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Jack's Present Day Workbench - Coaches of Many Colours

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So following a very enjoyable if tiring week in Austria, today I've been cracking on with the PFAs. Following the decks being glued on, the headstocks were attached today with some plastic weld, gluing the bufferbeam to the ends of the solebars. The rest of the coupling hooks were added in the same way (split pin) as the last one...



This now means I've got 4 at roughly the same stage, so we're half way there! On the painting front, I was thinking of spraying them spray can black, and I'll just have to carefully mask the wheels.


More soon,



Must finish my PFAs

Must finish my PFAs

Must finish my PFAs................

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Cheers Ali and yes I agree Mick...I think now I'm quite certain they'll be in a 'runnable' state I can say they'll hopefully appear on Newbryford (not Mick...PFAs could be the new fashion craze! :no:) at the Blackburn & East Lancs MRS annual exhibition on the 2nd and 3rd of September. Link to the thread here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/123639-blackburn-east-lancs-exhibition-sept-2nd3rd-2017/&do=findComment&comment=2752000


Well this evening I've done a bit more, and bar buffers the first 4 are now ready for painting. This entailed folding up the handbrake levers once the ladders had been cut off the etch, and mounting these separately. Also the Hazchem and data panels have been added, along with the small details underneath...maybe someone could enlighten me as to the function of the rectangular tube? Work will resume on the next 4 shortly, but I wanted at least 4 finished to show, although now I think all 8 will be ready to run if not finished...



More soon, although for the next couple of weeks I'm working with a sparkie all day so it's only the evenings that I get any time at the 'bench.


Happy modelling! :locomotive:


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  • 2 weeks later...



So a detour from bloomin' PFAs for a minute. For around three years now we've had a Eurostar set made of the train pack (4 vehicles) plus two extra trailer cars running around the club's test track. It is owned by a member but has effectily become property of the club due to the sheer time it's spent there (longer than at the owner's home!). Recently it had been running poorly and eventually ceased to operate on Monday, so after taking the body off and taking a step back after seeing the decoder install, I took it home to give it some much needed TLC.


To begin, the wheels were of the ancient Hornby/Lima type that are about double the profile of today's standard wheels. These were prized off their axles, leaving the gear on, and some 14mm Hornby coach wheels were slotted on in their place. They may be a tad overscale but they look good to me, and the running will be improved no end...


Next I looked inside and the reason why it stopped working was that one of the motor connections had become detached due to it being made of stiff single strand wire and not copper flex as is now common. This was rectified by making a new decoder harness from IC sockets (as seen previously in this thread) and wiring it all up with some proper flex from alarm cable, conveniently taken during a house rewire I've been on during work experience this week. Also taken were some lead offcuts from the roof fitters, and this was attached along with an existing ill fitting (rattled in the body!) piece, by gluing some spare sprue and plasticard on top to form a platform on which to mount the decoder...


That's that really, about an hour's work but hopefully years more life. Of note is that I've left the light leads with a socket so someone else can have a go at light fitting if they wish.


Now to PFAs. Tonight I masked the wheels off with trusty Blu Tack, and glued a small piece of plastic to the chassis to mount on a piece of wood, on the first completed PFA. This was sprayed with Hycote gloss black, and the finish is superb. The gloss is very slick and uniform and I don't think I've ever seen this finish with an airbrush. Mighty impressed!





They probably weren't this clean even new!

Finally a progress shot of all the PFAs, now the final four decks have been affixed:



Ta for now! :D


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More great work I see Jack.. :senile:


Hi Jack, the above post had some of the message missing? Should of said PFA's looking great, a couple of photos from this years DRS open day etc




Many thanks Neil and Steve, thanks for the photos Steve, I've got a fair collection myself because they were on show (the same wagons possibly??) at the open day there 2 years ago, and also there was one at the 2016 Crewe open day IIRC.


