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Hemyock - Down on the farm...


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Morning Jim,

After what you've been through over the last few months, it must be a fantastic feeling to stand back and view your current progress. Joanna and I truly hope that the rest of this year is much kinder to you both!

I suspect I'll be copying that method of track laying in the not too distant future, and I look forward to seeing the next piece of action on your thread,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see you've had a bit of a time to make progress and get back into the groove.


Just looked back at the buildings and stream from last October. Great work and indicative of the quality to come! Jim, you'll shame me into doing something!



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Excellent Jim, Great to see your motivated again after a difficult period. Now that's my way of Layout Planning, throw a few Points onto the board and see if it fits. I'm not familiar with the area so its difficult for me to see how it joins the rest of Hemyock Station.


Hi Andy


In real life it branched from the right at the Junction and followed the river Culm uphill and around quite a few sharp curves, through Uffculme, Culmstock and into Hemyock although there was a halt built later.

On the layout your guess is as good as mine :O :no: . It leaves the Junction runs round the end, in front of that bit, across there and after rounding the curve pops out of the woods and into Hemyock. Clear as mud eh :jester:


In fact I do have a plan which I had photographed before but seem to have lost them so I popped out to take another one for you, here it is,




Hopefully that clarifies things. The section over the centre will be a lift out part which I will insert when needed and the line against either of the stations will run under the edges of the hills so will be hidden.

As I model in a pretty haphazard way  if I find that my estimates of how it fits together are wrong I will run it into a casette in front of Hemyock, transfer it to the south end of the junction and run it into the terminus.

This will also overcome any incline issues as it will then be like two separate layouts, so I have a get out if needed.


I hope that has cleared things up for you, If it has can you explain it to me please. :scratchhead:


Just as a final note Hemyock was originally the other way round - as seen in old pictures - but it gave operational issues and I didn't like the line curving from junction to terminus open and visible. How it is now gives me better and easier photo opportunities as well as operation and as you can see I have a solution or two for it to work.


I love flexi-plans.



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That's better Jim, but the Mud is still on me boots I'm afraid, hhaha


Does look interesting though and being Flexi it still gives the opportunity for more adjustments here and there which has to be good in any plan.

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Ah yes the bend, just one of those things where us modellers always have to go aound corners.


On the prototype the line curves slightly left so I had to have it go that way a little, but then had to turn right to go around the shed, however the bit of land between the mainline and The CVLR rises and once some shrubs or one of my trees are added I think it will be all but invisible unless you are very close to it. Also if looking from the yard through the station the canopies and footbridge will act as a view blocker so I think it will all be OK, fingers crossed anyway.




Thank you, we have made a lot of changes to ensure that I can keep my modelling going but still being in attendance if necessary, a few more bits to do to get the winter modelling space sorted but all looking good so far.

I hope that you find the time to follow your dream too and I look forward to following it when you start. Best wishes to both yourself and Joanna





Just looking to inspire you not shame you, haha. It just goes to show what a little time each day can achieve as over the last few weeks it was only half an hour at laeast each day, slow but steady is the way.




It's easy to miss as it goes quiet from time to time, I hope you enjoy your read through and join the band of followers.



Thanks again to all those who have responded,



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  • RMweb Gold


I am glad to see you modelling again as it says so much of how your life is going that you are back doing it.  I assume that there will be some interesting stock on the main line as it is 1905.  You obviously know Mikkel's blog, and he has a thread as well, have you seen Mike Oxen's one?  Both around the same time.


Keep going, it will look great when you get there.


All the best.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see, Jim. My continuing conversion to things Swindon seems to continue. ......pesky Great Western...!!!


Looking forward to this developing, with a great deal of interest...



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  • 6 months later...

Evening Jim,

If you are looking in, I'd like to wish Linda and you a Happy and Prosperous 2016. I hope her health improves in the new year as the one just gone has not been particularly kind. I'm at home recuperating from a recent hernia operation on top of my other little problem and trying to catch up with all the threads I follow.

Armin, you might not know it, but Jim's lovely wife Linda has some health issues which is why it's quiet on hear!

