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Laoson Valley - 1990's to modern day TMD, Oil Terminal & P-Way Yard


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Managed to sneak into the garage for a few minutes last night and as a result I'm very happy to report the TDA's are finished!




I tried a couple of different techniques for the weathering. Two of the wagons were painted all over in a very weak wash of Phoenix Frame Dirt & Roof Dirt which was then wiped off with cotton wool pads & buds. (Top right and top centre - I think!) The affect was a bit too streaky so I went over them the airbrush. The other three were mainly airbrush weathered - again Frame Dirt for the running gear and lower bodies and Roof Dirt for the tops. To tie the two shades in I used the same pot to mix the paint & thinners so the colour change was more gradual. This was followed by running a brush with just thinners vertically down the sides to give a hint of rain runs. The result is a bit of variation in the fleet.








The weathering has helped tie in the data panels - printed on self adhesive labels.


For a first attempt at weathering I'm quite pleased.


Any thoughts or comments gratefully received!







Edited by sdw7300
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Brilliant work Sam, those TDA's look the dogs danglies.

Nice to see 506 earning a crust after transfer too ;)


You'll be changing the liveries of locos in no time at all. Nice weathering too.

Thanks for the heads up on the Cappuchino frother, my old battery paint stirrer went for a burton the other week, and a replacement was looking expensive, I've now got one of those off Amazon for a touch more than £1, but happy none the less.


Jinty ;)

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Graham, Neil, David - Many thanks for your kind comments.


Right, I need a bit of advice in respect of locating point levers.


The premise of Laoson Valley is it is a TMD / P-Way yard / Oil terminal served by a single entry/exit line (running under the road bridge to the right of the layout - into point 1 on the below photo). As such it is un-signalled except for the single GPS protecting the entry/exit line and I'm assuming the points would all be operated by hand. So my question is, where would the point levers be located?



Focusing on the TMD end first, the plan is to put a fence around the TMD itself, following the edge of the "concrete" hard-standing. This would mean no room for point levers next to the points so either:

1) locate the point levers next to the points and dog-leg the fencing around the point levers (the blue boxes); or

2) locate the point levers for the three points together and run some point rodding to the individual point. I could add a walkway from the TMD yard over the TMD access track; or 

3) Some other suggest?



At the other end I think I can simply have a lever next to each point, unless anyone has any better suggestions?


Many thanks




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As per the point levers, there is an 'exact' science answer somewhere on this forum, and I think Mike (Stationmaster) might of had something to do with it, but I'll stand corrected.


One thing I can observe is that you've got a lever in the 6' way, where it would probably be better on the other side of the point, where the operator's risk is reduced.


Hopefully someone more educated on these matters will be along shortly to give you a better summary.


Jinty ;)

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As here:



attachicon.gifSams 01.jpg


attachicon.gifSams 02.jpg


Hope that helps


Jinty ;)


Thanks Jinty


Having had a quick PM exchange with Mike (Stationmaster) he agrees with your revisions. I had a closer look and I can just about shoehorn the point levers in next to the points without encroaching onto the hard standing so that's next on the "to-do" list.


In the meantime I have weathered Great Rocks 37688. She's an old Lima model which I've been treating as a practice loco (hence she has lights fitted). This has been weathered using and airbrush only. Phoenix frame dirt at the bottom, roof dirt on the roof & grills and some matt black around the exhaust. 




Overall I'm happy (ish) with how it came out but more importantly picked up a few pointers based on my mistakes:

 - Apply a dark wash (followed by wiping it off) to any recesses (grills, door surrounds etc) before starting with the airbrush - this should emphasise the shadows;

 - grip the body properly as when you pick it up in a hurry having dropped it you leave thumb prints on the side! (See last photo - I will correct this at some point); and

 - let the weathering dry completely (for a few days) before sealing with matt varnish - I didn't and hence the white sheen most visible over the Great Rocks name - doh!



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  • RMweb Gold

Layout update - At long last the electrics is finished!


Several more sessions with the soldering iron since my last update culinated last night in plugging the control box into the layout and, much to my surprise, it worked! 


At the risk of boring you all with more wiring photos i'll add just a final couple:



Inside of the top - red and black wires are for the LED's, orange & purple are for the point control push-to-make switches



To make the wiring neater I twisted sets of wires together - using the drill made this alot easier!



Final shot of it all wired up



The control box in it's new home (a drawer which can be shut away when not in use)


So what better way to check it all worked than get the latest impulse purchase out!




