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Black Sheep

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Everything posted by Black Sheep

  1. Well, I'm getting a much better idea and sense of scale and have fitted a depot in including a 4 road shed... Yeh, erm, that's all I'm saying for now
  2. 'Steam to victory' tells of the contribution made by the railways to the war effort including Dynamo Well worth a read
  3. Reading that description of post landslip chaos I couldn't help but think of a badly laid faller bus system with them all bumping into each other outside the station. If you want to model the landslip in a simpler time then Bachmann have made the perfect set! Just need a 00 set of bloomers
  4. Can't believe I've not looked before! Been skimming through for inspiration for Milliedale on Sea as someone suggested you've made scenic storage sidings work and look right, just need enough time to find the photos
  5. Could easily hang a pub sign between the two upstairs windows...
  6. Not sure exactly where you're refering to, if you can pin-point it on google maps I'll go have a look at lunch
  7. Trying to figure the length of pier needed to 'look right' on the layout to try and gain a little bit of space to the back. Most piers are in the region of 1000ft plus which takes up over a meter, but I've just found out about Burnham-On-Sea with the shortest pier, http://www.burnham-on-sea.com/pier.html It's simply a pavilion on stilts Colwyn when it first opened was only 316ft long so may well be able to fit that in place, but not gain much in the way of space at the back of the layout. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Pier
  8. Looking into carriage sidings at the moment, Leamington has popped up: http://www.warwickshirerailways.com/gwr/gwrls2166.htmpossible depot and carriage sheds Also Grosvenor Road has highlighted how big these places were… http://www.kentrail.org.uk/Grosvenor%20Road%20Carriage%20Shed.htm MIlliedale is intended to appear sometimes full of trains waiting around as excursion trains and I think a station pilot might be found.
  9. What's it going to be run as? Current, sectorisation / regional railways or older?
  10. £25 fine + additional fee I believe for being over weight. I've got a motorbike petrol tank I need to shift, it's been drained and vented but still stinks so no courier will touch it. I've said this in the listing bug no one reads it and then gets upset when I won't courier it.
  11. I'm guessing some people prefer not to use lead, it has been known to cause issues when using PVA glue to secure it in place.
  12. I believe liquid gravity is a lead substitute
  13. Added some fiddle yard sidings for push/pull services As the layout room nears completion I'm still working on the layout and how it'll fit. The layout room is the section of loft from the ridge of the roof to the eaves and so the roof slopes, I'd like to view the layout from the sea and so the fiddle yard will be at the back, possibly inaccessible from the front due to back scene or even building over and covering it. This creates issues of both dealing with derailments / crashes and also seeing what is where. I'd also like to fit a motive power depot on if I can. I'm wondering about loosing the tunnel at the right hand end and instead doing similar to Frankland where only one end is covered to break up the 'train set effect' So, my plan is to have the fiddle yard as sorting loops alongside the mainline and depot, this way everything is on display and self contained, locos drawing trains into the yard and either sitting with them waiting or dropping them and heading to the MPD. This would be consistent with many seaside towns where land was expensive so depots and yards were often constructed / re-located to out of town locations with small yards remaining in the original site (the plan here) There'd be a strip of town between the station side and the yard side of the layout with some tall buildings such as church, factory etc, the outskirts of the town, being between them, the actual town being off to the right. Trying to work out if I can have a reversing loop under Butlins (that won't be called Butlins) which is on top of the tunnel so that the shunt released trains head out from the bay platforms, through the yard and disappear to return, turned and coming back in again. we'll see...
  14. Oh good! Glad to know it's heading in the right direction. I seem to be stuck with developing the layout, the sense of scale is confusing me and I'm either allowing too much space for something or not enough! I'd like to fit the depot 'on stage' but don't see how I can alongside the goods yard (not on plan yet) currently it's behind the back scene to represent a depot's existance Perhaps I'm too preoccupied with ensuring there's enough space out front for the sea, beach and pier
  15. Might have to re-create that one on my layout - was going to have a motorbike factory but perhaps a coach builders would be better
  16. I only became aware of N gauge now a couple of days ago and have ordered a copy to see what it's like I joined the society wanting an inspection coach and stove alongside some kits and also the journal - might get time tomorrow while my daughter has her nap to read this month's! Is the shop back up and running yet?
  17. Boats which for a period wore the BR emblem on their funnels since they were built by the Furness Rly which became part of the LMS...
  18. I rest my point, the mere suggestion has started the battle of words...
  19. Bury apparently has a world famous market... I'd never heard of it before moving up here and seeing a sign on the outside of the building...
  20. Have a very precise and well modeled EM gauge modern image layout and then... Run a model of the Ninky-Nonk round!
  21. getting there with my duchess...
  22. A little bit more sketching today; Plan for how the station and station hotel fit onto the layout, figure I can gradually build up a picture of how it should fit together, then start mocking up in real life (never been one for scale models of scale models) So, the formal building that sits across the end of the bay platform lines (parcels traffic on the line nearest the ''front'' The hotel will have an entrance onto the promenade (Queen Victoria Drive perhaps?) and an entrance towards the station. The road / car park slopes up to the station, just think a little queue of taxis from hotel round to entrance.
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