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Status Replies posted by Grafarman

  1. Went to the NRM on Saturday, nine quid to park and only half the place open, was it worth the petrol?

  2. Eccles Road signal box photographed today, lots more pictures to take though

  3. may be much too old for Frosties, but d**n if I don't like them... :-D

  4. bats flitting round the garden

  5. Just because Internet Explorer's whizzy thing goes in circles faster it does not mean it is any faster!

  6. is wielding Thargola's Sword.

  7. Am struggling with plans in my head!

  8. gets married in 7 and bit weeks

  9. I was just thinking...any of you believe we may see fully wireless layouts some day?

  10. darren01 - I assume you have been censored by the administrators, i believe it has happened to me on a couple of occasions, it does not necessarily have to be something controversial

  11. There's nothing quite like a white roll with cheese and Baxters Victorian chutney!

  12. Dinner tonight: Gumbo :-)

  13. Dinner tonight: Gumbo :-)

  14. Plymouth, broken cloud, light winds, visibility good, intermittant light sarcasm...

  15. Where can I find a replacement spine?

  16. Is still hoping someone, somewhere, has some old Action Man mufti clothing, and has a Wanted thread post with the details. Thanks.?

  17. is going to photograph & measure the pothole that cost me 2 new tyres and a new alloy wheel

  18. thinks the board to his first layout may be finally succumbing to the moist air of the garage... unfortunately, as we're only renting the garage, we can't seal it up... Time to think about starting afresh?

  19. is taking the potentially controversial decision to have music playing during the Members' Day.

  20. Dear Month End. Go away. Cheers, Pix

  21. ** LOCAL NEWS** - reports of panic buying of oatcakes, baked potatoes and ham.

  22. In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill

  23. loves hybrid modelling. The ProtoDeltic project has been joined by bits for two Thompson B1s :-P

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