Best wishes to all,

Kind regards,


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Thanks for the best wishes Jock, Chris and Armin, and yes Armin it has been quiet but as Jock has said I do have another priority that impacts greatly on my time.


I did look back through the thread and was surprised to see that I haven't actually built anything for 15 months which is far too long, I used to do a lot of building during the winter months but  this hasn't happened either last or this winter due to changes around the home. Currently there are just too many interruptions or obstacles to achieve any modelling so I have just given up trying - for now anyway - but something will happen later and an update will follow whenever that is, i am determined that this project will be built eventually.


Some things did happen though but haven't really left me any further forward, the Junction had a few things that niggled me but I was happy to live with them or to work round them, until one point really did need relaying, this turned into two, then three and so on until an hour later when all the track was neatly labelled and lying in the meadow opposite Hemyock station. A little later and all the baseboards and cross members had followed. All was relaid and it now looks pretty much the same only different, but there are no niggles now and my Grandson and I were out on it the other day.

The only other thing was a couple of coach sides were cut out and almost completed for the little 15ft 3 compartment coach for the CVLR, these were left under some weight 9 or more weeks back so should be dry and flat now :scratchhead:I'll have to have a look.


So that's it, all up to date and I think it may be a few months before much more has happened but I will let you all know when and if it does.


My thanks for your continued interest and please don't give up on me because I am definitely not giving up on this project now or later.


Best wishes to everyone for 2016 and happy modelling.



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Have no fear, we are not going to give up on you! Just keep us posted and give our love to Linda. Don't forget to PM if there is anything you want to sound off about,

Good luck to you both and kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold


I am sure I am not going to give up on you.  I understand your situation and as with all of us the modelling always comes second to life.


All the best, still thinking and praying for you both.

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  • 7 months later...

Well after a long break from forums I thought it time for a return especially after the disaster I posted about in updates earlier today, yes the great Hemyock varnish flood of 2016. More of that later.


I have managed to do something over the last few weeks after a long bout of illness so let's have a catch up.


I had made some sides for the small 13ft coach of the CVLR last August but in true Jim fashion did I use them, of course not, I made some new ones as there were a few annoying little things about it that I didn't like.


This is the coach in question for those who don't of it. http://spellerweb.net/rhindex/UKRH/GreatWestern/Narrowgauge/NGCoaches.html


I have no pictures of the early part of the build but this is it after having the wheels fitted.




I then got sidetracked for a while by extending the baseboard to complete the river as this was something I have been wanting to do for some time and to have a small wooden bridge over the river, so after a couple of days work I reached this stage, oh! and I added some stepboards to the coach. Oh! (again) I added some handrails, 0.3mm wire, those small drills can be a bit flexible though.






The coach really is tiny when placed next to any of my others, here it is on its own on the new bridge over the Culm.




The large yellow hairy thing in the background is yet another ongoing project but more on that at a much later date.

Next up was to get the landform around the river to give it a reason for taking a sharp right-hand turn (in reality it goes the other way, away from the hill but then I wouldn't have a bridge would I?). So out came the cardboard and glue to make the formers, on went the brown paper, followed by the soil and finally some green flock.

Of course it doesn't end there as I now have to add static grasses and various oddities from my scenic materials and varnish into the river, oh yes that bloody varnish!


A couple of pictures showing the state of play today.








It was at this stage I thought it was the right moment to connect the two river parts - existing and new - together, so a top coat was applied over the whole length. Now I was just completing the end opposite the station when I moved the tin of varnish only to see it slip from my grasp and crash onto the rails in front of the station building, tip towards it and spill some of the contents over the building and platform. "Oh dear" I exclaimed "what a silly fellow I am."

No panic from me though just a resigned sigh at the thought of unnecessary work ahead which could and should have been avoided, I completed the task in hand and made the tin and brush safe before examining the model. It was mainly in the parcels office office area and had stained the platform and gone up the walls, here it is after mopping up the varnish.




