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Traeth Mawr -Painting Season, (mostly)


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Chris,

Just found your thread via the link on this mornings post in 'Lunester Lounge' - still finding my way around RMweb after quite a few months! Well impressed with the figures - I'm going to have to make convincing versions of my dad and the other drivers and shed engineering staff at Hurlford 67B and so I hope you don't mind me cribbing some of your ideas. I also liked the way you planned your layout, which by the way, is the stage mine is at so it will probably be next year before I can consider starting a thread! I can't work as fast as AndyP due to illness and I have to justify the expenditure to the chancellor aka Joanna the wife. I shall certainly continue to follow your thread with interest and thank you for the inspiration,

Kind regards,


PS Don't be surprised if a few 'likes' appear on older posts!



Thanks.  My thread will jump about as it is what I am doing at the time.  At the moment it is baseboard legs and painting soldiers.  To be fair there are many better figure painters than me on RMWeb, Jaz, (Arboretum Valley), Northern Maiden, Purple Primer to name only three who know how to make really small figures look realistic.  I can still paint fairly accurately I think even though now it means using my glasses, magnifying glass and light, unlike 20 years ago when I just needed a good room light.


There are lots of figures around for the 30s- 60s period as clothing on the railways did not change that much.  I have sprayed around links which you may have come across but I can post them here if you wish.


Now I am semi-retired I now have more time to look after the bills so my wife does not usually know what I spend but I have to keep it within reason.  However, this particular layout is being built as my son would like a layout for his children, (a girl of 4 and a son of nearly 2) to use so I can justify it.  The tension is to make something that is child friendly but also be able to build it to a good standard.


We all work at our own pace and have differing amounts of spare time.  Today's plan is, washing, washing up, clean the bathroom, drill holes in the legs and put the feet on.


Thanks for looking and I am glad that you have enjoyed it so far.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today the legs.  All twelve measured to find the middle of the end.  Hole started with a twist gimlet, (looks like I know what I am talking about but I just googled bradawl and found out that what I used was not one), pilot hole and then full hole.  I really should have used a tower drill but I do not have one so I made do.



Twelve marks,

Twelve twists,

Twelve small holes,

Twelve large holes,

Eleven screw threads,




Yes I counted the feet when they arrived but not the threads that hold them.  I have emailed the company and as the photographer said in his darkroom, we await developments.


Exciting pictures of legs with feet when I get the replacement.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

If it seems like nothing has happened on the layout for a couple of weeks or three then it is because nothing has.  We have been away in (very) sunny Cornwall for nearly to weeks and Grandparent and other duties have meant little modelling time.


I did take some figures away to do some work on but realised that there was not enough light to see properly so I did very little.  I also had a look at the plan and had more thoughts about hills and wot not and was going to post my thoughts but they did not amount to much so I did not.


On the positive side I contacted the suppliers of the adjustable feet and they have sent through the missing mount.


I have also marked up on the leftover ply spacers for the legs.  These will need to be cut out and today I borrowed a power saw from my son to do this.  So next week I may just get a fair way finishing off the legs, and after which it will be buying track!  :yes:


Off now to paint some soldiers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Glad you enjoyed the sunshine in Cornwall - please bring it back..



Ah, sorry.  I think I must have packed it in the back of the car by mistake.  I will send it back as soon as I can, we need some more rain.

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  • RMweb Gold


You haven't taken it all as I stupidly got burnt yesterday in Porthleven yesterday - what a twit at my age! Look forward to images soon.

Kin regards,




We walked to Porthleven from St Agnes when we were there.  Have a good time.


I never use sun cream, never have, (yes I know, I know), but my nose became so red my wife kept on covering it with cream.

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If your going for child friendly...the white metal ones might not be safe if they eat them...but your covering them in decent paints.....and you want t ovoid the little pegs for standing them up 'cos they will get broken.....

I still think they can be better than the plastic one stat can be chewed!!!!!!!


also make parts of the layout replaceable.....because accidents can and do happen.


We walked to Porthleven from St Agnes when we were there.  Have a good time.


I never use sun cream, never have, (yes I know, I know), but my nose became so red my wife kept on covering it with cream.

if you couldn't be bother with sun cream no way would i give you the cream off my cream scone.......she's mad or she loves you :jester:  :jester:  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Porthleven to St Agnes ?


Porthleven is south of Helston and a good couple of days ( at least) walk.


Portreath or probably Perranporth might be where you meant. There are lots of similar sounding places - I still get mixed up !

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  • RMweb Gold

Porthleven to St Agnes ?


Porthleven is south of Helston and a good couple of days ( at least) walk.


Portreath or probably Perranporth might be where you meant. There are lots of similar sounding places - I still get mixed up !



Oops, Perranporth is where I meant.  (Can't find the embarrassed smiley)


We did go to Helston and went to Nettles Fish & Chip place.  I was one of the few places where we found real Cornish people.  There were four old men in there, well older than me, three of whom were locals.  It was like a Cornish 'Last of the Summer Wine.'  The food was excellent for the price.

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  • RMweb Gold

If your going for child friendly...the white metal ones might not be safe if they eat them...but your covering them in decent paints.....and you want t ovoid the little pegs for standing them up 'cos they will get broken.....