This evening my attention has been focused on Tighte End, an update on which can be found in the thread via the link on my signature, but here's a shot of the wall I've painted along with an ex-workbench project, 57309:



Projects are never really finished, and this is true of this loco, as I am just delving into the world of functions and CVs, and have a plan to have most of my locos with independent head, tail and cab lights, although this won't be cheap so will be phased in over time. This is just the very beginning of the idea, so don't expect any more on this for some time! :no:


Keep modelling! :senile:


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Today I thought I'd indulge in a spot of transfer application to calm the nerves pre-driving test. Luckily I passed, despite stalling, but doing some modelling before hand does help! :yes:


So, the HKA wagon I repainted has been sat on the shelf for some weeks now (4 months!), so I thought I'd get around to putting some transfers on it. I don't mind transfers as they're quite relaxing and enjoyable, but I don't like waiting to see whether the varnish messes them up.

The transfers are from Railtec, and are very finely printed, with very little carrier film around the big DB stickers and the numbers and codes. They went on a treat, although the two biggest ones (DB branding and wagon numbers) curled up when they were soaked, resulting in a small tear visible between the DB and Schenker. Humbrol gloss acrylic varnish was sprayed over the top, and this has sealed them in nicely. It took me about 1.5 hours to do one side and end, because I'm a perfectionist and all the little details had to be applied separately...









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Cheers Sam, Mick and Swifty for the congrats...I've not driven since because I can't find an insurance quote that isn't ridiculous...I know they all are but some of these cost more than the car! :O


Yesterday and today I've been working on a demo control panel for our current layout at the model club, to show how it'll be fully lit up. Some strips of LED strip lighting were wired up, two with the correct colour wires for the polarity (red/black to be connected to the constant supply and blue/yellow to the switched supply), and one strip wired with the wrong polarity colouring. The permanent strip was connected to the income supply (9.5 volt laptop power), with the two switched ones being connected along with two wires from a cobalt to the middle pole of a DPDT switch, which has been wired to change polarity.

It sounds complicated, but basically, when the switch is one way, one of the switched strips is on for the direction flicked, and the other is off because the polarity is wrong, and when the polarity is switched, vice versa. Hopefully pictures will explain better:




The camera doesn't show the difference between lit and not very well, but it is pronounced. The cover is a piece of clear plastic, first sprayed black with the lines masked, then with the masking removed, sprayed white all over, and turned over. This protects the paint as it's on the underside.


And now to PFAs. The middle third of the Oleo buffers were added on the next three, then a small amount of liquid super glue added, which seeped in and locked them in place. The brass parts were then cleaned and the wagons painted as per the previous one. This now means half are painted, and these will now be finished bar transfers so I have something to run at Blackburn...




Finally, I'm ready to paint the IKA container flats at last. On the second wagon, wheel splasher covers were added with yellow insulation tape. Rectangles were cut out, and small pieces of wire added to prevent a dip occurring...


The small plastic pieces were going to be the unused locking spigot holders, which are all over the deck, and would mean 56 for the two flats in total! That idea was duly binned....

The two flats were sprayed with primer to show any areas that need final sanding before the top coat:




Must say I'm impressed with them and I'll do a comparison to the original wagon when they're finished, but it's a huge improvement IMHO.


Thanks for now,

Jack. :senile:

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Many thanks for the likes folks! :)


Today I've had some time to do some modelling, so I began with the 'Megafret' pair. Following the last post, I've sanded down and addressed areas which were flagged up due to primer, and once I was happy, I fully primed the rest of the wagon and the areas that have received attention. The wagons are now ready for painting, so we'll see whether I chose the right colour!

Also I've sprayed the bogies black, as these were a bit ragged following their reworking and the addition of the couplings. These are now finished, and I've decided that when I finally assemble the wagon when it's finished, I'll add some elastic to the bogies to keep them straight when not placed down, as they are an absolute pig to put on the track due to the bogie guards.



And with a standard shed:



And now to the PFAs. Today the first two wagons had their buffers added properly, as on previous pics they've been placed in situ. I'm less than impressed with the Wizard/51L buffers, as the casing castings were of poor quality and the springs only just fit on the shaft, meaning they are effectively useless as the hole for the shaft would have to be such a tight fit, it would prevent it from operating properly.

