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Everything posted by Barnaby

  1. Naarhh not for me, whilst that smoke is denser it still has too many willow-the wisps trails which just don't look right also the smoke shouldn't be that constant. Maybe I should like it but the sound addition is the only one that is right on the button for me. Same for the statue like people I will compose them so that they look like they are observing something and not just zapped frozen in time. Each to their own and rule one and all that, but the 50 was a "dirty boy" on start up.. Nearly catches fire @ 2 mins in. Best
  2. Ref the smokers you can make a home-brew one using vape guts and they also have a neutral smell liquid too, you can also use glycerine instead. The vid following is well worth a view if only for the ideas but smoke don't do it for me.
  3. Cheers for that Steve. I Think your idea of a point on the stick is a great idea as it will allow for the run-a-round to be completed with little or no fiddling. I will check out my train lengths and see if I can make it work on my layout. I was going to do a fiddle yard board shuffle but using a point would be much simpler. I'll get on with the checking and possible redesign of my fiddle yard tomorrow, well actually I've already started. Best
  4. Hello Paul and welcome to RM. I don't have the information you require but I'm sure someone will be along shortly to help. The only tippers I've seen are those for Narrow gauge. Best
  5. Steve sorry to bother you again but I'm just looking at your layout plan at the locations of the various points and trying to work out the overall layout length. I can see that you have added another 2feet to the fiddle stick but is the overall layout length 12ft when measuring from stick end to layout board end. It looks like the run-round uses a point in the fiddle stick, is that correct ie 2 tracks into the stick but combining into one via a point. Also the hole in the world out into the fiddle stick how far from your layout RH end / goods yard is it? Many thanks
  6. Thanks Jim you're spot on with the extra light being needed. I have 2 magnifying led lamps for bench work plus a hand led torch for close up work. Even my shed has LED "fluorescent tube" style fittings which are great and I recommend them. Back onto topic
  7. This is such sad news. Chris was always available to discuss and make you feel very welcome in his business. I required one of his Fowlers but not right away so he said not to worry as he would put one aside for me, I shall take it out for a ride on my test track today in memory of him. My condolences to family, friends and to Chris' business partner Chris Basten. RIP
  8. So sorry to hear of your loss Wendy. I only know of Peter from reading his posts on here and through our joint link with diabetes. Regards
  9. Yes I agree with you Rod I now find [@76 yo] all bits of me are beginning to be effected from eyesight through to all my joints. I'm very impressed with the amount of work you have achieved with your model, well done. I've already reduced the size of my present layout to some thing much more manageable and making my soldering of wires easier to achieve by using bus-bars which are on extended wires so I don't have to crawl underneath the boards. I then secure the bus-bars with Velcro. I'm now deciding to reduce my layout boards down again to being workable / playable individually but can be connected together if I so desire. There are some fine examples of this policy on here, one being Mike Bragg's layouts Reelly Grate, Primrose Hill, Wellington Street. I salute your work volume and skills Rod my future is to cut down on my build time to get into my play time using a fiddle board shunt stick so I can use just the single layout board with the stick attached. Best
  10. Hello Ade as the others have said it's sad that Lez has lost her job hopefully a new opportunity will appear quickly for her. Best wishes to you both and a large amount of success is just around the corner. Regards
  11. Thanks for the reply Steve I'll look forward to seeing it live at Stafford and saying hello in 2021. You could also put yourself in the GOG virtual show showing on 31st October 2020. PS. Here's the link if you have not seen it. https://gaugeoguild.com/news/files/0d9468a8-e1f7-4de7-8013-18bc0a79699f.pdf Best
  12. Thanks for the link Rod I'll be there on October the 31st to watch and envy the modelling. Great PS. I've not visited the link yet but is there a start time or is it anytime on the day? OK after visiting the link I see the show runs from 9.30 through to17.00 with layouts - traders - how to's and other options to view -- I know what I'll be doing on October 31. https://gaugeoguild.com/news/files/0d9468a8-e1f7-4de7-8013-18bc0a79699f.pdf for further details.
  13. Hello Rod your modelling efforts are truly worthy it all jells together nicely. Best
  14. Hello Steve I've been wondering what has been going on with your fab layout Hillport as you've not posted anything on here since June? I'll go and have a skip read in case I have missed any updates. Regards
  15. So well made Paul and it is truly portable, well done. Best
  16. I did wonder if that is what had happened, thanks for the update Paul. Best
  17. Very nice layout Paul but did it just stop, the lady of the house forbid the use of the table what has happened to the build. Regards
  18. Simon I've just done a very sympathetic S C R E A M for him. Best
  19. Tim, Mike I've just Googled "Rails" and their on screen price for the BR Black 0-6-0 Terrier Locomotive No.32655 By Hornby | Code: R3767 | OO Gauge is>>> Buy new RRP: £89.99 -10% £80.99 (other currencies) Availability: In stock Price promise We guarantee the price of our forthcoming releases for Locomotives, coaches and wagons to be at least 10-25% less than the RRP at the time of release. We also offer large discounts on many of our railway accessory ranges. We continually monitor other retailers to ensure that our prices are always competitive. Please note limited editions and exclusive products are not included in the price promise offer. Free postage Regards
  20. I will welcome back with open arms the "SHOWS" as soon as there is a working vaccine. The risk is too great if there are to be shows without a suitable vaccine to counteract any potential virus contagion. As for interest in the general public numbers they are the minor people at shows with the majority being hobbyists and that ratio wont change. Best
  21. Fantastic Ian, interesting as well as some excellent building skills on show. Best
  22. Thanks for that Paul I had previously had that site listed on my pc as a ref source but since my hard drive crash I've lost a lot of my info., so thanks again. I'm adding it as I reply for future ref. And while I add that I've added this also. http://www.igg.org.uk/rail/4-rstock/004-index.htm Best
  23. I've usually not been too fussy of what passed by when on the rails but when were these first out and about. Thanks
  24. A very enjoyable video on the previous page Andy, just the thing for my T break in the hobby cabin while doing catch up on the forums. Best
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