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Laoson Valley - 1990's to modern day TMD, Oil Terminal & P-Way Yard


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Hi Sam,


I've got to agree about the TTS sound in the 37. I heard my first one today and I'm impressed. Yes it's not quite Legomanbiffo, but then it's a good few £'s cheaper than the ESU decoder anyway, plus you get a loco in the deal!!!


As for fitting lights, if there is no facility for lighting with the TTS decoder, you may be able to fit (hardwire in) a function only decoder, use the same address and just run the lights off it.


RHTT looking good as well


Jinty ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jinty


I lifted the lid on 97301. Looks like adding lights should be easy as the board the decoder plugs into has pads to solder additional wires onto. You can see the two discs/holes for the white & blue leads in the photo. Yellow and green are equally as accessible once the chip is unplugged




The TTS decoder manual implies F0 should control the front & rear lights.


I just need some time to have a play!

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Work in the RHTT's progresses albeit at a snails pace. Finished the orange cant rail, gave all the modules a spray of matt varnish and last night added some silver / yellow / red detailing. Apologies for the terrible photo quality - the lighting in my living room is rubbish!




They're slowly getting there!


Back to the layout. Before Christmas I bought two Lidl display cabinets and last weekend was the first chance I have had to fit them! 


The 97 banana looks rather lonely in there.....


Happy modelling!





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<Reply function doesn't seem to work with Internet Explorer 11>


Hi Leon - welcome aboard! I'm a huge fan of South Wales Freight!


Thanks Neil - No plans for any more  loco purchases at the moment. I need to concentrate on the layout and chipping / weathering / detailing the ones I have.  

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I'm pleased to finally say the RHTT wagons are officially finished! (well, for now anyway*)


This is the first bit of kit building I have ever attempted and if you look closely there are plenty of wonky transfers thin paint spots etc but all in all I'm really chuffed with how they've come out. It's only taken about three months.....


(* I will eventually get round to adding some more detailing - connecting pipes etc and some weathering....)







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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for the lack of updates - work, kids, holidays, life etc. have all got in the way of modelling recently. But I do finally have something worth sharing. I have working on a few detailing bits for the TMD area one of which is a portakabin.


It's a Knightwing kit to which I have added internal lights, a light above the door and some interior details.




I'm still getting to grips with my airbrush and my brush skills are terrible so the paint finish is a bit naff but hopefully a good weathering should mask that.






Next a couple of other detailing bits. Both laser cut card kits from Model Railway Scenery. I'm really impressed with these kits. The Pallets are simply glued together. The barriers are painted in Humbrol acrylics. 





And finally - I want to detail up the Hornby TTS 97 by adding lights, renumbering and weathering. Before attacking the 97 I thought I'd practice on a Lima 37. Step one is drilling out holes for the headlight and rear marker lights. The headlight will be a 2mm "tower" LED and the current plan is use 1mm fibre optics for the rear marker lights. When testing the headlight there was loads of light bled so I have painted the inside of the loco body and all of the LED (except the very top) in black. 




That brings you up to date!


Holiday next week so next update may be a while away.






Edited by sdw7300
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  • 2 weeks later...

Any new updates?? :senile: :locomotive:

Hi Neil.


Just returned from a week in the sun with the family so not done any modelling recently but did sneak a night in the garage in before we went away. Managed to fit lights & a decoder to a Lima 37. Photos to follow......

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As hinted at a couple of posts back I wanted to try adding lights to an old Lima 37. Mix two 2mm Tower white LED's, 4 yellow SMD LED's and two 5mm red LED's with fibre optic cable and a few hours later and the result is this:




The inside is not so pretty!


The tower led & SMD's have been stuck in place with hot glue. The fibre optic cables where pushed through the holes for the rear marker lights then touched with a soldering iron to make the ends "mushroom" slightly, and then pulled back tight against the body.



The two big black blobs are 5mm red LEDs connected to the fibre optic cable with hot glue and placed in heat shrink to minimise light bled.



The mini circuit board - a strip each for the blue green (not used) yellow and white leads from an 8 pin decoder. I have used a micro 4way connector (not shown in picture) to connect the body to the chassis so the body shell can be separated for maintenance etc. 


I have also wired an 8-pin decoder socket into the track feeds / motor feeds / 4-way lights connector so I can change the decoder at a later date should I wish.


Overall I'm really pleased. The practice means I should be a bit neater when I get round to adding lights to the Hornby TTS 97!



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Does the decoder dsliver 3v to the lights

Hi Gary


The voltage from the decoder is approx 12v so resistors are needed. In the penultimate photo in post 204 the blue wires all have resistors (covered by black heat shrink) where they join the stripboard.

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Sam that's usefull as I have a secondhand loco with lights wired to dcc chip but as I only run dc I need to rewire them and wasn't sure on output voltage. As there are no resistors it may well use 12 v LED lamps

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