Anyhow, some springs were found from the spares box, these being slightly smaller in diameter than the shank. At the back of the headstock, a small piece of plasticard with a hole for the shaft was glued on, taking absolute care to ensure the glue didn't seep into unwanted areas. Whilst fiddly, the final effect is a softly sprung buffer, and IMHO the effort is justified. Also some small squares of yellow insulation tape were glued on the axlebox covers, as I don't think I could achieve the required density of yellow with paint after painting...maybe a lesson for next time before I paint the other half of the batch. Below are some photos with a test coupling spacer, on 1st radius curves:



And straightened out:



Now I need to paint the white details, and I think transfers can wait until after Blackburn expo.


That's all for now, hopefully if the bank holiday weather isn't too shabby (lol!) I'll get the IKAs painted, but I do realise I've now just jinxed the weekend...apologies! :nono:


Happy modelling!


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Well what a lovely day! I've been on somewhat of a spraying frenzie today, and this started with the megafrets. I said about the colour in a previous post, because I thought it was too dark, and this was confirmed today. The colour isn't too bad in real life, however I'll get another, lighter can soon to redo it.




Just a note that I'm aiming for a bit darker than Dapol's wagon, but not as dark as currently.


Next I restarted the DB 66, as I realise I'd done the colours in the wrong order really, as I should've done the red first as this is the largest colour area and means the yellow panel can be masked for each coat:



And finally, the chassis of 977868 has been sprayed black. It needed no modifications, unlike 9701, so was just sprayed as it was. I've just started to look at the new wheels and how I'll fit them to the bogies, which has caused me to dismantle the bogies :no:



More soon,


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So yet another productive day today, although most work has gone on away from the workbench as I've be been buying wood for and making some legs for my layout 'Fordley', however I'll post an update once I've sprayed some track, as my rattle can ran out today. :no:


On the topic of workbench projects, 66152 is now in red. It received 3 coats, although only when I got it on the 'bench this evening did I realise I hadn't added the wingmirrors as seen on all ex-EWS 66s...


After this, I decided to pull out the handrails slightly as they're too flush to my eye. The donor chassis is from a GBRf example, and so the orange under the light clusters is wrong. I was just going to spray this and mask off, however I decided to strip the loco down, which was a bad move......

The loco was duly stripped down to the plastic solebar/bufferbeam, and the buffer heads and other details were removed. Whilst I was doing this, I eyed up a load of improvements I could make to the loco, and so I'm going to detail it as much as I can. The first few steps were to remove the extra lifting eyes above the buffer beam (as seen on pictures), and drill through the remaining one. Then I decided to flatten down the WIPAC light clusters as they looked bulky to me. Following this, the valance under the bufferbeam was added and extra glue applied to seal the joint, which will be sanded later


It looks like a 'shed' under overhaul at EMD Longport:


Other mods will include bogie heightening and chains/dampers made, extra pipes everywhere and lighting modifications. On a side note, this loco was purchased second hand, and the DCC chip was a Lenz 1014! It has 4 function outputs and I intend to use all of them....


Next I had a look at 60019. The roof grilles are elusive so I'll have to have one custom made or bodge one, I'm not sure which yet. The rest of the loco can be painted, so I set about detailing it. New A1 Railmatch air horns were added, one slightly set back more than the other. New lamp brackets were added from ViTrains spares, and chopped up to better represent the 'tug' brackets.


Then I spdiscovered I was missing 2 doors and the windows for them. With a set of new ones being over £10 on eBay, I decided to do some modelling! Some clear plasticard was cut to shape, and a mask for the window was added. These will both be glued open (i.e. inside the body), so the lack of door handles won't be noticeable. they're taped on top of the can because I need remember to spray them after the body has been painted white (undercoat).



