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I live just up the road from the Darlington ones - that is what got me thinking, although mine are based on the Goathland ones, mainly because I couldn't work out which bits of the Darlington ones were original. Thanks for the info, though, and I am sure you are right about exhibitions!

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Today, I haz mostly been painting stonework and stone setts on roads. I am so glad the model is small.


So here we have Gainford Spa station at night


Also views across the front, now the retaining wall is fitted 





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Stonework and roads all made the same way, drawn with ballpoint pen on foamboard, then painted. The vertical stonework has the courses redrawn after the base coat, using a white pen. Then individual stones picked out, plus a few washes to tone stuff down.


The pavements and roads are painted dark grey, then dry brushed with lighter tones


pictures should show how!  the roads are also attacked prior to painting with my nails, ends of brushes and all sorts, to make it all seem worn, and some stones are rubber down with the blunt end of a pencil to make them lower.




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A little more work! some signage painted on the café. When you look at photographs (or drawings / etchings when making 1860s stuff) there seem to be painted adverts all over them. The sausage and mash adverts are taken from a photo of a pub in Nottingham, I think. The bakery one is all my own work, to fit the needs of the current owners. the pencil lines will be painted out!


oh, notice the tiles, too? finally the shop, hotel and goods shed have proper roofs, although no guttering or similar as yet. yays :)


A small coaling stage is  next, I think, to be placed on the front track, just shy of the coal drops. not sure how it will change the look of the layout though. it may also have the water tower / facilities. is there always a water tower with a coaling stage? I know it makes sense, but hey :)




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  • RMweb Gold



Great to see progress on Gainford. 


All I can say is wow. Gainford is looking fantastic! I love the signwriting on the tea shop - very good. 


I'm think I'm going to give up now as I'll never achieve this standard!



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Thank you all, very generous.


Neil, don't be daft, I have seen pictures of some of your work, it is great! the camera is just being very forgiving with mine :)


switcher - thank you - might have them on different tracks then, cant decide yet.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Andy - I really need to give myself a kick up the rear and get on and actually finish something! (That and actually pick an idea and stick to it as well...)


How did you get on with the wagon kits I sent you?



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Hi Neil


Picking an idea has always been my problem! well, the sticking to it part! I have 3 other small 7mm scale stations waiting for a home already, and a signalbox for a 4th. plus the 2mm stations, the 16mm one, the t-gauge one .... and so it goes. I like building structures, but don't generally see a whole railway through,


haven't got round to the truck yet, how about you?



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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see it's not just me Andy...


I've built a version of each of the wagons I sent you, but haven't got around to fitting running gear to any of them yet though. Hoping to be able to get some bits this weekend so fingers crossed I might (he says hopefully!) be able to actually make some progress on one project. (Need to actually make a start on the piano tank you sent me as well)



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Isn't it amazing how long finishing details can take, especially when you are putting them off?


The café and hotel now have finished roof, guttering, downpipes and chimneys. Actually they do give the pair a much neater appearance, and somehow more satisfying. The hotel also has a lit and furnished bedroom, and a dimly lit entrance porch - seeing as it is clearly only a side entrance.


Hope you enjoy!


The next stage is to look at the other end of the layout - not really sure what to do - warehouse? factory? houses? town hall?




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  • RMweb Gold

Brilliant buildings, so much character! The painted signs are really well observed, I think, haven't seen that modelled before. I'm going to have a look in the kitchen - am feeling peckish now!  :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks fantastic Andy! 

At the other end I think you want something that won't dominate maybe as the station building is quite imposing - perhaps a row of low relief terraced house fronts? Having said that I could see a big mill standing tall at the left end with lots of windows...



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Okay, whilst prevaricating about the station end of the layout, we now have the first of several dumb buffered waggons needed. This is a pastiche of several very short waggons, just to see how it works. The answer is, why was I putting it off? It is easier than a normal waggon, as I don't have to make buffers. Well, duh :)


Usual details - only the wheels and bearings bought. Card and peco track pins for the rest. Track pins for the bolts.


The closest similar is the West Somerset Railway wagons, but I wanted slightly taller, and with dumb buffers both ends. On a teeny tiny layout like mine, the short wheelbase is a definite plus - 35 mm or about 5' in real money. Downside is it can snake about on the track, due to the gauge of the wheels!


The next will be a little longer, and wider than the chassis, too, probably with the curved ends that seem so typical. If I can find a suitably sexy prototype, then I would prefer that, as it actually seems harder to make it up, and stay authentic looking. There is also a need for a lime waggon - no pictures of old enough ones as yet - maybe a tanker of some sort - early ICI one would be nice - and a van or 2.


Not sure on couplings yet. want to stay 3 link, but that makes coupling very slow, and shunting a little painful. Maybe I will just have to improve my skills!


No drawings / parts available for the one, as the cutter was only involved in the cutting out of the w irons / axle boxes - which are all card and superglue, and, I think, stronger than plastic. Certainly cheaper, at 12 on a sheet of A4 card...




P.S. the strange beams at the end that extend below the buffer beam are buffers too - the right height for the chaldron waggons, which had inside frames. Apparently the beams were also useful for inclines, to attach the rope to, so continued to be fitted, even after the chaldron waggons had disappeared from the mainlines.







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  • 1 month later...

Hi again folks


just to show some progress has been made :


another dumb buffered waggon, and a box chauldron waggon. The second is from some pictures on the Beamish website. The prototype looks great and I thought it might be a little easier than the traditional shape. Big mistake - quite complex outside, same hopper shape inside - actually twice the work. Oh well, I like how it looks, though. Still needs painting and brake gear, but the advantage of using the cutter shows, as I can make it in black in the first place.


Hope we like... all has slowed down, now that I am back to work!





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  • 1 month later...

Baby steps, now that I am back at work, but here is the next development...


In the interest of keeping everything on the model finished in a similar style, probably more a 3D painting than a technical model or photo-realistic model, I have started work on the painted backscene. The first element is the row of buildings to go behind the station and the yard wall. It is amazing how suddenly enclosed and busy the scene feels now. It does mean that the beam engine house that I was going to put near the coal drops feels a bit unlikely, so I will save the walls I have made for that in case I ever build the colliery extension.


Should you care  :no: , the town so far comprises: extreme left - the railway ticket office (Old S&DR, and now knocked down); Yarm town hall (with links to the opening of the S&DR) and 2 random buildings that just let me have another painted wall advert, again made up.


If you can read it ... Firth's Mild and Young's Bitter? Well, my wife's maiden name is Firth, my name is Young... seemed rude to write it the other way round! :nono:





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What a fabulous layout you have Andy, I am in complete  :O  and found Gainford Very inspiring and will follow your future blogs with keen eyes and Much interest.


Can I just ask what inspired/made you choose to model in card and how did you get started in your card modelling?.


I myself have always dreamed of owning a small southern region O gauge light railway, but being a family man with a restricted budget (as like most) .. its just not possible. But now after finding this great blog and you sharing your great ideas, not only of building model buildings from card .. but locomotives, wagons and coaches, just Awesome.


Maybe, just maybe my dream is not so far away, thanks to you.


Kind regards Dan :imsohappy:

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