sense" I felt was OK, though I guessed the twist before I started watching. "The Happening" I found fairly creepy, but unsatisfactory on most levels. "Signs" was @rse-water of the worst kind, utterly uninteresting. However, might I give M.Night a tiny "yay" for "The Village"? Again, I guessed what was going to happen, but I thought it was done pretty well.



Anyway, I find it hard to utterly detest something I've only seen on video or DVD. My true hatred is reserved for those films which I've sat through at the cinema, hoping against hope that they'd have something to make the admission price and the ruinously expensive food seem worthwhile, but which leave me feeling almost ill with resentment at the end. In this category I'd include "Dracula" - the Gary Oldman crap-pile, and "Damage", with Jeremy Irons. There are other films I should have walked out of, I'm sure, but these two stick long in the memory.

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Forgot to mention M. Night Shyamalan's utterly dreadfull 'The Happening'.


Possibly because I'm trying to forget M Night Shyalaman's utterly dreadfull 'The Happening'.


Obviously M Night Shyalaman has no true friends....


He's clearly made you so apoplectic that there are now two different spellings of his name :jester:


If truth be told, anyone with such a pretentious name should, if at all posible, be avoided.

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  • RMweb Premium

I am astonished that no-one has mentioned Thomas and the Magic Railroad ...



Never seen it - but I hate you for making me remember it exists! :)



Starship Troopers. Absolute c**p.


Great film - but remember it is tongue in cheek


28 Days Later - Unadulterated twaddle. Watched about 15 mins and gave up as the characters actions were so implausible.




I quite liked it

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Re. Starship Troopers

Great film - but remember it is tongue in cheek

Unfortunately, the book on which it was based was definitely not tongue in cheek, and it is not apparent that the producers of the movie realized that...



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Re. Starship Troopers


Unfortunately, the book on which it was based was definitely not tongue in cheek, and it is not apparent that the producers of the movie realized that...




Seems as though Starship Troopers is a real Marmite movie. Laugh out loud funny IMHO - but then I haven't read the book.


Another one for the truly dire pile


Rocky V - the only one of the series I saw - (4 times on a long distance flight to Australia - I hate you Singapore Ailines).

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I have seen several awful films ...


3. Resistance (2011) an awful film with Nazis in Wales.


I had not heard of that one: I guess it must be significant that the Wikipedia plot summary for it is two lines long ... they felt like a very long and broing read at that ...

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  • RMweb Premium

3. Resistance (2011) an awful film with Nazis in Wales.


But there is a film I thought would be awful but was funny was Iron Sky.


Haven't heard of it but the games series of the same name is excellent (but is about Aliens invading as a virus)

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IMHO the remake of the italian job FGS they moved it to LA


also the war of the worlds remake

and i now hear rumours hat the yanks plan on remaking the Dam Busters Guy Gibsons dog will prob be changed from a black sab with a non PC name to a poodle called mitzy or some such

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Freejack. Somehow everyone in it acted down to Mick Jagger's level. It was riveting in the sense that you needed riveting to your seat in order not to run of the cinema. Thing is, the premise was OK and there was probably a good film in there somewhere screaming to get out, but it was drowned out by the punters in the cinema screaming to be let out.

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IMHO the remake of the italian job FGS they moved it to LA


also the war of the worlds remake

and i now hear rumours hat the yanks plan on remaking the Dam Busters Guy Gibsons dog will prob be changed from a black sab with a non PC name to a poodle called mitzy or some such


Interesting, it is being made in New England then? That's where "yanks" live.


The "original" War of the Worlds movie was transferred from Surrey and London to LA and was pretty dire too in relation to the book.


Your, not-a-yank despite being in New York. Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold


and i now hear rumours hat the yanks plan on remaking the Dam Busters Guy Gibsons dog will prob be changed from a black sab with a non PC name to a poodle called mitzy or some such


Correct me if I am wrong anybody, but i understand it to be a Peter Jackson film (LOTR trilogy), with a screenplay by Stephen Fry, I'm not sure how far they have got with it but was under the impression that 2-3 Lancaster mock ups had been made. I'm sure I read that Jackson didn't want any big name stars as it wasn't about one person and he also wanted the age of the actors to reflect the age of the crews eg 19/20/21 so that we had a real sense of just how young those chaps were.

I think Fry changed the name to "Blackie" which was another name Gibson had for the dog.

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  • RMweb Premium

My girlfriend is a fan of girly movies, or 'Jenny and the Pretty Dress' movies as I like to call them, much to her chagrin. Over the last five and a half years, I have been forced to watch an endless number of these atrocities and it is the sole reason that I bought an iPad; so I have something to do whilst she is watching said screen turds (she gets a bit eggy if I want to go and model whilst 'we' are enjoying a film).


But without a doubt, the worst film I have watched, and a mate and I watched it one Saturday morning with really bad hangovers (no remote, neither of us could be arsed to get up and change the channel), is 'Cool as Ice', starring no less than Vanilla Ice. It's a little known fact that before being a failure at being a musician and actor, Vanilla Ice was a failure at being a professional motocross racer. As such, much of the film is about him riding around on an motorbike with no helmet on, wearing some harlequin pants, trying to impress a rich girl by pulling wheelies outside her house. The most notable quote (that we used for a while with a great sense of irony) is from Mr Ice himself, when he tries to win the young lady's hand from her current boyfriend by uttering the classic "Drop that zero and get with the hero"



With hindsight, maybe it is the ultimate in kitch

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Guest Natalie Graham

No idea what the title was, it was that memorable, but some Terminator inspired thing where an outdated cyborg soldier was dumped on a planet used as a giant rubbish dump where he finds humans living illegally. the authorities spot them and send the up to date cyborg soldiers to kill them and he organises the humans to fight back and defeat the cyborg army. The crowning point of this film was not part of the movie itself but the disclaimer in the final credits that 'This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real characters or events is entirely co-incidental.' Now that would be some co-incidence.

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IMHO the remake of the italian job FGS they moved it to LA


If you can get past them calling it 'The Italian Job', the new movie was actually quite good.


Freejack. Somehow everyone in it acted down to Mick Jagger's level. It was riveting in the sense that you needed riveting to your seat in order not to run of the cinema. Thing is, the premise was OK and there was probably a good film in there somewhere screaming to get out, but it was drowned out by the punters in the cinema screaming to be let out.


It definitely says something when the best scenes in the movie are Mick Jagger's (during the car chase)...



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1. Any film with a title ending in a number suffix. (and the higher the number the worse it gets!)

2. Anything described in the PR as a "Remake of the classic..." or "A Modern Interpretation of..."


You just know that it's sole purpose is to milk the reputation of the original...

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