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Padishar Creel

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Everything posted by Padishar Creel

  1. hi, almost had a heart attack: **-760 East Coast East Midland I expect glad to see them, just now waiting for the InterCity Swallow es grüßt pc
  2. Hallo, Rail Express have printed a shot of a BlueGrey version of the TGS in their current Edition "scheduled for release this coming month" and ehattons show Jan/Feb 2016. It's been a long wait es grüßt pc
  3. hallo, as a "normalo" I am very impressed with the samples andf am looking forward to seeing more. Now that there is hardware available, is it possible to tell if the corridor connections will for all it's worth touch on straight track? Now thinking of upping my order, hmmmm..... es grüßt pc
  4. Hallo, Finally been able to watch (not all, but huge sections of) the video from post Nr. 394. A real joy. Thanks for uploading. es grüßt pc
  5. Hallo, Q: What's in a Name? A: a lot. I do not feel that Stanley Green sounds Midlands enough, so not knowing where you have "placed" the layout within the West Midlands (with or without OHLE, urban or suburban) may I be cheeky enough to suggest the following? Adderley Green Saltley Park Navigation Bridge Stretchford Road es grüßt pc
  6. Hallo, what about waiting a year or two.... then D - Dapol HST in the new ScotRail livery as a 5-car pack ​ or E - work with Ben and Mike to have the 321 appear in Strathclyde PTE (if this is not one of the liveries which will be made) my "mustard" to the subject as we say in Germany es grüßt pc
  7. Hallo, found another great clip of BR Blue. This time cab ride from Euston after which some clips of trains at Berkhamsted Hope you enjoy it es grüßt pc ~ ​​
  8. Thanks for the fast replies. Found the list of names. Will there be a "finalise your order" button for those of us who only paid 50% deposit so that the current order is carried forward to a new page where we can pay the balance due and in a required field add the desired names? It always appears as though I will be adding a new line item to the order. es grüßt pc
  9. Hallo, Forgive me if this question is too stupid, but there has to be someone. Is there a list of names for the backers to choose from? I have not been able to find one, though was trying to work it out from the graphic. I have put myself down for 2x 11car non-DCC (paid 50% deposit only) and would love to be able to choose 2 different City of '*** Not able to work out if that will be possible, so please point me in the right direction if the names list exists Thanks in advance es grüßt pc
  10. Hallo Ben, Thanks for clearing that point. I will look forward to this model being on sale. The photos show that it will be good. Everybody should be encouraged to buy it. I unfortunately did not ride it back then, saw it a couple of times at Cardiff (was it still General back then?) and the only time I would have been able to travel on it in service, they substituted the normal Class47 & MK2s, it was 9am ex Paddington can't remember the return trip from Swansea es grüßt pc
  11. hallo, if sold as a pack of 2power cars and 2 two coaches, good chance that Dapol will get slammed if the other coaches are not produced, especially if a the other catering car is not produced if sold as a single power car good chance that Dapol will get slammed for not producing the other vehicles. So saying this I hope the community respect Dapol's decision whatever that is and although I am will out myself as not being a huge Dapol fan (Silver Bullets aside) I will definitely support this project. Maybe a product more suitable for the absolutely current scene, where "anything goes" when it comes to liveries I seriously do not want to open a can of worms, when I write that I just find the comment about Dapol wanting to "get this one right" strange, as that should be their strategy for all their products. Or am I missing something? es grüßt pc
  12. December 2015 I hope... and it will be amazing to see if any colours match anything else. I have MK3 swallows with 3 different coloured roofs es grüßt pc
  13. Very nice... Strathclyde PTE for me if they get the necessary backing es grüßt pc
  14. Damn................ more money flowing out of the wallet Looking forward to these es grüßt pc
  15. wonder if they know to omit the buffers on the TGS... or do I now get a and be ? es grüßt pc
  16. Hallo, This is really hotting up to be a great model. Very much looking forward to it being released. Will the coupling mechanisms be spaced such that the corridor connections are for all intents and purposes touching on straight track as can be done with the Blue Riband Farish MK1s? Have I already mentioned that this is really hotting up to be a great model? es grüßt pc
