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Andy Y

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Everything posted by Andy Y

  1. Dapol have now released their 'Easi-shunt' N gauge couplings and track magnets announced less than two months ago at their 'N'thusiasts day. Rather than give chapter and verse I've uploaded images of the excellent instruction sheet which accompanies the coupling pack. The couplings are suitable for any N gauge stock which possesses NEM sockets, fitting is very straightforward and is less visually obtrusive than the hobby standard Rapido coupling. The magnets are quite large and require 7 or 8 sleepers to be cut away, I did experiment with under-board neodymium magnets but these did not operate satisfactorily. Smaller magnets which would require less of the sleeper web to be cut away may be a possibility but I didn't have any suitably sized ones to hand. Operation is very simple although uncoupling was not always successful with the light weight and low friction of contemporary wagons and coaches on an individual basis. The increased weight and resistance from a full train means the couplings operate more successfully on that basis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQKFuG5ql78 The couplings are a significant improvement over standard couplings in performance and appearance and it would be pleasing to see this and compatible couplings become an improved hobby standard. As the RRP of the couplings is £5.95 per pair it is more realistic to consider these for train formations than for all items of stock. A pair of magnets are similarly priced.
  2. And silly. Can we please wind it in Brian?
  3. I could always do a more extended version for the Jan issue for Ben.
  4. I've had a chat with Ben at MR and can confirm that the overall winner will be announced in the next issue of MR which is due to be published on 29th December. Because of the number of releases coming through and news items it would be impractical to give an extended breakdown of the results in the next mag and to hold on until the late January issue wouldn't be fair. Of course with distribution taking place over the Christmas period it's in the lap of distribution network and Royal Mail it's impossible to say when subscribers copies may actually arrive. I will prepare a results breakdown for here which will include more information that will be released as soon as the subscribers' copies hit the mats.
  5. All entries now verified. 3 votes removed due to skewed entries which significantly favoured one entry with all other entries marked down to minimum. Result calculations are all carried out. And re-checked. The difference in the score between 4th and 5th on the Overall category was 0.001!
  6. Voting closes at midnight Simon; it'll take a few days to verify the results and pull the info together. originally the intention was to coincide the results with them appearing in MR but I'll need to check on what's happening with that first.
  7. Good news Frank; they're not too far away which makes it more do-able.
  8. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    Although I'd need to check what the typeface on those headcodes were (rather than the normal Gill Sans you've used there) it looks all the better for it. Good job.
  9. Me too! I deliberately don't do a tally until the end (after checking for any cheating beggars) so I can have a surprise too!
  10. It shouldn't count if you've aborted and returned (unless you have a dynamic IP address e.g. AOL).
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-15933599 - apparently the traffic jams spread a long way. Love it!
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dave47549


      It's the growing up spread you'll never drive out of....

    3. Debs.


      Yeast-bound carriageway only!

    4. Bob Reid

      Bob Reid

      Loved the R4 listeners comment - "No one was hurt, but the lorry was toast" :)

  12. 296 people have voted so far, 102 people were apathetic enough to look at the page and not register a vote.
  13. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    At the point Dave requested a price from China for production Ultrascale had said that it would be problematical and not viable. In the meantime they've obviously been trying to have a rethink which has crossed over with Dave being able to provide a price.
  14. The information has leaked out earlier than planned (it should have been at the end of this week) with it appearing in the subs copy hitting the doormat from today. Unfortunately Chris Trerise is away from the business and is not in a position to give an update today. I've just spoken to the shop who are already receiving calls from customers wanting to order. The shop is not in a position to take orders yet, pricing and ordering details may appear in their newsletter at the end of this week. Can I please ask any readers not to contact the shop about this until it has been officially announced on their website and newsletter. After all they're already busy sending other orders out!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. halfwit


      The man is indeed a rare talent.

    3. BlackRat


      Clever twist!


    4. richbrummitt


      Mikkel's posts almost always make me smile. The videos never fail.

  15. Your work always makes me smile Mikkel! As Jan says art comes into the equation; you certainly see a different approach to do some things to anyone else I know. Sheer genius.
  16. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    The main bulk will be during December (exact dates depend on ships, weather, dock handling, customs, distribution etc).
  17. I didn't break it; it wasn't me! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andy Y
    3. Boris


      My bum isn't that big that I take up the ENTIRE step. Just because I've put on a few pounds recently...

    4. coachmann


      Hiding in the Scottish borers...

  18. Oh my! I can see a whole range of Christmas Nevcards arriving soon. Very different indeed.
  19. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    I thought you'd been quiet today. Seriously though; well done and thanks for the communications over it.
  20. My understanding was that it was day/night mode.
  21. has finally got CHDK working properly after two weeks of trying, speedier stacking shots!

    1. eastwestdivide


      Any chance of a write-up in the photography section? Or was it just sheer bloody-minded persistence?

  22. Wouldn't it look good with a selection of dirty hydraulics?
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