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St.Clemens- a fresh finescale start...! beachings axe?


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Good suggestion. .. is that what you use on penhallick?

Ill see what I can throw together. Saving room too always good.



Hi Jack


I did consider it but instead chose to use cassettes.


The only reason was that on both my previous layout,Deviock Dock & Penhallick Junction the fiddle yard is in effect a single line behind the backscene so cassetes seemed the only option if I was to have more than one train.

The whole of the length of the layout is scenic....

There is no extension to the ends of the layout for a baseboard to hold a fiddle yard.


Cheers Bill

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  • 5 weeks later...

Right...an update.

Not long till the exhibiton.

Ive got rid of the old platform and decided to kit bash it using peco concrete sides.


Ballested the 2nd baseboard and filled in the gaps between the track and gorse,


And ive been naughty got myself an EWS 37 lovely example!!

Not very 60's but who cares.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Big update now...im 99% complete (well as complete as railway modelling goes) the main station is finished apart from populating it with passengers and staff.

The front part of the station board needs a crane and cattle dock to finish.


The main station was fiddly and fustrating and after several trial and errors its done, using peco platform concrete sides and very fine sandpaper for the top. Then blended with glue and filla.

The fiddle yard is in progress just a case of screwing it all in place.

Not long until the show.

I'll post some pictures up when my laptop decides to work...


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More detailing work done and i have even scratchbuilt a coal bunker for 12ton wagons to be loaded.(instead of the crane)

Added facia signs...name of the layout and all that fancy stuff.


Think an over due running session is called for...rails will go rusty...!!!



Oh and i have a 1400 class on the way possibly an auto coach which isnt very 60's but think it will fit in nicely??

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Hi Reece, thanks for the kind comment.

Im glad you like it, the grass is woodland scenic field grass cut to size with sharp scissors and glued in place just using my fingertips, it can be titivated before the glue sets.


Didnt realise you had a Facebook page for Cornish model railways...i'll have a look now mate.




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Hi Jack, I have just caught up with your little masterpiece, I like the idea of the Halt, and the rugged scenery looks the part, your pics just had to have a load of LIKES as they deserved.


Please keep the pics coming



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Andy- thanks for all the 'likes' very kind comment too, never thought i would get there but its done (almost)


Bill. Cheers, hopefully the weather will be good too. Although a little cooler would be best. Better get the bottled water ready.




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After constructing a few 7mm scale wagon kits and pleased with the outcome ive decided to give 4mm kits a bash. Using 3 links should make a difference too.

Cant beleive they are half the price of RTR and quite pleasing to build.

I'll post up the progress as it happens



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After a wetherspoon's breakfast this morning i was energised to crack on with the layout.


Bit of flower arranging around the layout... made from cut staples flock and desired paint (red and purple today)

Then glued into place.

Also telegraph wires completed using white string later painted black which actually stiffened the string up.


Generally adding weeds and clutter around the 'yard'

Very pleased with the progress and apart from titivating bits and peices its done.


Only thing is i haven't got the courage to hack the backscene to make the fiddleyard enterance!!!

So im thinking a shuttle style running from terminus to halt. With either a BR green 121 or 14xx + autocoach. Or perhaps even a GWR railbus...


I'll post up the pictures...proof in the pudding i supose




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Hi Bill yes not long...disaster moment at work this evening looked at the rota for the 24th & 25th and said 2 x 14 hour shifts!! I thought it was my weekend off! Anyway holiday request in and im 100% certain it will get authorised.


Panic or what!...


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Right annual leave all booked. Works out 6 days off! Nice...hopefully have good weather.


Off to a little model constab' i know to get the final peices to the puzzle and i fancy getting new stock for the layout.


I'll post up some pictures and videos later.


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Only 5 sets of 3links to go.... making my fingers ache!!


Worth the effort though really pleased at how good they look compared to the standard NEM's.

Just need to make an uncoupling stick so i dont have to use my fat fingers :-)


Also need a black sheet to cover the underneath of the layout supports and i think i'm done...



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