  17. Hi, I love the scenes where commuters open the slam doors and even start alighting before the train stops. No nanny state interference. es grüßt pc
  18. Hi, nice to see that the backers are getting the opportunity to select the names (did mine yesterday). I think the rules are fair as there must be a line drawn somewhere and anyway there will be modellers out there who will re-number re-name their sets I am sure Two questions: If I were to change my choice of name later is there an edit function? I only saw the chance to add, and a note to ask people not to vote for more than the number of sets involved. Also once the choice of names are reduced to the top "X" are the backers guaranteed their choice of name - even if that means (for example) 400 people order name A and for arguments sake only 2 order name "B"? es grüßt pc
  19. Hallo, I have a BlueGrey Dapol HST set (254) and run it with 2 buffets, 2 firsts and 4 seconds which comparing with the photo on post 349 on the Scottish Region Photos 1980s thread is a very good likeness I am waiting for the BlueGrey TGS so can run a CrossCountry set. So much for Dapol Regarding the InterCity and GNER, I run CJM modified superdetailed Farish HST power cars (mounted on his own chassis) and Farish MK3s, where I cut off the buffers inserted BR Lines seating and fixed Eichhorn short shank Arnold style couplngs. Dapol would never be able to win when it comes to a MK3 Catering vehicle, there are simpy too many variations to make anything viable. I agree with their choice of a buffet which can be applied with the most situations to some degree. However getting livery application so wrong so many times on so many models in their range is inexcusable and I suggest that reflects the true face of the company es grüßt trotzdem pc
  20. Hi, I can not express my joy enough that we are going to get a Class 390 in N. Very glad the Kickstarter Project came into being, that Rapido joined the project and that the buyers themselves showed the manufacturers that there IS a market for the model. The project is still very young and I would like to ask Rapido how "close" will the close coupling be? This is probably the only part of the model's design I am passionate about. The current Farish mechanism on their MK1s and MK2a proves that coaches can be coupled with the gangways touching on straights whilst the gate mechanism pushes them out far enough so that they can still negotiate 1st radius curves, and that a mechanism can be tight enough that this is irrespective of push or pull mode. I have only seen Rapido coaches on their site, but not seen them in the flesh. It would be disappointing if the gap is per the Arnold Belle or the mechanism as slack/loose as the Dapol MK3s. Thanks in advance for any info and as ever es grüßt pc
  21. Hallo, put my deposit down today #384. Good to see so many putting their money where their mouth is, and I see from a post above that there are at least 5 more since my order. Although Mike and Ben must be tired of hearing this, congratulations to both for this amazing Project! es grüßt pc
  22. Hallo Mike, Ben, Jason, Brilliant news that the Pendolino will be produced whatever the outcome, one very happy man here in BaWü. I really do hope the target is reached but knowing we will get a Pendolino is for me THE modelling news for the weekend. So a huge thank you from me to Mike and Ben for managing this project, a huge thanks to Jason for stepping in to the project after it had started, giving it a well deserved boost and an additional thanks (in advance, you never know) for trusting the UK N-Gauge market enough to take on the investment risk if 210K is not reached. For once a real WIN-WIN situation es grüßt pc
  23. Hi, I have received answers from both traders. Both know of the project and neither are interested in supporting it. I have the link posted on two german N-Gauge Groups in FB, other groups were not interested es grüßt pc
  24. Ben, Mike, just contacted Heiko Stoll of Modellbahnunion and Daniel Mrugalski of DM Toys and asked them to take part in the Project. Both stock UK outline so who knows. Gave them a short description plus the link to the site and advised them to contact you for further details. Any feedback from the "Box-Shifters" and other model Shops? I cannot believe that they do not have any spare monies to invest. es grüßt pc
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