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Everything posted by hayfield

  1. Its strange that no matter how many turnouts you build every now and again something new crops up I now use a slower method on the few copperclad turnouts I build, which is after cutting the timbers to length, I use a felt tip pen to mark the isolation gaps. Then using a junior hacksaw I gap the timbers first (it is also easier to fill the gaps at this stage and sand flat) With the timbers gapped I can solder the rails and check the crossings with a loco as they are being built
  2. The address is on the website 125 Reaver House 12 East Street Epsom KT17 1HX Phone 01372 748490
  3. I think with hind sight Phil would agree with you, plus I think how he imagined the business would run in practice was a bit wrong and he is taking steps to remedy the issue For the last year or more Peter was trying to sell the business, so all investment was stopped. There is now a massive catch up to be made to take the business forward and its Phil's intention is to improve the products in many areas. You are right he needs to get things straight as quickly as possible. On the other hand like all small businesses he has to keep lots of balls in the air at the same time. The business needs to go back to a cottage industry style, so profits can be made to invest into the product range. The first job is to get a reliable yet easy to use trading method working, this will benefit all, going to shows will be an important aspect of this. Its a pity I live so far away from him as there are a few things I could have helped with, having said this I do plan to go and see him and give him a hand in a couple of areas Again if anyone has a specific issue send me a PM and I will try and assist.
  4. The last time I bothered to calculated the cost the parts varied between £12 to £15 per turnout
  5. I had a chat with Phil on Tuesday, the way he had hoped the system would work was not as seamless as he had hoped and in fact there was an issue with part of the email system being being affected by something else owned by the previous owner being turned off, at this moment it would be wise to give Phil a call whilst the new system is being bedded in
  6. The clever part of the existing design of Peco turnouts is the compatibly of the different sizes if crossings and turnouts within the range, I believe this is done by using identical crossing angles and changing the length of the switch, would this still work with larger turnouts?
  7. I have had a chance to catch up with Phil, he mentioned that he is trying to work through a backlog of enquiries and orders. Unfortunately unknown to Phil a system of C&L which when turned off affected the incoming emails. Phil is now working through what he has but is finding some of the customer email addresses are missing, might be worthwile giving him a call if you are still waiting
  8. Greenmonkey There is a simple solution, for some reason on eBay these will be fought over (especially as there are reported minor supply issues). Clear photo(s) with an accurate description, listed in the correct section will reap rewards. Regarding the cost it has been well reported why these and other components from other suppliers cost so much. How much did you pay for your last loco on 0 gauge ( I bought a cheap one and it was over £200)?
  9. Trustytrev Using the components (making your own switches and crossings) you can build a turnout for about £15, far cheaper than buying Peco 00 gauge turnouts even from the discount houses. If would be far more expensive building a small layout let alone one of even modest magnitude
  10. Whilst I appreciate you want to get things running, most do start off buying a few bits at a time. I certainly agree with Nick that buying flexi track is much cheaper than set track I can understand where Nick is coming from with second hand track, on the other hand it could be a solution and there are bargains to be had. Many of us use eBay and do get a few bargains. Just read the description and look at the photos https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-x-RH-3-x-LH-small-radius-Peco-Code-100-Insulfrog-points/322857329335?hash=item4b2bcbe2b7:g:eBgAAOSwQcJZ-Ltv 4 turnouts ending today, look OK with the exception of a few broken sleepers (could be repaired once laid and before ballasting https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-x-RH-2-x-LH-small-radius-Peco-Code-100-Insulfrog-points/322857333050?_trkparms=aid%3D444000%26algo%3DSOI.DEFAULT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D48785%26meid%3Da99eb695e6ff41d4ad15600108c4800c%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D322857329335&_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982 Another 4 from the same seller, again a bit tired but these certainly get you started
  11. In a supermarket shoppers complain larger boxes and cheaper pro-rata than smaller boxes of goods, as you say its the same cost to handle both
  12. John In one way I agree with you in another way I disagree, but we can beg to differ in opinion without falling out or being rude This is a great step forward for 00 scale/gauge modellers, and hopefully the start of a decent size range. But it has only happened now because enough 00 scale modellers showed their dissatisfaction with what was on offer I have used this analogy, if someone was commenting on a error with a loco would they suffer similar comments, if they stated a coupling rod was wrong. I doubt it The turnout is not a direct replica of an actual prototype, so some details will differ for practicalities eg the tiebar. Perfectly acceptable in my book. Others will be due to era or regional differences, again perfectly acceptable. On the other hand why do the switch rails end between sleepers and not on a slide chair ? There are other small details which most will either accept or just be unaware of. For me its just sloppy design as it would be just as easy to do correctly as it is to do it wrongly. As I have said, a great move forward and hopefully the first of a large range, hopefully most will see this as constructive comment, not knocking either a product or producer
  13. This is what you call an untidy railway room Thankfully the dividing wall (old kitchen into new extension) is being taken down on Friday along with another wall (which increases the size of the lounge) then I have a week to lay the floor in the extension before the plasterers arrive Before anyone comments the electricians are back tomorrow to tidy up the wires, and central heating man will redirect the pipes (cavity in the floor) once the wall is down. Could even have the room operational (well usable) before Christmas
