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Boxenby depot


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Hi Mark,

Many thanks for the advice, I have never used these before but sounds like you have and following your recommendation I am going to order some this week and give it a go. From the list of past projects they sound perfect for the edging of my inspection platforms which are now ready for the lining. Hopefully I might have the lining next weekend so will see how I get on. If you don’t mind I may need to ask you for a bit of advice and help if I get stuck!


Hi Jon, what a fantastic photo! That is the sort of line up I hope to have outside Boxenby one day.

Thanks for posting it. If only I had a time machine……….would love to go back and see that for real!


This weekend I have managed to finish weathering the outer walls of the inspection pits and paint the rails as well. Whilst the rail tops still need the paint to be removed I couldn’t resist a few photos……..
















Next job is to get the white edging on the inspection platforms and then get them weathered and also sort out the buffer stops which will sit at the end of the dead-end roads.

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Hi Mark, just thought I would let you know that earlier today I ordered some white lining from Cornwall Model Boats. Hopefully they will arrive in time for me to have a go at adding some white lining to the edge of one of the inspection platforms this weekend. I will let you know how it goes, fingers crossed!


Thanks again.

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Hi Leon, I still need quite a few more locos though!

I have always liked the 58s as well, probably because we never ever saw them or 56s unless we ventured up north! I am hoping that Heljan release a few more Original Railfreight and Railfreight Coal versions unless they have given up on the 58.

That is a good question, cannot recall seeing many photos of 58s in S Wales before Privatisation although I am sure there are members on here that have the knowledge and able to answer that.


As the inspection pits are coming close to being ready for gluing down on the board I thought it would be a good idea to get the buffer stops ready. So with a bit if help I was able to come up with a design and in turn produce a mock up to see how it will look.

Here are a couple of photos showing the mock up;






Now to produce 22 of these........

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Sorry I've not replied before now, but with all the forum problems I decided to steal clear until it looked like it had settled down. Things are looking great.


Back to following with interest.





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Hello Leon,


Always liked the 58, How many time did the come into S Wales I wonder...???


I found this today, and thought it may be of interest.




It shows 58048 at Cwmbargoed on June 19th 1998.


Best wishes,


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Hi Mark, I have the white lining tape but as yet have not had a chance to try it. Been working on the buffer stops!


Chris, 58s looked much better in original Railfreight!


Following the making of the buffer stop mock-up last weekend the parts arrived on Wednesday to make the final 22. These have now been assembled except for the addition of the buffer pads which hopefully will be added tomorrow, then they can be sprayed white.

It is amazing the difference these make at the end of the pits, Mrs. Grimley just mentioned that you won't even see them once a train is on the pits!


I will post some photos tomorrow of the buffer stops.

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Mrs. Grimley just mentioned that you won't even see them once a train is on the pits!


Wives always keep a helpful comment like this in the back of their mind, ready to spring on you at just the right moment. I sometimes think mine has been taking lessons from Sybil Fawlty.


Seriously, it's looking good at the moment! You must have a lot of patience to produce so many multiple parts (e.g. buffer stops). I believe Heljan 58s can be had quite reasonably from the likes of Hattons at the moment, but I couldn't say whether they have any in the livery you need.


Keep up the good work!





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Hi Baggie, you are not wrong! Not looking forward to weathering all the locos……….my airbrush will be warn out! Still that is a long way off yet!


Thanks Will, they do have a knack of passing comments which are not always helpful!

Sometimes I do have a lot of patience yet other times not so much!

Hopefully when I am ready and in a position to increase the fleet they will still be available from somewhere. May be Heljan will release a few more…… Original Railfreight please!


Buffers anyone?!!




This morning I added the buffer pads to the buffer stops and they are now ready for a coat of white primer.


Here are a few photos of the buffer stops;






In position, although some are not quite vertical they will be once glued down permanently;






Once they have been sprayed with matt white paint the buffer stops will be glued on to the inspection pits and have a strip of plasticard added on top. Hopefully it will dry up this week allowing me to spray them!

Next job is to have a go at putting the white lining on the edges of the inspection platforms.

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Hi Alex,

Looking good mate, I think you are getting to that point where things will really start to come together and the main work will be done. Keep the updates coming it's always good to see your progress.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter, thanks. I am pleased with how it is coming on. I was thinking the other day that once the buffer stops have been painted and dirtied, added to the inspection pits and glued down, get the inspection platforms weathered and in position, get the depot floor painted, weathered and glued down, get the rest of the roof support girders in position, apart from bits and pieces of detail hopefully by that time the inside will resemble a depot.

