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DJM Dave

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Everything posted by DJM Dave

  1. B&O line quite busy today as well as the N.S? East-West route. 30 freights in 6 hours so far!

  2. 100 freight trains in a day? Well I saw 46 in 12 hours so that a not bad :-)

    1. 69843


      That's a good effort!

    2. 46444


      Sounds like Par! LOL :D

    3. muddys-blues


      Where they running under the wires ? ;-), If so did you take some pictures of the said wires and masts ? ;-) ;-)

  3. Nice to wake up with a 5 unit lash up trundling by with 2 NS loco,s a CP loco and 2 Iowa,Chicago & Eastern units burbling by :-)

    1. 69843


      Well, there's worse ways to wake up.

    2. Supaned


      ICE units in N scale....;-)

  4. Hi everyone, I'm off to the USA Wednesday morning to photograph the trains fora week. A sort of bus mans holiday. Will answer mail when I'm back. Cheers Dave

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supaned


      Hopefully get some ideas for Dapol to branch out stateside..Amtrak Horizon cars in N would sell like hot cakes

    3. Supaned


      Anyhow - have a great time, I'm off stateside on saturday

    4. beast66606


      Have a great time

  5. If people have problmes with you, why dont they just talk to you about them rather than complain on forums like spoilt children?

  6. Lazy Saturday today, Liverpool show tomorrow :-)

  7. Photographing and measuring outdoors today.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      OK then, will the resulting CAD be capable of producing a 122 to the foot model of the outdoors?

    3. ian


      122 what to the foot though?

    4. Adams442T


      Dave didn't say anything about locos, he could be playing with aeroplanes again.......

  8. Hi richard, nothing like a good old grubby (in the nicest sense) depot to get the juices flowing creatively. cheers for those pics Dave
  9. Peco code 55 as its the only real choice at the moment, although i dd look at the Atlas code 55 which has much nicer pointwork with little chance of wheel 'drop' at the frog.
  10. Hi guys, Well it's been a frenetic few weeks in the purchasing department. Baseboards bought and awaiting delivery, track ordered and awaiting delivery, Warships to Mercig for 'improving' upon. I have cheated a lot and purchased some Graham Farish Scenecraft buildings and i cannot recommend these highly enough as the time they will save is perfect to allow me to get the 'feel' of the depot right.. I have bought the following; 2 x 4 road engine sheds for modifying into 1 longer 4 road engine shed (and i'll keep an eye on this as i think i need a third for 'extra length' ooooerrr missus. 1 x single road engine servicing shed 1 x 2 road engine shed base and extension office block Pit head bath house (trust me its an ideal shape and size). Loco washing plant Single height Crew building On order or being considered include the depot crane, a water tower (GWR type of course), Fuel tanks, fuelling point, bike rack (old style) Once i have the baseboards in a week or 2's time i'll start putting some pictures up on here so you can gauge progress. Cheers Dave
  11. Red and yellow and green and grey.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. martin_wynne


      That will be a 2400K resistor, 10% tolerance

    3. SHMD


      OK, the first 3 colours I can match but did any of those locos ever get released to traffic in undercoat?...

    4. Sasquatch


      Galatasaray vs Celtic (away)!

  12. Have a great Easter weekend everyone. :-)

  13. Hi Richard, the current stud wish list has the following on it. Farish 08 2 x Class 31's (when they arrive) 6 x Class 22's 2 x class 37 2 x class 47 1 x As built class 50 (when they arrive) 5 x Warships 5 x Hymeks 10 x Westerns 1 x Peak 1 x Blue Pullmann 1 x WR reverse Blue Pullmann (if one arrives) 1 x DMU 1 x 121 bubble car cheers Dave
  14. Hi Ben I remember seeing a Blue Pullmann going OOC bound slowly over the A40 on a Saturday afternoon (around 1.20pm) in the early 70's so yes :-) and no idea where i can get those snowploughs from! lol ;-) cheers Dave
  15. Hi John, yes it will feature coats of many colours :-)
  16. Lol, indeed. Actually for ease of use I'm going to use a Flieschmann one and modify it accordingly to look more British outline Cheers Dave
  17. Lol, yes the layout, for transportability reasons, is only 2ft wide. I don't plan a mainline at all, just a spread out depot with a fan going into a single track that goes off scene. I have the option, luckily, to double the width or even length (or both) if I decide I want a mainline too. 3 way points are a must and I have 3 on order. Im also sorting out a powered turntable for it too. Cheers Dave
  18. Hi guys, I've been toying with this idea for a while now while i wait for a change of houses in a few years time to let me do my long promised scottish layout. It's come about because of the delightful Warship, Hymek and soon to be released Western models that are available. So, supplemented with a peak or 2, a couple of 37's, a couple of 47's and 31's (when they appear), my dream is of an 'Old Oak Common' feel layout of 8ft x 2ft. This would include a 2 stall loco shed (2 of them making it twice as long (perhaps 3 times), a single road servicing shed, turntable, wqashing facility and a couple of crew and administration buildings spread across the layout. No mainline, but an off scene line to allow a change of loco's. I have ordered the baseboards from Black Cat, and the whole layout will be DCC with sound in most, if not all loco's. If you get a chance take a look at Old Oak Common on Google earth, and suggest anything that you think i should incorporate, or if you have a track layout in mind i'd be pleased to hear it. Mercig will be doing his thing on the loco's apart from the very clean ex works ones. I think the layout should not look full with 15-20 loco's on shed. Any feed back at all would be welcome at this stage. cheers Dave
  19. Currently looking out of my hotel window in London and seeing white!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neal


      Looking at the forecast to see how trip to SVR may be tomorrow....chilly!

    3. Horsetan


      Here in suburban North West London, I see no snow.

    4. David C

      David C

      Here is suburban SE London, I see lots of it....

  20. In London already for tomorrow's show. If your travelling, please take care.

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      enjoy your weekend ,just cant make it?

  21. Hmmmmmmm i wonder if anyone has already thought of that?
  22. So the Toyota you drive has a top engine fault. Toyota say it will take 2 days to fix minimum. Its booked in Next Wednesday but your booked to travel to germany in it next thursday. They wont lend you a car to go abroad in. Do you a) scream, b)kill toyota staff, or c) turn the other cheek because we are British? Grrrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Must have been friday night production as they are normally great cars?

    3. Mikkel


      Or (d) go by train?

    4. Jon020


      there are some problems with them. The two we have share a common engine 1.8VVTI that has a bottom end build problem that might affect some engines in the period that ours were built - but so far they've both been fine and now almost 8 years old so probably ok. Yes, the older ones are good, but some of the problems of the newer ones does make one question some of the Japanese QA and DA systems in place.

  23. New Baseboard time. Any recommendations please?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jon020


      ... yes that's the one I saw listed.


    3. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Cheers, I'll have a look.

      I remember Red Dog baseboards many years ago and loved them,.

    4. Jon020


      I'd planned to stop by and have a look at them myself.

  24. The sage has been proven correct. Nice list though.

  25. The weekend again already? I'll take that anytime!

    1. steve22


      Pity the people who sell model train stuff though...

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