I had to spread it all along the platform as I would have had a stained patch where the building was, the sliding door was removed before it set unlike the booking office doors which will now be non opening, as for the walls I will wait to see how they dry to decide if the staining of them and the doors will be left after removing the shine.


Nothing I can't correct but just not needed at this time.


So some progress over the last year but nowhere near as much as I would like, but that's life.


That's all for now and we will see what the coming weeks/months bring.




Edited by aberdare
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  • RMweb Gold

Well after a long break from forums I thought it time for a return especially after the disaster I posted about in updates earlier today, yes the great Hemyock varnish flood of 2016. More of that later.


I have managed to do something over the last few weeks after a long bout of illness so let's have a catch up.


I had made some sides for the small 13ft coach of the CVLR last August but in true Jim fashion did I use them, of course not, I made some new ones as there were a few annoying little things about it that I didn't like.


This is the coach in question for those who don't of it. http://spellerweb.net/rhindex/UKRH/GreatWestern/Narrowgauge/NGCoaches.html


I have no pictures of the early part of the build but this is it after having the wheels fitted.




I then got sidetracked for a while by extending the baseboard to complete the river as this was something I have been wanting to do for some time and to have a small wooden bridge over the river, so after a couple of days work I reached this stage, oh! and I added some stepboards to the coach. Oh! (again) I added some handrails, 0.3mm wire, those small drills can be a bit flexible though.






The coach really is tiny when placed next to any of my others, here it is on its own on the new bridge over the Culm.




The large yellow hairy thing in the background is yet another ongoing project but more on that at a much later date.

Next up was to get the landform around the river to give it a reason for taking a sharp right-hand turn (in reality it goes the other way, away from the hill but then I wouldn't have a bridge would I?). So out came the cardboard and glue to make the formers, on went the brown paper, followed by the soil and finally some green flock.

Of course it doesn't end there as I now have to add static grasses and various oddities from my scenic materials and varnish into the river, oh yes that bloody varnish!


A couple of pictures showing the state of play today.


attachicon.gifthread 2.JPG


attachicon.gifthread 3.JPG




It was at this stage I thought it was the right moment to connect the two river parts - existing and new - together, so a top coat was applied over the whole length. Now I was just completing the end opposite the station when I moved the tin of varnish only to see it slip from my grasp and crash onto the rails in front of the station building, tip towards it and spill some of the contents over the building and platform. "Oh dear" I exclaimed "what a silly fellow I am."

No panic from me though just a resigned sigh at the thought of unnecessary work ahead which could and should have been avoided, I completed the task in hand and made the tin and brush safe before examining the model. It was mainly in the parcels office office area and had stained the platform and gone up the walls, here it is after mopping up the varnish.


attachicon.gifthread 1.JPG


I had to spread it all along the platform as I would have had a stained patch where the building was, the sliding door was removed before it set unlike the booking office doors which will now be non opening, as for the walls I will wait to see how they fry to decide if the staining of them and the doors will be left after removing the shine.


Nothing I can't correct but just not needed at this time.


So some progress over the last year but nowhere near as much as I would like, but that's life.


That's all for now and we will see what the coming weeks/months bring.






Glad to see you back modelling and that life has given you a chance to do so.  Hope all is well, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.  I really like your coach, just a brilliant prototype well modelled.

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  • RMweb Gold

Really glad to see you back posting again Jim, despite the "Great Varnish Flood of '16".


When I initially read your description I feared the worst, but looking at the photos it appears to be merely annoying rather than complete disaster, so very glad about that.


Look forward to more of your exquisite modelling,



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Love the little coach and to be honest I think when it's finished with other detail around it the station building wont look too bad, to me it looks like there's been a rain shower and the platform is still a little wet. Give it a chance to see if you can live with it when its all fresh you can think of nothing else but do some other jobs and come back to it in a few weeks and see how you feel then. Steve

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jim, good to see you back! As others have said, the river looks very good. Your landscaping skills are extraordinary. Sorry to hear about the varnish spill but it sounds like it's, er, water under the bridge now  :)


Nice to see one of the 4-wheelers underway. It has so much character. Are you working from a drawing? I used to own a secondhand model of one of these - now sold on but it's tempting to have a go at building one myself.

