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Everything posted by dvdlcs

  1. Magnet? :-) Anyway, a few pictures further along in that Flickr thread - https://www.flickr.com/photos/118273204@N05/33637038518/
  2. Still some to be seen in Australia (east coast): https://wagonfreak.blogspot.com/2018/12/ex-hanjin.html https://wagonfreak.blogspot.com/2018/05/ex-hanjin-boxes.html and one with the logo intact (Jan 2018): https://wagonfreak.blogspot.com/2018/01/hanjin-box.html
  3. Recently finished watching the first series of Bad Banks. A German drama set in the banking world, which I thought was worthy of note as something a little different from the usual fayre. 6, 50 minute episodes. Only niggle for me was that with a variety of languages (at least German, French, and English) being spoken; when English was uttered, there were no subtitles. As you become used to reading/following the subs, when someone says something and there isn't text on the screen sometimes you miss out. Also the case when an English phrase was inserted in a block of non-English language - no subs for the English words. Could be a little confusing at times as you alternate between listening and reading. At the time I didn't realise that it was the first series, but the way the story concludes it was very much intended for a follow-on. And the IMDB link suggests that there will be a second series in 2020.
  4. J6948 - other than the signage and the BFYE livery on the locos, and possibly the locos themselves, that picture could be timeless. Shows in some respects how little, comparatively speaking, the railway changed over a long period of time.
  5. Hello. Used to live near there. That is the former railway crossing of the public road that was just west of Longstanton (railway) station. I think that picture is taken looking approximately south and west, so the old station would have been off screen to the left. The traffic light(?) and road sign have appeared since I left the area. [Oddly enough, when I first moved to the area (1997) I did wonder whether that track bed would have made a viable preserved railway, potentially running from Cambridge - perhaps even the original bay platforms - to St Ives. Reasonable distance, double track bed, a number of intermediate stations (villages), etc.] Hope this helps.
  6. This is (or was?) the case in Queensland, Australia. If there is a solid centre line in the road, then no right turns whether into a side road or your (someone elses) driveway. If you lived on such a road then you could only enter and exit the driveway to your house by turning left.
  7. Where I work (Rail industry, Australia) PPE is considered the last line of defence against hazards, not the first. But, as has been said, many people seem to think that if they're dressed up like the Michelin man then everything will bounce off them. First rule of hazard reduction - eliminate the hazard (where possible).
  8. A little off-topic from 87/2 / 90s, but my understanding was that 50011 was withdrawn as part of an introduction of component exchange maintenance of the class, and they needed a pool of parts to start the process off.
  9. LTSV reckons UCV to 1983, then OOV from 1983 to 1991. https://www.ltsv.com/w_ref_codes_tops_o.php https://www.ltsv.com/w_ref_codes_tops_u.php Mr Bartletts site has UCV pictures dated 1982, but no - as far as I can tell - OOV pictures.
  10. Can someone explain why there is a difference in the size and shape of the destination display within Class 142? Some have a small display with what looks like a roller blind for the destination, others have a large display with LCD/LED destinations. Those with the large destination board seem to be in the middle of the number range, so presumably wasn't a change during construction. Was it down to a particular franchise / owner refurbishing their units?
  11. Something that my mother used to do around the nesting season for garden birds would be to empty the vacuum cleaner outside. The clumps of hair and dust seem to make good insulation for the nests.
  12. Scrapped by Vic Berry in the 1980s, like many of the others
  13. I shall be following this thread with interest. I lived in Limekilns, next village to the east, as a child in the 1980s and spent some time around the harbour at Charlestown. I knew there had been a railway into the harbour area - there was a LNER 'trespassers' sign still standing on one of the piers plus the truncated spur that still served RNAD Crombie. Used to walk or cycle up the side of the rail line (never knew that Braeside Junction had a name) towards what I thought was a demolished brickworks, although looking at the map was presumably the foundry and was surprised one day when I cut through the gap between the houses and saw vans standing on the headshunt. Knowing this was MoD stuff I beat a hasty retreat as I assumed there would be people around for the movement of the stock. You may not be surprised to know that where the train is standing in the picture, there is now a road (as there was when I lived there). The kilns, or at least some of them, stood but none of the buildings on top were present when I was there. Never knew that there was a passenger station there. No pictures I'm afraid, I may have had a camera at the time but you never notice the interesting stuff on your doorstep...
  14. I once worked for a well known high street photography retailer, perhaps the same one as hayfield, and they had a significant second hand market too. The general principle when buying used items for resale seems to be thirds: The first third is the price paid to the seller. The second third is the cost of preparing the item for sale: advertising, storage, any cleaning, repairs, or restoration that may be required. The third third is the hoped-for profit, possibly with some wriggle room for haggling or even offering a markdown for slow moving items. Seemed to be the way with s/h photography, also antiques, and some cars too.
  15. Thank you for this :-) Toggled the option and my add-on icons returned. Had been using Firefox ESR without Adblock Plus today and have had a reminder of just how useful that is!
  16. Is it just me, or the angle of the photographs, but the footsteps on the Class 507s seem very large. Was this a factor of the tumblehome on the units or some unique clearance issues on Merseyrail?
  17. Is the RTC livery, 97205, genuine or a post-preservation repaint? I ask as I remember 97203 and its replacement, 97204, from BR days, but not 97205.
  18. The S803 set number suggests that at least the nearest car is not long from Swansea (Landore). There was quite some reshuffling of first generation DMUs at that time as Sprinterisation took hold, and the occasional delays/problems with the introduction of the new units.
  19. J7641 also gives an interesting comparison between the then modern HBA/HEA hopper and an older example, don't think that was a HTV, in the foreground.
  20. No, I don't find disability offensive. For me it is more a question of perspective. Does he want to be known, and remembered, as an up and coming British racing driver, a television commentator, or as the guy with the artificial legs? Apologies if I have caused offence. That was not the intention.
  21. Having seen Bahrain qualifying, but not the race, at the time of writing. Interesting contrast between two relative rookies that have stepped up to big teams - Leclerc seems to be settling in and being close to his team mate, whereas Gasly seems to be struggling with the Red Bull. Good to see Ferrari fast, at least in the qualifying, hopefully it won't be another season of Mercedes disappearing off into the distance, otherwise there would be even less reason to watch what is becoming a non-event. And could someone please find a pair of long trousers for Billy Monger...
  22. Suspect J7528 should be 20073 rather than 20273 as currently quoted. They stopped at '228 if nothing else...
  23. I'm curious about the vehicle six from the back of the train, just in front of what is presumably a Railfreight Distribution liveried van with the yellow end. A bolster with a load, or a timber wagon perhaps? Is there anything more visible / obvious on the original slide? Or notes... Thinking it may be a bogie wagon, with the two white highlights being brake wheels on the bogies.
  24. Off the top of my head I would say Tusk by Fleetwood Mac. But I'll have to think on this...
  25. Anyone else notice the Costa cup balanced on the buffer shank in the first picture? The devils in the detail...
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