The livery is too modern for the original stated era of the layout but, well, it's red so I had to buy it!




37419 pulls out the fiddle yard with a rake of engineering wagons.


Now time to make a start on the scenics - this is where I step into the unknow as i've never done anything "scenicy" before.... wish me luck!





As one of our teaching ideas to encourage 'Its easy, don't be afraid, you can do it!'.  Looks promising so far and the twisty wire idea great so good luck to you.


Cheers, Peter BB

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Looks very impressive like the notes about finger prints and waiting for paint to dry have done this myself. Have you thought about changing the large coupling for a smaller one


Thanks Gary


Agree - those HUGE couplings are horrendous. The plan is to replace them with wire loops on the loco's - this also allows the buffer beam detailing to the added. So far only 97303 has had this treatment.



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  • 1 month later...



Apologies for the lack of updates recently. With my August work busy season out the way I have finally managed to spend some time on Laoson Valley.


This will be a "lots of little things" update so bear with me ;-)


Firstly I have added the point levers - thanks to Jinty & Stationmaster for their input:



We had some electrical work done at the house and the sparky decided to run two ring mains and a cooker circuit through my layout (I was away with work at the time). Thankfully it's not as bad as it sounds but I have had to do some remedial work on a buffer stop and the bridge hiding the exit curve (The new cables are running in the white conduit box behind the advertising hoarding. 




Along with a few others, I have subscribed to the Atlas Editions Stobart series and I had to have a play with the first three items:

This years "bus on a bridge" is the excavator on low loader on a bridge!



The low loader trailer extends so it could haul long loads 



Finally the latest arrival is the front loader (ignore the old coal wagon - it was the nearest one to hand!



The excavator, low loader and front loader need some weathering to tone down the rather garish finish.


Whilst I haven't been able to do much work on Laoson throughout August, I have been busy getting inspiration (stealing) others' ideas: 

One from Neil (class "66"). The exit curve off the layout is quite tight so I thought it would benefit from a greaser (needs weathering with a load of oil streaks!)



Another foot of ballasting has been done, this time borrowing Andrew P's idea for some oily pools (black gloss painted on some clear plastic. Once dry, glued down painted side down then ballast added around it).



Oulton TMD is probably the layout that got me back into model railways, from when I saw it at Sutton Coldfield show a few years back. I was very impressed and it was one of the reasons why I wanted to include a small fuel terminal in Laoson Valley. The write up in September BRM has triggered me to give some thought to the terminal area of my layout. Last night I posed some TEA's with various bits of pipework to get an idea of dimensions. 



A while spent searching the 'tinter web threw up some good photos of Westerleigh Oil Terminal which I will hope to model (albeit in a very condensed form). I'll keep you updated as the terminal takes shape.




<edited for those typos which you can only see once posted!>

Edited by sdw7300
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Modelmates oil brown weathering liquid give a very good representation of oil spills, it is very runny and can applied with a dropper. A couple of applications can add to the affect

Thanks Gary, will have a look for some of that.

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Happy Second Birthday to Laoson Valley!


Two years today I started this thread. Re-reading the first few posts, I was correct in predicting progress would be glacial! 


To celebrate I chipped a new addition last night -  37421 "Strombidae" in Triple Grey Petroleum Sector livery.



On shed, keeping 37428 "David Lloyd George" company.



In other news I have drawn up the Oil Terminal loading/unloading facility and ordered some more ABS girders and angle iron. The only problem is I might have to wait a few weeks for it to be delivered from China....


Hoping to pop into Lichfield Show on Saturday.




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The attached photo shows where the Modelmates oil brown weathering liquid has been applied to the concrete alongside the track I simply placed a few drops using a pipette, it is quite runny and will spread nicely.

I think I may have added a drop of water afterwards to help it spread.


It works well on wagons as well have used it on a couple of oil tankers and can post a couple of images if that would be of use




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The attached photo shows where the Modelmates oil brown weathering liquid has been applied to the concrete alongside the track I simply placed a few drops using a pipette, it is quite runny and will spread nicely.

I think I may have added a drop of water afterwards to help it spread.


It works well on wagons as well have used it on a couple of oil tankers and can post a couple of images if that would be of use


attachicon.gifOil Spills.jpg


Thanks Gary - that looks very convincing. Looks like there have been multiple spills - did you apply a bit, let it dry, then repeat? It's on my shopping list for Lichfield show on Saturday.


Please feel free to add a photo of an oil tanker wagon - I've got a few to weather so all inspiration is good.



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