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Why are railway modellers so clumsy?

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  • RMweb Premium

Haven't got a dog (and no, that's not a recent thing either)


Do have to be careful about upsetting Mrs SM42 to much though. (see The Hunt for Mr Chairman earlier in this topic)


However I suspect she'll soon wise up and  before long dinner will be ready before lunch and I shall arrive at breakfast. :scratchhead:



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That will keep her quiet for a moment   ...................


before long dinner will be ready before lunch and I shall arrive at breakfast.



............................................   while she works out whether you are late for the one  ...   or early for the other  [best not go there] breakfast  .......  

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  • 1 month later...

It is at times like these when you realise    ...........................


..........................     I was looking at dt's delightful Dover Priory - and Dockyard Sidings - and Dover Harbour  


There are some photographs showing progress and the original full-size versions  ......   I was looking at [amongst other things] the various uprights which are painted Blue/Grey, with added Mid-Blue strips around them.


The main colour must prevent people from noticing the uprights easily [shades of Man United, Grey Strip, which made it very difficult for players to see their own team mates - which lead to a very rapid change of colour again! The complaints from Fans who had gone out to be the first to buy the Grey Strip, were Volcanic.]  ........  hence the Mid-Blue stripes to make the uprights more visible    ..............  after all they would hardly pay a workman to go round and paint them for fun  ............   


All that worked out ages ago, no problem   ..............................    but today was one of those times     ...................................     when you realise what you have missed for well over a year   .......      :O



..............................................................     2 lines    ...................................................................................................   Deerrrrr!!




Adults Children by JulianR 2013, on Flickr




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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh come on  ..................   give me a break, will you  .........      :dontknow:   .......


Very simple  ...   no really, very simple   .......  .....................     ............    honest  .......     :pardon:


A pair of Bachmann's 45 ft "Dream Box" containers   ...........................    see - I told you it was easy    ............


Opened the box and did manage to notice the 2 x small plastic packets which naturally drop from their location in the bottom [!] of the packaging   ........  [please note, all Clumsy Club members - the bottom, so they drop out quite naturally without any assistance from you!]


Each packet contains 4 x vertical door locking rods, complete with moulded handles, together with 2 x diamond shaped labeling plates. All of these had moulded pins for locating them in nicely placed holes in the doors and sides of the container. Very astute of me to notice all that, doing well so far then.


So, flushed with success, I thought it safe to cut open one of the packets and try them for fit  ..  

[notice how cunning I am getting since reading all the experiences here - just one packet cut open - expulsion may well yet be imminent ..   :O  ]


.....   salvation came in an instant as the contents were gently slid from the packet onto the desk, as one of the locks disappeared under the desk   ........   no problem, it was shiny silver and stood out well - after 2/3 minutes search  ......    picking it up was fun too, as they are thin and quite springy, but undeterred it was back on the desk in a few minutes flicking and searching again moments  ....  


So, to the business of checking they fit  ...    Naah, of course they don't and a short while later, equipped with magnifying headset, the 4 x offending holes were reamed  with a pin, in a Pin Drive, the 4 x offending locating pins with mushroom ends were also sorted with a mimi File and all test fitted    .......  with only a few marks on the thumbnail as evidence  ...


Now the brain was in overdrive, as I worked out that they had better be retained with some glue, or they would eventually become loose and lost   ....   [how am I doing so far? - I was feeling a lot less nervous by now, although "Confidence" wasn't really obvious by it's presence.] 


Glue - yes  ....    err-umm?    ......................   then whilst I was looking to see how tiny a spot of glue I would have to use, so as not to spoil the shiny locking bars   .........     :yahoo:    ....  the bottom panel of the container creaked, as I turned around   .....    push it again and "Eureka" - it was loose ...  a quick flick against the heel of the hand  ....   yes, out it fell and inside was just what I had hoped for. All those locating pins protruded into the inner space of the container. All that was needed now was a tiny drip of Rocket Plastic Glue, together with a little patience to let it dry before replacing the bottom of the container   ....     :dancer:    .....    There now, done  ..........


.....................    a little gentle blowing to aid evaporation and look at the outside to check how it was drying    .........................   Oh  ...   why did parts of the Locking bars have a tint of blue now?  The glue had been so thin, it ran all the way through the locating holes  ...    quick, kitchen paper  ....   dab - dab   ....   blimey, there is more seeped behind the bars too  ....   quick turn it over and dab at the inside of the door - blue streaks on the kitchen paper, turn the paper over and dab again  ...   more dabbing, more streaks  ....  take a corner and go along the bars, more blue on the paper   .....     .............        ...............

Eventually with more dabbing and more blowing, the paper remained reasonably clear of new blue patches   .......................     :swoon:  


..........    I "calmly" put the "Rocket" away and used "Revel Contacta Professional Mini", with the thin needle tip for the diamond plates on the sides.   ......................