I still think they can be better than the plastic one stat can be chewed!!!!!!!


also make parts of the layout replaceable.....because accidents can and do happen.

if you couldn't be bother with sun cream no way would i give you the cream off my cream scone.......she's mad or she loves you :jester:  :jester:  :jester:



The theory is that they will play with it with me as they get older.  Most of the scenery, soldiers, people, structures will be removable for transport/packing away and as they get bigger  can put more out when it is used.  When I am at home I once the railway room is cleared then when I run it, everything will be on it.


I cannot complain as it was my eldest asking me to build it and make it transportable has meant I have started and there is an imperative to do it.  My wife is quite supportive but when push comes to shove if it is for the grand children...... ;)  


Cream, I meant her sun cream.  I am sure she would not waste any of her ream from a cream tea on my nose. :yes:


Hopefully I will have some legs by the end of the week, if not all of them. :yes:

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Evening folks,

Thought I'd report that the sun looks like staying with us all week - I promise not to take it away when I return to Essex via a stop-over in Somerset at the weekend. Look forward to some pics when you get back to the modelling Chris!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Agreed in your own time, a pictorial update would lovely. Meantime the banter is fun... :sungum:



Yes, when I have some legs!  :jester:


Actually, nearly finished the soldiers so there will,(hopefully) be a picture soon.  I could spend ages just touching a bit of paint here, improving that bit- the bugler is in trouble as he has not polished his boots!  The colours are another project which if I had thought about it I could have done while away.  I shall have to keep them safe until I am satisfied and then varnish each one when they are ready.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear you're legless Chris, but if you will go drinking Cornish beer, what do you expect?


Just though I'd pop in and see how you're getting on, agree with Jaz that some pics would be great :)


Cheers mate,



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Looks nice Chris, I think it's good to see I'm not the only one building a Ratio station building and without a roof.
I quite like your victorians.

Cheers, Reece

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  • RMweb Gold

Was it the 'Spingo' in Helston Chris, or the St.Austell 'Tribute'? I was on the 'Rattler' local cider today - liquid anaesthetic!

Kind regards,




Stayed off the Tribute this time, mainly to try out other stuff like 'Proper Job'.  I stuck with the lower alcohol content as I was driving. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks nice Chris, I think it's good to see I'm not the only one building a Ratio station building and without a roof.

I quite like your victorians.


Cheers, Reece


Thanks Reece,

The station was started a couple of years ago for the narrow gauge layout which has not been started so that it why it is not progressing. The station for this will have to be scratch built as it is Cambrian.  Not the most exciting station buildings on the coast line but they should be fairly simple with added interest from the station masters house.

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  • RMweb Gold

Right so here goes.  Here are the pictures of the Welsh Fusiliers with Colour Sergeant Kal and his wife Jaz.  I have not done much else on the modelling bench for weeks, and to be honest looking at these pictures may do some more work on them before I finally varnish them but I shall do them as I do other things so I am posting them not because they look wonderful or that I am completely happy with them, more that I am moving on, although not quite sure what to yet.


The whole parade



Of course as I edited it I realised Jaz is out of focus, being too clever that was the trouble.




Still a bit out of focus.  Now in case you have wondered I have already pm'd Jaz with a picture of the figure.  (You do not think that I would put up a model of someone who knows how to paint and understands colour without getting their approval first do you?)  Jaz suggested that I highlighted some folds with a pale grey wash.  I tried and it was a disaster although there may still be a trace of it.




The other side




More of the parade close up.  I am not posting the front three as the bugler is out of focus. (My camera is completely adjustable apart from the focus)


You will note that some sergeants have gold stripes the others are lance sergeants and their stripes are white.




This is just to show that Kal really is a colour sergeant.  The gold dot above the stripes should be a red and gold crown- no not in 4mm.




Another of Kal & Jaz.  It was suggested brown 'pork chops' with an orange tinge.  I tried using a yellow ochre gauche, a type of paint that I had never used before.  Again nearly a disaster but it has worked, but not in this picture I think.  Oh well.




One young officer who is not really sure what to do with a rifle and two musicians who are carrying them for someone else.




Here are the four Sergeants.  The one second from the right I tried to give his beard a grey wash.  Oh dear.  He will get his face repainted as will the others.




The final three.  There is not a good picture of the horse which I am still working on, and have forgotten to paint the brass on its harness.  Also trying to work out what would be the best colour for the hooves.


The colours are as accurate as possible although I think the trousers could be darker and I am sure none would past muster on a wargames forum.


Thanks for looking,




Edited by ChrisN
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  • RMweb Gold


Thank you.


They have taken a lot of time and effort, and I have just realised that the Welsh Fusiliers, officers and maybe the colour sergeant had little black tongues on their backs, still do though all of them have it now.  (Regimental Tradition, I'll put a link up if anyone is interested.)


I will try and improve some as I go.  My feeling is that if they were in South Africa, where this lot were meant to be, I would be quite happy as they have that careworn look.  Perhaps they have just come back, I will have to ask Viscount Dydreath, (the bloke on the horse.)

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