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Class 47 on Emmerdale


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Some of the papers today were showing PR shots of a forth coming story line in Emmerdale featuring a large logo 47 hitting a van. Any one know details of were filmed etc?

One shot showed the loco at an angle but this may (hopefully) been digitally altered.


Apologies if in the wrong section!




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Some of the papers today were showing PR shots of a forth coming story line in Emmerdale featuring a large logo 47 hitting a van. Any one know details of were filmed etc?

So now we regular watchers have to guess whose contract is coming to and end. Maybe its Karl King for being naughty in the past.
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I'm not one to rant (no, really, I'm not!) about inaccuracies in TV shows - especially something as unimportant as Emmerdale - but you'd think that they'd at least mock up the loco to look like something that's run on the mainline in the last 20 years. A bit of green & yellow Freightliner paint, perhaps? The obvious large BR logo is a bit lazy...

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not one to rant (no, really, I'm not!) about inaccuracies in TV shows - especially something as unimportant as Emmerdale - but you'd think that they'd at least mock up the loco to look like something that's run on the mainline in the last 20 years. A bit of green & yellow Freightliner paint, perhaps? The obvious large BR logo is a bit lazy...



Errrr 47847???



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i agree with steve on this, a few weeks ago scenes from eastenders were filmed at wansford on the NVR of a train hitting janines (is that correct??) car. they used 31108 in railfreight livery!!! with the nvr close relationship with gbrf they could have used a 66!

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i agree with steve on this, a few weeks ago scenes from eastenders were filmed at wansford on the NVR of a train hitting janines (is that correct??) car. they used 31108 in railfreight livery!!! with the nvr close relationship with gbrf they could have used a 66!




They wouldn't use a 66 for that job, the chances are the 66 would come of worse!!



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  • RMweb Premium

Some terrible photoshopping or CGI in that shot! Also what is with the 'Resivour Dogs' in the four foot in front of a Class 47 homage? It's the funniest publicity pic I have seen in years!!!

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Some terrible photoshopping or CGI in that shot! Also what is with the 'Resivour Dogs' in the four foot in front of a Class 47 homage? It's the funniest publicity pic I have seen in years!!!


The picture seems to show the loco at an angle. If the loco is shown on TV derailing will this be the first CGI loco on telly? (apart from the corrie trams!!)



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  • RMweb Premium

Apologies for starting other thread. With regards to accuracy does it have to be a current train? they could be as they are depicted crossing a preserved line. I remember a few years ago Heartbeat had a train crash involving a CL31 in BR green which was IIRC correct for the 1960s setting of the programme

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Apologies for starting other thread. With regards to accuracy does it have to be a current train?

Only if they're hit by something doing over 25mph, I guess.


Didn't we have this discussion over a Waking The Dead episode where someone was killed by a BR blue/grey DMU?

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  • RMweb Premium

TBH we seem often to be debating the accuracy of railway scenes on TV - I know for a fact that many TV producers and directors are not in the least interested in accuracy at all (I got it from the horses mouth, one of the historical advisors on one of the preserved lines) that even when the inaccuracies are pointed out, they are brushed aside - often because the production team want something more impressive (eg a Bulleid pacific when the scenario is a pre-war SR branch line and a more suitable loco/stock is availble). They very much take the arrogant line that he who pays the piper calls the tune, and I guess that when faced with this, the railway has the choice of trying to hold out for accuracy and losing the gig, or giving in, getting the fee, and then the froth starts on all the railway websites.


I for one will certainly be leaving the channel selector at anything else but Emmerdale on 6th October.


But as to who's lived and died in a soap - who cares? I really can't believe that anybody out there thinks it's real, but they do. I knew an actor who was in EastEnders once (now written out) who was very surprised by how many people wondered what he was doing on a commuter train in Surrey, when he should be in Walford. Clue, he lived in Surrey. I sometimes travelled with him when he was heading for the studios to film, and I can confirm that strange viewpoint, and people who greeted him by his screen name!

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Forgetting the the copyright issues, I highly doubt GBRf or DBS want a loco in their colours crashing into vehicles either..


Indeed. In the film Silver Streak Canadian Pacific insisted their logo be replaced with a fictional name (AmRail) instead of CP Rail, especially as the train was going to be smashed into Chicargo.



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