Then if I get the outside of the shed covered and painted, get the roof on the main depot building will certainly be not far off finished. That will just leave the admin and office building to the rear of the shed. My plan is to get the main shed near enough finished by the end of the year, well that is the target, whether or not that happens we shall see!


Thanks Mark, I am planning to have a go with the lining at the weekend. I will let you know how I get on!


Whilst the weather has been pants and with work commitments I have spent my modelling time conducting research into the 1.5 tonne over head cranes that sit above roads 5 to 12. This is something that will make a big difference to the look of the inside of the shed and should really add detail to this particular area of the depot.

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Whilst the research into the 1.5 Tonne overhead cranes continues I have managed to spray the buffer stops white. Yesterday the primer was added and this afternoon the top coat of Matt white applied. Now to paint the buffer pads dark grey and tone down the buffer stops.



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Hi Ian,

To be honest I am not on Face book so you carry on!


Thanks Dave. I do yes, the depot shed! The way it has gone so far there are very few pieces to model that only require one of them!

I have not had much time for modelling over the past couple of weeks, work has taken over a bit and my mind has been elsewhere. Although I have been conducting research into the overhead cranes it has been difficult to get motivated......


Yesterday I managed to do a little bit of modelling and spent some time working on the buffer stops. Whilst these sit at the end of the inspection pits I have been wondering whether or not to tone them down with a wash of dirt/grime. Would they get that dirty, or would they be fairly clean as they are the end of the road? Any thoughts or views would be very much appreciated.


Here are a couple of photos showing the a buffer stop on one of the pits;






I am getting closer to gluing the inspection pits in position before starting on weathering the inspection platforms.

As mentioned before I have been conducting research into the 1.5 Tonne overhead cranes and have now pretty much finalised the design for these. Hopefully at the weekend I can produce a mock-up to see how it looks.

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Hi Alex.

It´s all starting to come together now. Good to hear that work is getting in the way of the modelling (to a certain extent at least!).

The buffer stops look excellent.

Here is a picture of some similar stops at Tyseley. They don´t look to be too dirty.




And a dingy view inside the shed at Toton, taken on a depot visit on 14-11-87.




Hope they are of some help.

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Hi Andy, thanks for posting the photos, very helpful indeed and much appreciated. I especially like the one taken inside Toton, that is right up my street. Large Logo Grids and Original Railfreight 58s……just the ticket!


Thanks Daryl. Oh dear, someone must have been travelling a little too fast!


Following your posts, I spent a while searching Flickr for photos of Tyseley and also Laira. I remember thinking that the latter had similar buffer stops.

The majority of the photos that I found, the buffer stops still looked pretty clean, like this one;




Thanks to you both I decided to just give the buffer stops a couple of washes of grime and have to say that I am pleased with the results.

Thanks to Mark 37’s recommendation I ordered some white lining tape used for model boats and today with the help of Mrs.Grimley the inspection platforms now have white edging. It is amazing what a change this makes to the look of the platforms, I am really pleased. A big thank you to Mrs. G as she did most of it whilst I helped……..it was a lot easier than trying to paint the edges white that’s for sure!

I would thoroughly recommend the lining tape and will certainly be using them again for other things. Thanks Mark!


I will post some photos of the buffer stops in position as well as the inspection platforms.

Next I am going to make a start on weathering the inspection platforms………

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i have to say watching this progress to what it is now is fab, great hard work and many hours must of gone into this...


Keep the pictures coming, they are great...



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  • 2 weeks later...



I am relieved to hear the tape work for you, it's so easy to work with and capable of some unusual curves if treated carefully (circular warning marks found around warship weapon systems). I don't often recommend items to others because what works for me may not work for others.


Looking forward to the pictures of the platforms.


Best regards,



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Hi Jamie, thanks I am glad that you like it so far. You are correct a lot of hours have gone into it and needless to say many more to come!


Thanks again Mark I am really please with the tape that you recommended, I will try and post some photos for you later in the week.


Not much progress over the past couple of weeks due to being busy and a lack of motivation. But following a browse on RMWeb I decided to get on and do some modelling!

Over the weekend I made a start on the running rail for one of the 1.5 Tonne overhead cranes. After some deliberating and change of plan I finally set about making the first one. Many an hour has been spent thinking of how best to replicate the ironwork in order to produce something that would resemble these cranes. Yesterday the first one was finished and apart from spraying it dark grey or black I have to say that I am quite pleased with the results;






Now to make another 7!..........

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