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Everything posted by aureol40012

  1. Fitted the Roads and Rails sound package to mine tonight, though the need for two sound decoders is a bit hard to swallow at £240! Have never liked sugar cube speakers so decided to delve in to my stock of Roads and Rails speakers and found this was a perfect option. It’s pretty inconspicuous, certainly next to the whopping PLUX decoder!
  2. Indeed, my 7 car order has been cancelled due to the price “shenanigans”.
  3. We established a few pages ago that this was the case, constantly repeating it just rubs the faces of people who ordered with retailers in it!!
  4. My sound fitted 20057 arrived today. Very nice looking loco, the details show up much better on this one than the rail freight ones in my mind, things like the cab side window frames, etc.
  5. They sold out a few weeks ago, if not earlier. Blue SFXs are like the proverbial rocking horse droppings.
  6. Does my head in that, so many people say “my guess is” when the actual factual answer would take them less than a minute to find. People like to reinforce their own beliefs rather than find out the facts.
  7. Partly, but people also travel from far and wide to pick up stuff they’ve pre-ordered by telephone. When I was there last week a bloke arrived who had cycled down that morning from BURNLEY!!!
  8. Flippin ‘eck! I went through all the retailers I could think of and forgot Trains4U!!! Bought one off eBay for £25 more than they are charging. Doh!
  9. Spoke to them yesterday and they had had a MASSIVE delivery from Bachmann and were still sorting it so none had been sent out at that stage.
  10. My local emporium is actually 5 minutes away from my front door (The Signal Box in Anstey). They don’t have an online shop and so they usually have items in stock which have sold out on pre-order elsewhere. So, having decided I want a Deluxe 47012 I thought my only chance to get one would be from them. Phoned them today and was told, in quite a forceful way, that they hadn’t ordered any of the new 47 as “they are too expensive”!! Must admit that is a new one on me, have never come across that before.
  11. Gosh, people are struggling today, must be the weather. No, as I put in actual words, I’m asking if anyone already knows of anywhere, mr grumpy pants. Anyway, settled for 10% off a sound fitted redstripe one (£214 posted) from these lovely people, though I must be scum to some for daring to buy one with their 10% discount applied…… https://www.jacksonsmodels.co.uk/index.jsp?searchStr=Class+20
  12. Scalp? They are publishing offers widely in the hope that people will use them, yet in your mind buying something from them is “scalping”? What a bizarre take on things. Oh, and I’m not scouring, I’m asking if anyone knows of anywhere so I don’t have to scour, doh!
  13. Does anyone know of a store that has these in stock AND has a Black Friday discount running? Rails have 5% off everything in stock but guess what, they say they don’t have the 20s in stock yet……..
  14. Fran, one of my boxes (ordered from TMC) came without the info/parts sheet. I don’t suppose you could send me a pdf of it so I can print one out?
  15. Having seen it in the flesh today it looks like couple of the bits that have previously let it down have been sorted properly, namely the frost grilles (now the right profile instead of sticking out a scale inch!) and the cab nose handrails (now appear to be finer).
  16. Wondered who would be the first to say that! She couldn’t wait to get out….
  17. Is it wrong to hope that the rapidly spreading panic buying of fuel (of our two local ones my wife told me one has been emptied and the other has huge queues) will mean far less competition for me on Sunday as I live 5 miles from Quorn…. ;-)
  18. Although I’m a subscriber to Hornby Magazine I can’t login to the Key Publishing site at the moment to watch this new video. However, from the screenshot it looks like a revised Bachmann Class 40 is featured. Can anyone confirm?
  19. Not sure what you mean, everything in the loco’s design is new, it isn’t a “refresh”, it’s an entirely new loco, including the very different mechanism.
  20. Hi all, have searched the group and can’t find a thread on this. I have a rake of the excellent Bachmann FFA/FGA container wagons and want to build a yard with prototypical period lorries for onward transport. I can’t find any that match the bill, does anyone make them RTR?
  21. This comparison really does show off very well the effect that livery has on appearance and the way that certain liveries suit certain locos/units far better than others. They almost look like different trains at first glance.
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