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Padishar Creel

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Everything posted by Padishar Creel

  1. Hallo, Still think MK2B/Cs in N are long overdue - there are the locos to pull them available - 4 Body shells and 8 innards needed, maybe someone could state how many roofs and underframes required? Please with a close coupling mechanism as stable as the Farish version not as sloppy as the Dapol version. es grüßt PC
  2. Why can't I ever get to sit in the front? es grüßt PC
  3. Hallo, Theoretically yes, the body will obviously have the same window pattern. however you will find that some livery variations will have 125 after the words Inter City which are of course referring to the HST. ...and to DapolDave, please forgive me if I am being too naive. An accurate production description avoids confusion. The description of the original 6 versions announced were for me very clear. Why did you not keep this format (coach / livery / buffers or not)? es gruesst PC
  4. ->Jamie I have a Bachman/Farish 371-028 which you could have for very very reasonable price. If interested please contact. es grüßt PC
  5. Regarding the buffets, this is what I was told by sales on 18th June (statement between inverted commas) "The official list is as follows: NC054A MK 3 COACH VIRGIN BUFFET BUFFERS NC054B MK 3 COACH I/CITY BUFFET (executive livery) NC054C MK 3 COACH BLUE/GREY BUFFET BUFFERS NC055A MK 3 COACH VIRGIN BUFFET NO BUFFERS NC055B MK 3 COACH I/CITY BUFFET (swallow livery) NC055C MK 3 COACH BLUE/GREY BUFFET NO BUFFERS As you will please note Product Development has decided on one of each Executive & Swallow and not both. NC054 is for models with buffers and NC055 without." So I feel it is not what is produced that is the issue, that is Dapol's decision, but the different statements that come depending on where they are read (eg Dapol's FB side) ->Dapol, I am looking forward to reading what is in the catalogue, as all our doubts will be laid to rest and once the catalogue is publically available I bet you'll find all these discussions die!!!! Es grüßt Euch PC
  6. back to original post, and I apologise to everyone in advance. first make sure you are standing in front of an appropriate layout and choose from the following list: I wonder when Scalefour modellers will finally start to scale the the weight correctly Isambard Kingdom Brunel should have stuck to ships I always thought (Insert your chosen line/engineer) was overrated anyway I've been standing here for an hour and you haven't run Thomas yet You don't look after your locos very well, they're all dirty
  7. All the Young Dudes - Mott the Hoople I was too late, On Broadway - George Benson
  8. and they're coming to take me away ha haaa
  9. is looking frorward to being at Model Ral Scotland next weekend

    1. gridwatcher


      Me too...with my layout. See you there


  10. Where Do you go to my Lovely - Peter Sarstedt
  11. It's the End of the World as we know it - R.E.M.
  12. Saw the advert for them in MR, and brings back memories. The line to Ormskirk went by our house annd they were my daily fare (broken only by the Liverpool Exchange portion of the Liverpool/Manchester -> Glasgow) for years. Not my scale but somehow tempting
  13. Me and You and a Dog named Boo - Lobo
  14. I guess that's why they call it the Blues - Elton John
  15. to the town where there was plenty [finally managed Emerald in this thread... :-)]
  16. Gonna make you a Star - David Essex
  17. All along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
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