  14. Merfyn In one way this is the best news for all, Peco can now see the benefit of their investment in this product, which hopefully will lead to a new 00 scale range Thinking about their(or was it their importers) advert calling it H0 track, there could be a new market in H0 for unifrog turnouts which would boost sales, all be it they are to 4 mm not 3.5 mm scale
  15. Stephen How very right you are, I can remember in the 60's it was very common to build the turnouts from copperclad in fiddle yards, this was for economic reasons. In addition only 1 out of every 3 timbers were used, resulting in a 2/3rds cost reduction in copperclad The way costs can be reduced is to use ply timbers and RTR flexi track, fine for home layouts but for portable ones I would strongly advise the use of plastic timbers for a belt and braces approach
  16. If I were reviewing a loco and mention certain discrepancies I doubt if too many would object, so hopefully these thoughts will be taken in the same manner. LET ME SAY ITS A VAST IMPROVEMENT ON THEIR H0 offerings, and should be congratulated for taking notice of what 4 mm scale 00 modellers wanted With the slide chairs they look very good, but why do the tip of the blades not stop on the first slide chair ? The block chairs in the 3PL and 4PL positions are excellent, but why are the last 2 slide chairs which should have the inside chair against the stock rail not been modelled (easy fix though) The common crossing chairs differ to the style I am used to. I could be a copy of a different style though
  17. Sorry thought you were talking about the plastic ones, I have seen on TV a form of plastic which conducts electrical current, guess has enough metal dust mixed in with it, plus there is that new material they are trying to find an economic use for
  18. Martyn The cost of copperclad timbers has rocketed and the cost would be more than 100 chairs then add the cost etchings, what about the additional time these kits take to build and that a moulded chair looks far better (in my mind) than an etched one
  19. The price of these have gradually increased over the 5 or more years certainly with some products like copperclad everyone's in the same boat, plastic is dependant on the strength of the dollar and the exchange rate with the £, then with businesses coming out of recession they can increase their rates. Its not just the cost of producing the item that dictates its price, running a business become expensive. There have been discussions about prices before and the main reasons are the cost of running a small business, minimum wages , rent, business rates etc. C&L was sold as in its previous state it was not profitable for the owner. To a certain extent Phil's overheads will be smaller which hopefully will make the business profitable again. I am of the opinion most of these businesses are only profitable when run as a cottage industry, or grow to a similar size to Peco where economies of scale kick in, but this is my own opinion which could be wrong Anyway these 500 chairs will make about 4-5 turnouts, that's £7 per turnout, add a bit of rail and a few timbers and the component cost will vary between £12 and £15, which in turn will give you a bespoke turnout or crossing completely different to what's available off the shelf and half the price of Peco's latest offering I have just bought an unmade K's TT scale pannier tank, was priced at 75p (15 shillings actually), these models now sell for 30 to 40 times this cost, using your analogy I should not have bought it But its a free world and if you feel they are too expensive then don't use them
  20. The prices actually went up whilst Peter owned the business, there have been discussions before and the main reasons are the cost of running a small business, minimum wages , rent, business rates etc. C&L was sold as in its previous state it was not profitable for the owner. To a certain extent Phil's overheads will be smaller which hopefully will make the business profitable again. I am of the opinion most of these businesses are only profitable when run as a cottage industry, or when grown to a similar size as Peco, where economies of scale kick in, but this is my own opinion which could be wrong Anyway these 500 chairs will make about 4-5 turnouts, that's £7 per turnout, add a bit of rail and a few timbers and the component cost will vary between £12 and £15, which in turn will give you a bespoke turnout or crossing completely different to what's available off the shelf and half the price of Peco's latest offering
  21. Our small village has a Boots chemist (shows how many older folk live here), we have a super new medical centre but as I live in the village I have to go to Boots rather than use the in house pharmacy . Boots asked me if I wanted a flu jab, but decided to let the medical centre earn the fee, mainly as I and many others get fed up with the long winded service we get from Boots, as repeat prescriptions are now done somewhere else and take 3 to 4 days. Where I used to live the local chemist was run by the Triangle group, far superior service
  22. I came across this lovely model railway at Chelmsford and district MRC exhibition a couple of weeks ago, not only is the standard of model making excellent and to a very high standard, but the charm of the twin cab locos made my day. I thought my photos were worth sharing. I think Mr J Dean takes all the credit These locos were all scratch built
  23. Getting in to the 21st century then, DCC next?
  24. Here are three photos of the earlier chassis, the newer one works on much the same principals These older chassis are far better in that the quality of the wheels and motor are superior to the Plastic D insert wheels and the HMP motor However both models would be improved with more modern wheels, decent small motor and gearbox and perhaps some brake gear By the way, just got some K's plastic wheels which are push fit without the screws, I may actually give them a go on something
  25. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122789051664?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Sorry missed the post
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