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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Up to 212 pledges this evening, so good to see things picking up again!


We're very grateful to everyone who's pledged, and also the unsung heroes who are spreading the word for us. 


If we fail because there just isn't the demand then so be it, but it would be galling to fail and then have people tell us after the event that they'd have pledged if only they'd known!!


As we physically can't send out posters and leaflets to every shop/exhibition etc I thought it might be helpful to offer a simple, printer friendly A4 sheet that our supporters could download and then either take to their club, or local shop, or wherever just to make sure anyone who *might* want a Pendolino can at least be made aware of the project's existence.


Pendolino brochure A4 printer friendly download.pdf


We are also doing what we can to get more coverage in the next issues of the model railway magazines, as these will be out in the fortnight before the pledging period ends, which could be the most crucial period.




Ben A.

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A quick question? Have I got this right, in that the kickstarter pledges are for the cost of the TOOLING, and if you pledge a amount, it give you the OPTION of purchaising a model later on when the production is underway? I was just wanting some clarification, because there may be some people like myself who may be able to spare a little cash after xmas but who don`t want the model itself.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello cheesysmith,


Just to be clear:  The pledge levels quoted for specific models are for fully finished and RTR models delivered to your address.  What you do with the model when your receive it is entirely up to you.


If you wish to pledge as a philanthropic gesture of support that's increadibly kind, and you can pledge any other amount you like.  Once the kickstarter pledge period is over, if we have made our target, we will be contacting backers to confirm that our understanding of what it is they want (judged from their pledge levels.)


Our mentions of the costs of tooling are by way of explanation so backers can understand why Kickstarter is the only real option for getting a Pendolino.  Sadly does not make financial sense for the major manufacturers.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just doing a little bit of back of beer mat arithmetic and so far the average amount pledged per day since the project went live is £4877.50.


If that figure is more or less maintained, then the target should be comfortably reached before the end of the pledge period with a few days to spare!


In that event does the appeal continue until the end of the 60 days, or will reaching the 210k figure before the 60 days is up stop any further pledges? If the latter, does the money get debited earlier also? These were a couple of questions from interested parties I was discussing the project with tonight and I couldn't see the answers anywhere.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Jon is absolutely right.  I think we've hoovered up the early adopters, though there will be plenty still planning to pledge who haven't taken the plunge, or who may be considering increasing existing pledges.


But now the key is to get the message out to those who could well be interested, but haven't seen this thread or similar ones elsewhere.


According to the Kickstarter "Sidekick" predictor we are still 96% likely to succeed, and that has gone up since yesterday, but Iif you do support us then please spread the word!  If you need something to take along to a club Xmas bash or similar there is the printer friendly download in post #252...!



Ben A.

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Your the kind of guy we want to pledge too as well I am sure you can appreciate this may help all scales and eras!


If this works well Guys like Rapido and other smaller firms may look at it as a worth while system to get models on the market as its:


1) cheaper for them all the tooling etc is pre paid for on the initial run.

2) Well if people pledge takes the gamble if you may of spending the money to produce it.

3) Lets them gauge how well the model would be received


As for us the modeller well we get the models we want and if you pledge lower prices!

Although not what you are after this time, well there is more chance of having a kickstart for what you are after in the future!

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Once the target is reached and the pledges taken where does the money go? How does the money get spent as in is there a bill at the end of the project or a set sum at each defined stage ?


Do kickststart hold the funds or are they transfered to a the project leaders bank account




Great Western

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Just posted updates to all of the facebook groups with a plea for people to pass the info onto others who don't visit facebook or the forums. Hope that will work. I have also posted in to the Dapol collectors club Facebook page. In for a penny!



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Great Western


If the campaign is successful then the funds will be transferred to a dedicated bank account for the project.  The project team (Ben and I) will then authorise payments to Rapido at pre-agreed activity-based milestones withe balance of payments loaded towards the delivery of the models to the UK.


Cheers, Mike

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Don't know if anyone went to Poyton here,

I know there was stands from NGS, 2mm, DEMU and the local group who were holding it of interest they are building a N gauge layout of Stockport viaduct included, sadly I didn't get to talk to any of the guys there but did accidentally drop a leaflet or 2 for them to see!

maybe that will get us a pledge or 2 more if not already

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,

Yes, Joel told me at Warley that he hoped the campaign would be a success - it's a shame the numbers didn't stack up for Dapol to produce this model as they originally announced it, but there we are!


I have been watching our progress on the Kickstarter "Sidekick" predictor - it's been over 90% for some time now; right now it's at 94%.

I think the algorithm it uses takes into account the usual pattern of late pledges, which is why it's consistently high even though there's been a bit of a lull in pledges over the last few days.


See here: http://sidekick.epfl.ch/campaign/509105082-pendolino---uk-n-gauge


Ben A.

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Wrong scale and period for me but I wish you all the best and hope the project is a success.  I've put the word out on my latest YouTube layout update.


I have about 13k subscribers so hopefully a few more pledges will head your way.

Edited by richard w
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  • RMweb Gold


Hello James and others,


A couple more backers now to take us up to 221 and £80355 pledged at 20 days in - a third of the way through the pledge period.


Thanks to all who've supported us and pledged - especially those for whom an N gauge Pendolino isn't necessarily top of the wish list but who can see the potential in Kickstarter and agree with me that if we can nudge open this door as soon as possible then a whole lot more suddenly becomes a possibility.


At the moment Kickstarter's algorithms are telling us we have a 96% chance of success, but those calculations are based on their experience of pledge patterns and it needs people to come on board and join us to fulfil the predictions.


And remember, no money is taken before the deadline on January 18th so there's nothing to lose by pledging, but as Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing scheme if we are just £1000 short when the deadline comes the whole thing collapses.


Indcidentally, Virgin have told us we can arrange to get a full sized Pendolino scanned early in the new year.




Ben A.

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I'm glad to hear you're making good progress! Personally I haven't pledged (yet?) - mainly because I hate the real units with a passion for their absolutely terrible passenger environment (in contrast to "Pendolini" in Italy, Portugal and Finland) - and as none of my modelling interests overlap with the LNWR lines.


However, I might be tempted to help tip the balance and help the project happen if it's looking a bit "borderline" at the end of the pledge period, with a view to reselling the model at some point afterward. Obviously it would be best if you could fulfil the pledge requirements from people who actually want one - but I wonder how many people share my willingness to step in ?

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Indcidentally, Virgin have told us we can arrange to get a full sized Pendolino scanned early in the new year.




Ben A.


It might be worth emphasising this agreement in the advertising etc as it bodes well for the model (with apologies if I've missed it somewhere as I haven't read all the info in detail).

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm glad to hear you're making good progress! Personally I haven't pledged (yet?) - mainly because I hate the real units with a passion for their absolutely terrible passenger environment (in contrast to "Pendolini" in Italy, Portugal and Finland) - and as none of my modelling interests overlap with the LNWR lines.However, I might be tempted to help tip the balance and help the project happen if it's looking a bit "borderline" at the end of the pledge period, with a view to reselling the model at some point afterward. Obviously it would be best if you could fulfil the pledge requirements from people who actually want one - but I wonder how many people share my willingness to step in ?

I must admit that I find them clostephobic inside although normally travelling with my other half so not having to squeeze next to some one I don't want so not quite as bad. I do like it when inside them on full tilt and they do look good from the outside so it hasn't stopped me pledging as they are iconic.



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