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Sheffield Exchange, Toy trains, music and fun!

Clive Mortimore

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  • RMweb Premium

Tonight I was going to ask a question regarding the placement of the ash pit in the steam loco sidings.



Where the class 4 4-6-0 tender lines up is where I am going to place the LNER type coaler, like the one I built for Brisbane Road.



My question was can I place the ash pit in front of it, well looking through my steam loco shed books I found photos of coalers at Kings Cross Bottom Shed and Hatfield with the ash pit in front so tonight I installed the pit.



So the diesel depot wouldn't get jealous I also installed the hard standing for the fuel point.



Cor blimey the photo of the coaler was taken 5 years ago and the Brush 4s are still waiting to be finished. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Is it going to be a full blown shed with all the facilities, or a stabling/signing on point? Looking at the space available I would surmise the latter to be more practical and realistic and therefore you wouldn't need the ash pits.



Hi Mike


Fires would need raking between duties. It is only going to have basic facilities, coal, water, ash pit, and mess for the crews.

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Hi Mike


Fires would need raking between duties. It is only going to have basic facilities, coal, water, ash pit, and mess for the crews.


If I can throw my two penn'rth in having had the job of clearing the ash pit at the Bluebell railway ,  you might want to think about what happens to the ash when raked from the locos and how it would be got rid of in the space available.  Depending on which locos you are using, in the older ones without rocking grates the fire would have to be taken out through the firebox door and dumped beside the track, not in the pit. so you need space for this and somewhere for it to be taken in wheelbarrows and disposed of. I have looked at some photos of the old stabling point at Liverpool St but goodness knows what they did with the ash in the limited space available, although Elf 'n' Sayftie hadnt been invented then. You would presumably need space for some ash wagons though, and an interesting shunting manoeuvre to bring fresh coal in and remove the ash. That would add to the interest .


There is a website called Tracks through Grantham  that might add a little piece to the idea , if you haven't  already seen it.


I cant find any pictures of Shoeburyness loco yard but it had a massive coaling tower and might help with the arrangement if you can find any.

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  • RMweb Premium

I thought I would google "LNER Stothert & Pitt coaler". After reading the info on LNER Encyclopedia website I done an image search, only one photo of what I was looking for appeared, my photo of the one I built for Brisbane Road. Thanks Goggle. I refined the search and some nice photos of Paul Goldsmith's model appeared form his thread on this very forum.

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  • RMweb Premium

If I can throw my two penn'rth in having had the job of clearing the ash pit at the Bluebell railway ,  you might want to think about what happens to the ash when raked from the locos and how it would be got rid of in the space available.  Depending on which locos you are using, in the older ones without rocking grates the fire would have to be taken out through the firebox door and dumped beside the track, not in the pit. so you need space for this and somewhere for it to be taken in wheelbarrows and disposed of. I have looked at some photos of the old stabling point at Liverpool St but goodness knows what they did with the ash in the limited space available, although Elf 'n' Sayftie hadnt been invented then. You would presumably need space for some ash wagons though, and an interesting shunting manoeuvre to bring fresh coal in and remove the ash. That would add to the interest .


There is a website called Tracks through Grantham  that might add a little piece to the idea , if you haven't  already seen it.


I cant find any pictures of Shoeburyness loco yard but it had a massive coaling tower and might help with the arrangement if you can find any.

Hi Jazzer


Most the loco types will be more modern ones as they were the last to survive in service, so would have rocking grates. I do like the idea of piles of ash waiting to be put in wheel barrows appealing.


I am modelling a LNER coal hoist, partly because they are quite compact and the steam yard is the old GNR/LNER loco yard. The other reason I enjoyed building the one for Brisbane Road, I am looking forward to making another one.

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  • RMweb Premium

A very quick review of what has happened in a year at Sheffield Exchange.


Well quite a lot. A year ago and 102 pages of waffle I was constructing the baseboard supports.


By 9th January I treated you all to a trip along the paper railway.



Tracklaying started soon afterwards.



I was able to report trains were running by April.


Progress since then has been slowish mainly due to the layout being fun to operate. This morning I was running trains.


I think for the size of layout and the progress I have made and the enjoyment I have had from it I can say this year with Sheffield Exchange has been a successful one.


Happy New Year everyone.




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  • RMweb Premium

Could you spell that phonetically for us please Clive?...

This new years resolution is to learn Icelandic, I am not sure they are singing "How lovely you are Clive" in every song.


Unlike these ladies are in Japanese. :sungum: :sungum:


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  • RMweb Premium

Ok where have I put my Brisbane Road information folder? It has a lovely side on photo of the Kings Cross coaler which I scaled to 4mm.


Off to reinvent the wheel and do another drawing of a LNER Stothert & Pitt coaler.

:yahoo: :yahoo: Found it !!!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

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  • RMweb Premium

I had planned on doing some modelling today but that hasn't happened. I am in the middle of driving trains for fun. I ran my incomplete MTK Peak and Class 40 earlier on. I came to my senses and I am now running DMUs, a nice six car formation of 2 x  two car Met Cam units with a Gloucester set on the back going off to Leeds and a 105 and 101 heading off to Halifax. 


The dogs are saying "Come on matey it is time for our walk".

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  • RMweb Premium

I have just voted on the "British Railway Modelling Awards". When it came to voting for an item of RTR,  I hadn't realised that I hadn't brought any new RTR last year. Mainly because there was bu88er all that appealed to me. Layout choices were quite poor in my opinion but I suppose they can only put forward those that are nominated.


Well I tried my best to vote where I could with the knowledge I have.


This is a lovely song

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I had to drive the fam home from a few days in Lyme Regis.  Fortunately we are not stuck in the monster jam on the M5, managed to get ahead of it.  Still took the best part of six hours including a couple of stops at rellys and the wonderful Gloucester Services.


However, it's back to work tomorrow and then NYC on Friday, with a 3am start... modelling will have to wait a little while longer.  


I did buy some goodies from Buffers in Axminster that I am looking forward to swearing at soon.

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  • RMweb Premium

There are protest at Sheffield Exchange today. With the 3.1% increase in passenger fares the locals are revolting.


Along with the price rise they are complaining about the lack of platforms and having to struggle to get inside the coaches. The total lack of any sensible timetable.


One thing they are totally in disagreement with the secretary of state for transport is the issue of the price increase is due to the railmens wages. Have you ever seen a driver in any of the trains on Sheffield Exchange? 

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  • RMweb Premium

I had to drive the fam home from a few days in Lyme Regis.  Fortunately we are not stuck in the monster jam on the M5, managed to get ahead of it.  Still took the best part of six hours including a couple of stops at rellys and the wonderful Gloucester Services.


However, it's back to work tomorrow and then NYC on Friday, with a 3am start... modelling will have to wait a little while longer.  


I did buy some goodies from Buffers in Axminster that I am looking forward to swearing at soon.

Hi Doc


Enjoy New York, but I bet it is for work.


What did Buffers give you in exchange for hard earned toy train tokens?

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  • RMweb Premium

Modeling is a balence between building and playing . Well it would be if I had space to really play trains. Hence the main focus on building for me. The time will come for playing.




So when does your wife intend to buy a ranch so you can have the barn for your train set?

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