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d winpenny

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Had a reasonably enjoyable afternoon today pottering around the layout finally got round to putting a chip in 37411 had to do a spot of wheel cleaning before I began as they were filthy and it ran rather well and I was quite surprised to discover it had cab lights as well as head and tail lights cab lights are bright white though so may see about getting them changed to something a bit dimmer. Also been pondering over a few things including getting some kadees couplers to make shunting a bit more hands free as well as adding more building lighting to lighten up the layout a bit when doing night time running. But my next job is to book 60026 in for a new chip ( 56059 claimed the 60s as it in turn went into 37411, and then get its wheels a good clean too



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Got another chip for. 60026 today cleaned the wheels and now runs as sweet as a nut :) now on to my next task of why my gaugemaster chip in 56059 won't respond after reprogramming the address to anything else but address 3, anyone else had a similar issue



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HI David,

The only time I had trouble like that with a chip was because I was trying to give it a 4 number address when it was only capable of having a 2 number address... 

Other than that, not a clue I'm afraid.


On a separate note, I need to do wheel cleaning more often. I'm my own worst enemy. I get fed up with the poor running and blame the track when if I'm honest it's bound to be the wheels.
I look forward to seeing some pics of the freshly chipped locos appearing soon..



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Hi David

Just found this thread by chance (you should put it in your sig). Nice layout. seems like a sound investment. I often think about running more modern stock as I think there are some excellent models out there, but Ive made too much of an invesment in BR sector stuff!


Keep up the good work mate


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Cheers Scott I'm going to have another mess and will post what I find on here either way ( even if its just to say I've just thrown the chip across the room in a huff) wheel cleaning isn't my favourite thing hence why it's taken me so long to get it sorted. I'll try and get some pictures up soon.


Cheers guy I've put it in my sig. yeah that's my problem if I bought everything i wanted I would probably fill out the entire model of healey mills yard.



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Hi David


Stumbled across your layout post this morning and like the progress so far. Looks like the setup is just right for the available space.


I'm liking the figures that you've added, when i get to that stage on my layout i wouldn't mind some. can you tell me who manufactures them?


All the best with the progress.





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