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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. Damn - I'll have to have a re-think - the good Captain beat me to it....
  2. I deliberately buillt Twigg Street (sometimes known as Twigg Avenue) my HO "cameo" (a cameo by accident rather than design) to be set on a table and operated from a chair sat down at the front. The reason - the numerous questions about DCC, sound, Kadees- plus the basics - from a whole generation of parents who's off spring like the trains but they themselves may not have had "trainsets" in the way those of us in our late 40s and 50s may have done. People can sit down, chat and play and others watch over their heads and listen - I know that's not a true cameo scenario but it works. ....and can someone define "operating potential"? My 3 sidings with hands off uncoupling and a bit of sound keep people occupied for ages. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/113995-twigg-avenue/ ATB Chris
  3. I think Pixash has run it's course as an exhibition layout and it's not practical for me to set it up at home. It's stored now and I'm keen to see it go to a good home rather than be broken up - any suggestions as to how I go about a sale? I'm not interested in making loads of money but feel it must have some value? Your thoughts would be appreciated... Chris
  4. I'm sure you'll upset someone - it is rmweb after all...
  5. I bought the book before any sort of layout championships was suggested - and I rather enjoyed it....maybe a layout will follow... Anybody fancy a beer?
  6. Just cos you're paid it doesn't make you professional....
  7. Spent a pleasant hour there this lunchtime. Now looking forward to tomorrow..
  8. Only got it back from Digitrains yesterday! and my new Benchvent spray booth has only just been commissioned.....patience....
  9. It is Chris - thanks It's been a long and winding road but I manned up and finished it off recently (on the basis that if I leave it much longer I may not need to if rumours are to be believed....)
  10. Just sorting out the bits for Cheltenham next week. http://www.cheltmodrail.org.uk/ Two newly weathered locos will be in use I expect.
  11. In terms of an MP15 I suggest you look at the late In terms of MP15s I suggest if your budget permits you look at the later models from Atlas (MP15DC) or Athearn (MP15AC) The Gensets have also undergone improvements with the second generation having much finer handrails etc - worthy looking around Chris
  12. and don't miss the York Tap at the station.... http://yorktap.com/
  13. As in recent years my better half and I will be spending a few days in York staying not too far fron the venue and I will hopefully be there for most of Saturday - I must sort out that advance ticket...
  14. The Gronk only has the shop-bought sound in it but it sounds pretty decent to me - D3045 will be hopelessly out of location pottering about Bakewell Street at Yate I'm sure...
  15. You spotted the "Bakewell Tart" then? She'll be back....I do have photos but do not want to incur the wrath of Andy....
  16. Thanks Marc - kind words We had a good day and the layout worked well - the 25 is quite addictive - which is why the LNWR signal box has appeared on the layout. We'll run the same period/location at Yate on 4th February - with a 4F and 02 shunter thrown in - and then possibly do a change back to Gloucester area with Hymeks, Panniers and Teddy Bears for at least one day at Cheltenham 1st/2nd April. I do also have a Dapol gronk sitting in it's box as well.... Chris
  17. The Morris van got around a bit on Sunday at BOGG...
  18. Hi Andy It's a JLTRT with Digitrains Loksound sound fitted - it was recently completed as a Christmas project in case anyone should now do an RTR version.....(as I'd never finish it then...) Chris
  19. We had a great day at Bristol - layout worked well and we were busy all day - I've moved a troublesome uncoupling magnet since Thornbury in November and it's made a big difference to the reliability of the S&W couplings. I had one new (very clean) arrival that had a swift outing at the beginning of the day but we mainly ran LMR stock today.
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