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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. I should explain - I have no bias towards or against Strathwood - I own a few of their books but I thought the sentiments expressed by TB9521 in the now deleted post which I partially quoted could have been a little more sensitively expressed or contained a request for further information. To paraphrase a rule from my old carpentry teacher Mr Jones... "write twice ..post once..".I really appreciate what much of the information and inspiration I get from RMweb but some of the verbal violence is unnecessary..and very offputting...
  2. I was referring to the contribution from Teddybear 9521 which I quoted..
  3. Did you see the original response which has since been edited?
  4. Unboxed so I assume they'll be obvious if sold on and may well have incurrd a bit of damage even from the heist itself as they must have been stuffed into a bag or similar?
  5. Try this Martin http://www.wiringfordcc.com/switches_peco.htm http://www.wiringfordcc.com/ Allan Gartner is a source of much useful DCC info. Chris
  6. Had a bit of a play with Dock Street last night just to see if anything was working - all good apart from a missing chimney pot...can't be bad..
  7. Friday evening on the way home from South Wales
  8. Seller does seem to do the sort of N scale freight cars that turned up so it may well be a simple problem to resolve...I hope...
  9. Thanks - the advertised 26 minute wait put me off! Before I do that I will see if my loco turns up or I hear from it's seller.....
  10. I have now done so and await a reply but I am a bit concerned about the GSP hub repacking note on the exterior of the packet.....
  11. I had some simple home made bars but I have a ?medium size "hold and fold" plus another longer bar
  12. Thanks but I can't get through their network of customer service questions to find an email address and I didn't want to bother the loco seller as it may be unrelated but I have emailed him on the off chance.
  13. I've just taken delivery of an Ebay Global shipping programme box containing a significant numbr of N gauge Atlas US wagons - not ordered by me - the box is very clearly labelled for me but marked resealed by the Global Shipping Programme. No paperwork included. My problem - no obvious means to address this on ebay website and an advertised waiting time of 26 minutes if I try to ring - do I bother? Well - I am expecting a US order for a single US loco - also Atlas - and assume this has been switched in error somewhere along the line. Any suggestions?
  14. Firebox leaves a little bit to be desired on close exam! Boiler was rolled in the kit IIRC but yes - I've bought some rolling bars and a good folding tool is essential. Roof is whitemetal casting I think as are buffers etc but all "good enough". One tip - I packed the boiler with lead before assembly to improve running.
  15. I have to agree re Connoisseur. My maiden loco project after a few wagons (Also Jim's) I did get help from a mate rolling the smokebox and I did use an ABC gear box to save problems as well. My second one will be better as I have a few better tools now.
  16. This cake-friendly show takes place on 20 May in St Edward's Hall in the middle of Stow - the shopping Mecca of the Cotswolds... http://www.stowrail.org.uk/ http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/16865-ActionMedicalResearchExhibition A number of distinguished modellers are displaying their work - and I will be there too...with Dock Street Sidings running a variety of noisy blue and green BR diesels. Chris
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