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Glad to see you back modelling and that life has given you a chance to do so.  Hope all is well, and I look forward to seeing more of your work.  I really like your coach, just a brilliant prototype well modelled.

Thanks Chris


I'm never sure how long I will be back for as we have to take each day as it comes and the winter is always a tricky period, glad you like the coach and I hope to finish it soon after a year chipping away at it. Believe it or not it's only a few days work.


I shall try and keep an eye on your progress too.



That water does look good. How do you get the ripples?




Ah yes, the water Rich.


I wish I could say just do this, that and the other and all will be perfect. On the earlier attempt pictured last year it all looked great until the winter when it clouded over and didn't clear until early June, I was not happy about that as I had no problems previously.

This made me look at the reasons and it would seem that the last coats were with an exterior water based polyurethane varnish whereas earlier coats were yacht varnish. So in my experience I would always use an oil based one.

Now the ripples, more a happy accident than by design but I have found that by using natural gritty earth/sand to colour the bed - stuck on a thin coat - rather than paint and it causes the varnish to get little raised bumps and each subsequent coat follows these as it smooths out. I tend to see how it feels, if a bit rough, another coat when smooth it's fine.


It can ripple with a thicker coat but if you get that wrong it messes it all up so I don;t do that anymore, back in the 70s I just used to pour it in and leave it.


Anyway that's how it works for me.




Really glad to see you back posting again Jim, despite the "Great Varnish Flood of '16".


When I initially read your description I feared the worst, but looking at the photos it appears to be merely annoying rather than complete disaster, so very glad about that.


Look forward to more of your exquisite modelling,




Thanks Al


Yes I feared the worst too as I watched varnish spreading everywhere, luckily there was a nice big open space for it to go to once I had lifted the platform, now it's all dry I have found the fibre burnishing brush an invaluable friend and with a bit of weathering all should be well.


I'll have to catch up with you later as there seems to have been a change in your focus.



A bit more to post yet but need to do other stuff for a bit, back soon.











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I think you are right about the shine it does look a bit wet but I know I can't live with it as there was a faint sheen to the platform front before and that annoyed me, as mentioned earlier though all will be well.

Glad you like the coach, it really is an unusual size though I kept thinking I had got it wrong though it was so small.





Thanks Mikkel


It's good to be back doing something, I just hope to keep it up for a while.

Extraordinary landscaping skills you say, well thank you very much for that comment as it means a lot to someone who is colour blind and just tries his best, maybe it is because I rely on natural things as much as I can to complete the scene.Talking of which it is that time of year when I wander around the country lanes or a friends farm with camera and carrier bag in hand, I'm needing to top up on a few items that proved successful.


One of these can be seen in this box




I think I can remember what they are but they do make lovely small grass clumps so I will be needing several more



and they look quite good in small groups alongside the path and there is room for plenty more.




I did manage to complete some more work along the river today so this is where it all finished up at the end of play today.





I won;t get much done tomorrow as I am on baking duties as it is the wifes turn to supply cakes at her Craft Group on Monday and those Ladies certainly enjoy their cake,






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Hi Jim, As others have already said, it's great to see you back posting and modelling again. I saw you in the Lunester Lounge and also on Jeff's KL as well, and also thanks for your supportive post on North Road, that was also really appreciated mate.


Keep up the good work and great pics.


Please look after yourself and Family.

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Just a quick update from me.


No modelling yesterday and the Ladies enjoyed their cake, especially the chocolate one.


Right back to far more important matters, the model. I managed to spend a bit of time on the river again today but it is all a bit time consuming making the weeds and sticking.  them to the banks, they are made from various seed heads, doormat fibres or dyed string. What I like about them is the fact they are crooked not dead straight.


Not much more to say really so I'll just post some pictures.









I might have to darken those weeds a little more as they always looked washed out on the photographs'


A lot more work ahead to get it finished but if I do a little each day it won't seem too bad.




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