Tomorrow I should be able to get hold of a lighter spray can for the megafrets and some other colours...watch this space! :blink:




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The last few days have been very productive due to the (mostly) nice weather and lots of free time. So to begin, the PFAs....


The first 4 are finally finished, only 12 hours before their first appearance on a layout! :P

To finish them, buffers were added to the last two wagons and axlebox yellow plates added as before, so all were now at the same stage. After discussions with Mr Yellow, his wagons feature hook and bar couplings on the inner wagons, so I've made a hook and a bar for either end of my rake, to slot in with his. Next I added three link couplings to the 3 wagons which need them...each wagon will receive 2 sets in due course when they're all (8) finished. This means that there will be 3 coupling sets on the rake...Kadees on the outer wagons, hook and bar on Mick's and three links on mine! :no:

And finally, the handbrake lever ends and step tops were painted white, and any areas I missed during painting, or parts (like two brass buffer outers which were squashed and therefore unusable) replaced were touched up in black...




The megafrets have received a coat of new paint, which this time is ever so slightly too light...I can't win!


66152 has been through many paint stages now, with the white for the warning panel, yellow for the warning panel, grey roof, and most recently grey lower bodyside band added in the last few days. All that remains is for the grilles to be painted black, and then I need to respray the cab sides once the new mirrors (once made) are added, and following me prising out the handrails slightly. The finish again is exceptional, with only the roof being matt because it was sprayed with primer:



And 60019 has been sprayed all over white and has had the warning panel added:



This weekend I'm at Blackburn running New Bryford with Mick & co., so do drop in if you can, it's an excellent exhibition with a real variety of layouts, traders and demonstrators. See you there! :yes:



Happy modelling :locomotive:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks Steve, it was great to meet up with you too.


A great show was had, during which I caught up with a few friends I hadn't seen for a while. New Bryford ran very well, and I came away with a few new toys locos and other bits to be looked at in due course, but with a much lighter wallet! Below I have attached a few photos taken at the weekend of some of the stock that has appeared on here...namely some PFAs and Megafrets, with a few locos too.







And now to some current workbench projects...due to a cheap Bachmann BDA donor I found, I've bought two more Cambrian kits and these are going to be turned into 3 more MXAs.


Tonight the plasticard has been cut...who says modelling isn't an art form?



The chassis on the Bachmann wagon has already been sorted, but I didn't take any piccies. :no:




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So after seeing 'Tornado' on the Border Raider tour today, I was inspired to get modelling.


I've set about sorting something which has been bugging me for a good while, and that is loco wheels. There seems to be no standard for them, with various profiles and all manner of shapes of discs. ViTrains models I think are particularly poorly modelled in this area, with the discs having a groove in them for no apparent reason. I have 4 47s and a sole 37 from them, so I set about sorting it.

Ultrascale wheels would be the ideal solution, however I don't have spare cash to do all 5 (£150+), so I thought about a solution. Bachmann's class 37 wheels (new variant) are slightly too large and represent a 3'8/9 disc, which is ideal for a 47 with 3'9 wheels. 37s have 3'7 discs, which scale to around 14.3mm. Thus, the solution was to replace one of my Bachmann new (21 pin DCC) 37s and my ViTrains 37 wheel sets with some 14mm coach wheels.

This was carried out by removing all the wheels from the axles, and the same number of 14mm wheels from their pin point axles. The Bachmann axles are a straight replacement, as both wheel sets are from the same company, but for the ViTrains sets I had to file down the grip on the axle and hammer the axles home. The Bachmann ex-37 wheels were added to the class 47 axles, and I now have correct size wheels on all of the involved models, and all look great. The 37 needed the pick up wires bending slightly, and the 47 will require the brake block mouldings trimming, as currently the brakes are on due to the larger wheels!

The new wheels were painted black, with white tyre slip marks to be added. About an hour and a half of work in all. I'll still need a couple of Ultrascale packs, but with 3 locos costing just £10.50 to convert (one pack of wheels), this has saved a considerable amount. Not the best shots below but a flavour of the work carried out:




And a comparison of ViTrains vs Bachmann wheels on the 47:


If anyone needs any 2mm pin point axles or ViTrains wheels, give me a shout!


