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Marcus 37

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great photos of the 68s marcus like 116 to good story work aswell .

Thanks mate. I think it's nice to have a bit of a story line sometimes. Used to enjoy Andy's tales from Pencarne. It sort of explains the workings of the layout in an informal kind of way.



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WOWSER Marcus, some cracking pics there matey, the Layout looks so so good, I do like the 68's and in Scotrail as well as DRS.

Hi Andy

Thanks mate. Must admit the 68 was bought for Anthony as its a bit too modern for me....BUT having now run it on the layout I'm absolutely smitten with it. It's an excellent model well detailed and an unbelievably smooth and powerful machine. As you can see it had 10 bogie wagons behind it all fully loaded with real stone and it just romped away with it. Apart from a slightly wonky name plate this one seems to be fine.



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68 is looking well.


What's the verdict?



Hi Ian

Well apart from a slightly wonky name plate on one side I really can't fault it. It seems for everything they got wrong with the 73 they got it right with this one. I would go as far to say that it is probably one of the smoothest and strongest loco's on the layout.

I'm just hoping the 59 when it arrives is as good as this. The National Power example will fit in just nicely on PDW.

So if you fancy one I would definitely recommend it.



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Thanks Peter and David.

Modelling times been a bit scarce again this week due to working the Bescot - Stud Farm bulk ballast everyday. Hoping to get a bit of time over the weekend although my parents are coming round Saturday so I guess it will more than likely be playtime once dad gets up in the loft.

I'll just leave this picture of Tuesday's not so bulk ballast which was more of a PDW sized train. Actually PDW's trains are longer HaHa!




10 Coal fish and that's your lot!

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Thanks Peter and David.

Modelling times been a bit scarce again this week due to working the Bescot - Stud Farm bulk ballast everyday. Hoping to get a bit of time over the weekend although my parents are coming round Saturday so I guess it will more than likely be playtime once dad gets up in the loft.

I'll just leave this picture of Tuesday's not so bulk ballast which was more of a PDW sized train. Actually PDW's trains are longer HaHa!




10 Coal fish and that's your lot!


10 MHA Coalies - prototypical nice and easy on the wallet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Evening Everyone.

Thought it was about time for a bit of a decent update as I Had slipped down to page 7!

Although works been busy there has been a little bit going on behind the scenes on PDW. It's just by the time I've had some time to do some modelling there hasn't been enough time to post. Also it's amazing how long it takes to do the smallest of things when adding the finer detailing. What takes you all night to do isn't really worthy of a post on the thread.

Anyway I have cracked on over this weekend.

First up I was never happy with the lighting on the South sidings side of the layout as there was always too much shadow cast due to the layout being in a cutting. A trip to The Range on Saturday saw me return home with a 5 metre roll of warm light LED,s. These were mounted above the layout on a wooden strip attached to the roof rafters. The results so far are extremely pleasing.

The picture below shows the positioning of the LED's




The pictures below are before and after. As you can see all the shadow along side the cutting has disappeared with the track side now being clearly visible. Much better from a photography point of view.








The new lighting has definitely opened up a few more more photographic opportunities that before weren't that great unless placing a portable lamp in a specific position to take a particular photo.

A selection below









Anyway, on to some modelling.......

As said earlier it's amazing how long it takes to do the more detailed modelling. Most of it seems to be hanging around waiting for either paint to dry or glue to dry.

Several nights were spent on the hard standing outside the loading shed which I am now quite pleased with. As well as adding grass between the joins in the concrete slabs I've also added some spillages from the wagons next to and between the rails.

A few pictures below of the finished result...








Some more crash barrier has also been fabricated and planted between the wagon maintenance shed and the screening bunker.







And finally, as I was having a bit of a running session tonight, hers a few more random pictures for your enjoyment.....










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Hi Marcus,

The layout is looking great, all the little bits and pieces have come together well. 


Cheers Peter.

Thanks Peter

It's amazing how long you can spend adding all the little bits and pieces but that's all part of the enjoyment. This probably sounds mad but I find applying static grass quite therapeutic. HaHa.

Before I start laying anymore concrete slabs I'm going to have to decide what I'm going to do with the loading shed as looking closely last night I don't think it's going to be salvageable. Luckily I've still got a good stash of foam board in the loft so I can see a new build starting shortly.

Watch this space.....



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Hi Marcus,

That spillage is a brilliant idea, it just goes to show how something can add so much to a scene.



Thanks Julian.

The idea of the spillage is from experience of climbing off the engine at Stud Farm Quarry and disappearing in the sludge which normally covers the hard standing outside the loading bunker. HaHa.


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Super layout Marcus, with plenty of operating potential and movement by the look of it, very nicely detailed too.


Hi Martyn

Thanks for the compliment and welcome to the thread. The detailings getting there slowly but surely. Have been following your superb Crian layout for a while. Another love of mine being Highland terminus' . Very inspirational as well with all the superb details.



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Hi Martyn

Thanks for the compliment and welcome to the thread. The detailings getting there slowly but surely. Have been following your superb Crian layout for a while. Another love of mine being Highland terminus' . Very inspirational as well with all the superb details.



Thanks Marcus, likewise! Just not sure how I managed to miss your cracking layout up to now, but will certainly follow progress in future.

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Hi mate


The lighting makes a real difference! did you go for L.E.D strip?


I really like what you've done with the concrete areas. Nice and lifelike.


Makes me want to do mine again now!!! 


I like those 68's - I'd like one but they're a bit too modern for me. I Might treat myself......


Trev :)

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Hi mate


The lighting makes a real difference! did you go for L.E.D strip?


I really like what you've done with the concrete areas. Nice and lifelike.


Makes me want to do mine again now!!! 


I like those 68's - I'd like one but they're a bit too modern for me. I Might treat myself......


Trev :)

Hi Trev

Yep, it was a 5 metre self adhesive strip from the range. £12.99 including transformer. Not bad at all I thought. Just need a strip for the other side now.

Thanks for the comments on the concrete. I'm quite pleased with it now. Plenty more to do but I've decided to build a new loading shed first so I'll wait until that's done before making anymore slabs.

As for the 68 well, that's Anthony's although I've got to admit it is a very nice model.



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  • RMweb Gold

The pictures below are before and after. As you can see all the shadow along side the cutting has disappeared with the track side now being clearly visible. Much better from a photography point of view.













Hi Marcus,

Love the detailing you've done, really good, and the grass between the hard standing is great!  Don't take this as a criticism, and its only my view, but I actually prefer that cutting under the other lighting.  The shadow makes it more realistic as though its a sunny day, where as the LED lighting while lighting the area up makes it look dull, but bright, overcast day - if that makes any sense!  Just my view however!


Whole layout looks superb tho mate, well done.



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Hi Rich

Completely see what you mean. The beauty is I can now have three different options. Main lighting only, LED only or both together. From an operating point of view and also taking pictures in the yard or in the goods loop the LED's have helped no end. Thanks for the compliments on the hard standing. Started the process of building a new loading shed last night so I'll pop up some pictures later.



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