Bachmann containers by JulianR 2013, on Flickr


Now all I have to do is find a way to clip them onto a Konecranes Lifter   ......   and calm the nerves enough to hold the locking bars for the second container   ...

...............   Uummmm, now where is the Gin calming medicine bottle   ....     :bye:



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Ok guys, I have a new record, I managed to burn the side of my nose with a microflame :D


I love the dream box containers




Sod it Sean - you win :) (for now probably, knowing what a bunch of clumsies we all seem to be)...that MUST HAVE HURT!!!!!!

I'm probably best off without one of those, I'd likely burn the house down!

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Oh come on  ..................   give me a break, will you  .........      :dontknow:   .......


Very simple  ...   no really, very simple   .......  .....................     ............    honest  .......     :pardon:


A pair of Bachmann's 45 ft "Dream Box" containers   ...........................    see - I told you it was easy    ............


Opened the box and did manage to notice the 2 x small plastic packets which naturally drop from their location in the bottom [!] of the packaging   ........  [please note, all Clumsy Club members - the bottom, so they drop out quite naturally without any assistance from you!]


Each packet contains 4 x vertical door locking rods, complete with moulded handles, together with 2 x diamond shaped labeling plates. All of these had moulded pins for locating them in nicely placed holes in the doors and sides of the container. Very astute of me to notice all that, doing well so far then.


So, flushed with success, I thought it safe to cut open one of the packets and try them for fit  ..  

[notice how cunning I am getting since reading all the experiences here - just one packet cut open - expulsion may well yet be imminent ..   :O  ]


.....   salvation came in an instant as the contents were gently slid from the packet onto the desk, as one of the locks disappeared under the desk   ........   no problem, it was shiny silver and stood out well - after 2/3 minutes search  ......    picking it up was fun too, as they are thin and quite springy, but undeterred it was back on the desk in a few minutes flicking and searching again moments  ....  


So, to the business of checking they fit  ...    Naah, of course they don't and a short while later, equipped with magnifying headset, the 4 x offending holes were reamed  with a pin, in a Pin Drive, the 4 x offending locating pins with mushroom ends were also sorted with a mimi File and all test fitted    .......  with only a few marks on the thumbnail as evidence  ...


Now the brain was in overdrive, as I worked out that they had better be retained with some glue, or they would eventually become loose and lost   ....   [how am I doing so far? - I was feeling a lot less nervous by now, although "Confidence" wasn't really obvious by it's presence.] 


Glue - yes  ....    err-umm?    ......................   then whilst I was looking to see how tiny a spot of glue I would have to use, so as not to spoil the shiny locking bars   .........     :yahoo:    ....  the bottom panel of the container creaked, as I turned around   .....    push it again and "Eureka" - it was loose ...  a quick flick against the heel of the hand  ....   yes, out it fell and inside was just what I had hoped for. All those locating pins protruded into the inner space of the container. All that was needed now was a tiny drip of Rocket Plastic Glue, together with a little patience to let it dry before replacing the bottom of the container   ....     :dancer:    .....    There now, done  ..........


.....................    a little gentle blowing to aid evaporation and look at the outside to check how it was drying    .........................   Oh  ...   why did parts of the Locking bars have a tint of blue now?  The glue had been so thin, it ran all the way through the locating holes  ...    quick, kitchen paper  ....   dab - dab   ....   blimey, there is more seeped behind the bars too  ....   quick turn it over and dab at the inside of the door - blue streaks on the kitchen paper, turn the paper over and dab again  ...   more dabbing, more streaks  ....  take a corner and go along the bars, more blue on the paper   .....     .............        ...............

Eventually with more dabbing and more blowing, the paper remained reasonably clear of new blue patches   .......................     :swoon:  


..........    I "calmly" put the "Rocket" away and used "Revel Contacta Professional Mini", with the thin needle tip for the diamond plates on the sides.   ......................




Bachmann containers by JulianR 2013, on Flickr


Now all I have to do is find a way to clip them onto a Konecranes Lifter   ......   and calm the nerves enough to hold the locking bars for the second container   ...

...............   Uummmm, now where is the Gin calming medicine bottle   ....     :bye:

Please tell me that isn't the wife's glass top coffee table she has just picked up from Harrods..........

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Well not quite Harrods  ............................


Please tell me that isn't the wife's glass top coffee table she has just picked up from Harrods.......



.........................   but it did take her several months before deciding on that set of furniture  ............       :whistle:



.....................................     Oh deary me   .........................   that looks awfully like a claw hammer sitting on the table too    ........................... :nea:   .......   Naa, it'll be ok   .........   ......   ....

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Sod it Sean - you win :) (for now probably, knowing what a bunch of clumsies we all seem to be)...that MUST HAVE HURT!!!!!!

I'm probably best off without one of those, I'd likely burn the house down!