And whilst the weather was nice, I sprayed the grilles black on 66152, including the roof grille, and also painted the bufferbeam white ready for the yellow top band:



Now, I've got a couple of 66s which I no longer require. The first is DRS 66407 by Bachmann, which has been weathered and had lighting modifications as detailed in this thread and in the pictures below. It is a great runner and is in good condition with a perfect box. I've also got a Hornby EWS 66042, which is as new and also a good runner in a good box. Both have all the paperwork and are DCC chipped, set to address 3. If you're interested or require any more info/pictures then please PM me...I'm offering them to modellers on here first, so if you're interested then make me an offer.









Happy modelling! :senile:


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This evening has seen another productive session at the 'bench...and some more work has been done on the control panel for the club layout. I've now started a thread for this, as linked below:




So back to personal projects. The wheel change spree I've been on continues, and I've now swapped the wheels on 37409 too. This now means I've two sets of ex-class 37 wheels, for 47787 and 47501 respectively. My Northern Belle pair will receive Ultrascale sets in due course...





Also today, 66152 has had the chassis sprayed yellow, and now all that remains is for black and then reassembly can begin:



And finally for now...the chassis bases for the MXAs have been cut from plasticard. I'll add some lead sheet over the bogies and some thick plasticard in the space between. The chassis solebards have been cut from the Cambrian frets along with the bufferbeams:



Just a last mention too of the DRS and EWS 66s and also a Virgin MK3 if anyone wants them...they'll be gone come the weekend.


Happy modelling! :locomotive:


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I totally agree with you on rtr wheelsets which is why I went down the em route. If it helps I've converted my Vi 47s with ultrascale 3ft9 diesel disc wheels.. much cheaper than their ready to drop in wheelsets.


I also lower the body on the Vi 47 which I think improves the look alot. The Vi 37 has a different problem that I've not yet solved... as with better wheels its ride height is ok but the bogie seems off centre compared to the wheels.


Keep up the good work!




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If it helps I've converted my Vi 47s with ultrascale 3ft9 diesel disc wheels.. much cheaper than their ready to drop in wheelsets.

I also lower the body on the Vi 47 which I think improves the look alot. The Vi 37 has a different problem that I've not yet solved... as with better wheels its ride height is ok but the bogie seems off centre compared to the wheels.

Cheers Will, I've lowered the ride height on all my Vi 47s too, by removing the pin that keeps the pickups in place and the bogie pivots on. Not quite sure what you mean by the 37 issue...I notice mine rocks from side to side quite a lot, which might be what you're eluding to.

I've found that the cheapest option is to use the economy Heljan 47 pack, which is slightly cheaper than the 3'9" single pack options, so I think I'll go this route.




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Sounds good to me. Interesting idea on removing the pin on the 47... will be quicker than my approach of filing off the lip on the pivot bearing plate thing.


My explanation was pretty rotten... looking at my Vi 37s I've noticed that the center of the wheel doesn't line up with the axle box, and overall I think the bogie side looks low leaving too large a gap between the bogie and the body. Something I plan to resolve one day. I've not had one that wobbles yet though.




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Ah I see, yeah mine suffers from this too, but I might redo the loco at some point as I'm not happy with the paint job or the transfers or the windows....


I'll have to rethink one of the bogie mouldings anyway because ham fisted me over here managed to snap off a piece of the under-axle casing, meaning when you pick the loco up, one of the wheelsets falls out! :no:


Also scratch the last post, because I totally forgot about my EWS 37406 and soon to be DRS 37607, so this now means I'll have enough wheels from Bachmann 37s to do my Vi 47s, and won't have to wait 8 months for Ultrascale wheels. This now means that all my 5 ViTrains locos have the correct size wheels that look much better, and all my 37s have the same type of correctly sized wheels too. All for roughly £32!




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