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Dapol N Gauge ideas 2014/15?


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A list of missing in action products coming from Dapol. Rather than the usual wish list for a new un mentioned 2014 or 2015 Dapol catalog I thought I'd start an annoying n gauge only list of ideas for Dapol based on models promised and not delivered yet.


So starter for 10

Battle Of Britain/west countries

Britannia I think firth of Clyde plus another never came

Schools class

manors with New tender

Modified Hall


Over to you all! Yes I know they are consolidating. As I started this I'll suggest one suggested New item each. Mine would be an improved chassis for the prairie.


Sorry mods but if you don't like it lock it.



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  • RMweb Gold

The BOB & West Countries were about to be tooled last year but were held back for reasons unspecified. I've read elsewhere that some changes have been made to the CADs and production should start "soon". The last set of CAD images Dave posted here before he left looked pretty much spot on so a little anxious about this one considering we haven't seen the changes they have made and it's a fairly key type for my current project.


Dapol also posted some updated CAD images of the Schools on their site a couple of months ago and stated production should be starting fairly soon so it seems there is some movement forward on certain projects.



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  • RMweb Premium

I suspect that we shall see the Schools, Manors and the Granges this year. I would guess that the BOB's and WC's will be in 2015 (I would like to be wrong about this part however). 

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  • RMweb Gold

Thinking about it, to add to the list:


Class 50

Class 59

Class 142

Class 33 (body test shots seen)


Various wagons (JNA, IOA, MJA & HIA)


I could be wrong but wasn't there also mention of colour light signals and lattice semaphores?


Someone has their work cut out!!



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  • RMweb Gold

I think the 33 is nearly ready, along with the Maunsells and some of the NR wagons. Not sure what else we will see in N this year but I would be most disappointed if the 50 and Bulleid Pacifics don't appear, as the CAD was looking pretty close to completion.


Dapol are a lot less forthcoming these days but I'm sure an update for their expectant potential customers wouldn't go amiss.

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There are a number of 9F's in the catalogue from 2011 (I think) such as ND090S which have not been produced. These still feature on the Hattons website & I will purchase this model if it ever appears. Same with the unpowered Class 27 which I will also buy. I would also like them to produce any one of the Britannia's that was allocated to Trafford Park in the early 60's.



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Reading between lines of reports and announcements I got the impression that the BR1B tender for the 9F and Scottish Britannias wasn't going to be viable as a stand alone project.  That leads me to SUSPECT (note I have no evidence beyond suspicion) that a BR 5MT might have been thought of to go with it.


As we know, Farish announced one of those.......   


Just my suspicious nature I suppose, though maybe a 4MT 4-6-0 might be somewhere in the Dapol plans? 


All the very best


(who would still like a Consett 9F but will probably have to wait a long time)

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Reading between lines of reports and announcements I got the impression that the BR1B tender for the 9F and Scottish Britannias wasn't going to be viable as a stand alone project.  That leads me to SUSPECT (note I have no evidence beyond suspicion) that a BR 5MT might have been thought of to go with it.


As we know, Farish announced one of those.......   


Just my suspicious nature I suppose, though maybe a 4MT 4-6-0 might be somewhere in the Dapol plans? 


All the very best


(who would still like a Consett 9F but will probably have to wait a long time)

Hi Les


The 4MT is logical enough and as it never available RTR.


That said I wonder if Dapol might want to steer clear of things in Bachmann's 00 range.


I personally think we will see little not already announced. The Grange I feel may be a 2015 release anyway as we haven't even seen CADs yet have we?


I think it likely it will be 2015 before anything further is announced and then nothing like the volume of models we have been used to seeing. I suspect diversification into 0 Gauge may well be diverting some of their attention.


When the next model is announced I'd not be surprised if it were a GW Mogul.





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I know dave said the class 86 wasnt a great seller or mike at c&m but its here the tooling is available....a good match for their own mk3s and farish mk2f's would be some new executive and blue liveries.


Wonder if Dapol tooled up for non flexicoil bogies and bodies?????

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Wonder if Dapol tooled up for non flexicoil bogies and bodies?????

I don't think they did, but there's minimal incursion of the flexicoils of the bogie onto the body that I think they could get by with just tooling up the original bogies and leave sorting the small cutout as something for the modeller to do.

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When the next model is announced I'd not be surprised if it were a GW Mogul.



That was my though too.  IIRC Ixion had originally planned a mogul as its next N gauge model, but that was before they changed tack and the Manor ended up with Dapol.  Who knows how far that project had got by then and whether it has been pursued since though.

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  • RMweb Premium

They could upgrade the 9F chassis to a tungsten split frame type with all metal wheels.


Otherwise I think they'll bring out a Modified Hall and/or shrink their planned OO class 29 diesel to N.

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  • RMweb Gold

Speaking to the chap on the Dapol stand today at AP, the BoB and West Country are now in the tooling room and they hope to have them out later this year. The Schools will be first however.



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  • RMweb Gold

I spoke to Dapol on their stand today, and asked if they'd like to do an Electrostar or three. They did not seem overly enthusiastic about that, in spite of the obvious advantages.


So I asked them about a class 116. "It's all very well doing single-car high-density suburban units; what about a three-car unit?" I asked. They thought for a while, then said that that sounded like a good idea, and they would go away and think about it. "Watch this space," they said.

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I spoke to Dapol on their stand today, and asked if they'd like to do an Electrostar or three. They did not seem overly enthusiastic about that, in spite of the obvious advantages.So I asked them about a class 116. "It's all very well doing single-car high-density suburban units; what about a three-car unit?" I asked. They thought for a while, then said that that sounded like a good idea, and they would go away and think about it. "Watch this space," they said.

Well if it helps, I know that they have laser scanned a 117 unit!

Remember you read it here first!




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