:xD: I agree, for now, I have the added bonus of Dyspraxia to play with, (ergo, my poor hand to eye coordination, along with a few other traits) Yet I still build kits and paint and weather for my living ;)


The Microflame is handy for big bits of etched brass or Nickle silver, and I like it or track building... :D



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Hi Sean,

Not knowing much about said House Burning Facilitator Microflame, I just Google'd it - and now I am not just lacking in knowledge, but totally confused too  ........  some of those things would weld ship sides together [and I don't mean model ships!]


Can you give us some more information about them   ................    I'm well house insured    ..............     :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi clumsy club members, I don't wish to alarm any of you, but it looks like our beloved Chairman is back from who knows where. His yacht must be in for a refurbishment or the bar needs restocking in the rolls. That means that our club subs are due again.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi clumsy club members, I don't wish to alarm any of you, but it looks like our beloved Chairman is back from who knows where. His yacht must be in for a refurbishment or the bar needs restocking in the rolls. That means that our club subs are due again.

Looks like I'll have to crank up the old banknote printing machine again. Will club members let me know what currency they require? I'm doing a special offer on white fivers or Stalin era roubles after a fishing expedition to an Alpine lake earlier this year.

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Hi Sean,

Not knowing much about said House Burning Facilitator Microflame, I just Google'd it - and now I am not just lacking in knowledge, but totally confused too  ........  some of those things would weld ship sides together [and I don't mean model ships!]


Can you give us some more information about them   ................    I'm well house insured    ..............     :mosking:


:xD: First with a microflame make sure your house insurance covers acts of arson Modeling ;)


I use a B&Q one, which was £22 quid, butane refill makes it a rather long lasting and cheep tool to run, I use it or anealing kits, soldering brass and Nickle silver, mine has a top temperature of 1200 degrees so aye, you could build a ship with one (mini riviting!) most have a control to set how big (feather) the flame, if you drop me a PM I will happily give you a the links and some more detailed info ;)



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  • RMweb Premium



Belgian Francs for me please.


Always liked the way you could spend them in Luxembourg too. That should keep the chairman happy; a universal currency he can spend in his tax haven house boat space castle liner thingy.



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  • RMweb Premium



Belgian Francs for me please.


Always liked the way you could spend them in Luxembourg too. That should keep the chairman happy; a universal currency he can spend in his tax haven house boat space castle liner thingy.



I'm afraid the Belgian francs are unavailable, unless you want 'Deutsch Reichsbank' overprinted on them. However this weeks special offer is Spanish peseta's complete with portrait of General Franco.

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I have been whiling away the time teaching my self to build etched brass kits. (see below....) Managed to sell a couple on, but not before loosing microscopic parts that need 10X magnification lenses just to cut from the fret!  :O

Now to the thorny issue of Impending subs......

I'm hoping to purchase a very nice 7mmm rebuilt Merchant Navy kit (Even though my 1st love will always be the Cromptons) if it is re-released Septemberish, so £ Sterling please in a nice brown envelope slid under the HQ door. (Preferably when the missus is out!!)





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  • RMweb Premium

Mr Chairman, Where is the HQ door this week? And why do I have to wait till Mrs SM42 is out to pay my subs?


I've managed to find some Luxembourg Francs so that's all I can offer at present.


The Sterling has all been converted to Zloty and has been exported to the Motherland by Mrs SM42 for some project she has on the go.


I don't know what the project is as it is on a need to know basis and I don't need to know.


Perhaps she is building an eastern clumsy club clubroom (or shoud that be  Klub Niezdarny wschod) in the Tatras. Not sure having a clubroom up a snow covered  mountain would be a good idea though.


Nice tank BTW. Can't see any chairman flesh attached to the sharp bits. Well done.



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  • RMweb Premium

A bit of crafty late night research has revealed Mrs Sm42's plans for a new eastern Klub room


Photo's a bit distant but best I could do in the circumstances.






PS don't tell anyone I know


edited: clumsy spelling again

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Subscriptions are due? Thank goodness mine is hard to collect! :jester:


My latest 'clumsy' moment proves why you never should do CAD work while sick:

1)Draw side skirts for plough.

2)Draw in angle of plough front

3)Draw sides in. Redraw angle of plough, as it looks wrong (<and there's the biggest mistake!)

4)Draw beading in. Wonder why it doesn't correctly line up, then redraw angle of plough.

5)Draw in side planks. Realise there is to many in the space. Redraw angle of plough to original angle. Take 5min break and come back in 1hr.


And before we have a breakout of guessing: NER 1909 wooden-framed snowplough.

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Just back from the letting agent, and purchased a lease on our new CLUMSY CLUB club house. Being fully portable, we can arrange meetings on a monthly basis to suit most members. :imsohappy: (Aussies have to make own arrangements!! :jester:





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Just back from the letting agent, and purchased a lease on our new CLUMSY CLUB club house. Being fully portable, we can arrange meetings on a monthly basis to suit most members. :imsohappy: (Aussies have to make own arrangements!! :jester:


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2014-06-30 at 14.21.41.png

I think your steel plough might just trump my wooden one....


Might have to invest in a Skype capability for the new clubhouse.

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