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Everything posted by Barnaby

  1. Yeah I'm not liking those adverts either but I think it is down to chrome as explorer doesn't do it but then that won't work properly with this new upgrade so forced to change browser to a more modern one. Liking looking for your mojo Ian, I think you are getting warmer. I'll probably visit this forum less if I can't find a way to display without the "adds" and not by joining gold, they are very annoying. The right hand side of my pages has very little on it why not put the adds down there. I'll check out my chrome/google settings to see if there is a get rid hammer. Best
  2. Yes I use First4magnets too. They have a vast range in all manner of shapes and sizes. I highly recommend them, just a very satisfied customer, they're great on customer service too. Best
  3. Ahhhh Ian that's a kick in the dogs danglers even if they have one that postage is caustic. I'm looking forward to you clearing your modelling room out and then cracking on with HG. You can do it. Regards
  4. Hello John just started following your build, superb it is too. John will it be a moving diorama or do you intend to shunt it with a fiddle yard at each side? Cracking build so far. Best
  5. I need to study read this magnetic traverser as I'm mulling ideas about one for my build. Mine will only be a 2 or 3 track shelf but I may want to make it a rotating traverser so I want it to move back and forth on the layout but also rotate end over end too. It's a classy build though, well done. Best
  6. So this is 4mm Andy so that's 1/2 the scale so 1/2 the build time, yes. I'll be watching with great interest, ummmmn will there be a mini lj somewhere observing the 4mm world. Best
  7. Hello Andy so sorry to read of your pet losses, we lost our cat [Barnaby] after 21 years, he was born at our home. It does leave a never to be filled void and I often say a few words to him as I pass by his resting place up by my shed. My Forum name is Barnaby so named after him all those years ago done when I quickly needed a forum name. Regards the buffers my photos show that what you have is correct so I must remember that when I get round to weathering my locos. Regards
  8. Looks like your walk with the animals took you onto the Railway land. Just in passing as I've not looked at any real life buffers to compare but I would instinctively think that the impact point would be the buffer centres with a darker rim and not the other way around. I must go and look at a real life photo. Byz
  9. Thanks CME spent some time running my Fowler all over the cleaned off track to prove all still electrically sound, yes it is. Before I complete the ballasting I'll add the mechanical point levers to my chosen position. They will be by push-pull flexi rods from my RC aircraft days, initially by small wooden knobs on the front panel but i may later on use some of the levers sets I have. Cheers
  10. Mojo on its way back after a period of real life issues only to be wacked in the nuts by the software update that kept me out of here until today. It made a right mess of my w10 PC in not allowing me to see photos, not being able to reply to topics, mis-aligned all over the page, unable to PM all of which left me unable to contact Andy for guidance. Martin Wynne 85A models and Templot has knowledge of the how's and why's of server software lives local to me so Ill give him a call to see why this software on my pc was such a pig when all other forums I visit were still fully accessible. Best
  11. Well you have the honour Andy of my first post since the software update, it has made a right mess of my w10 PC in not allowing me to see photos, not being able to reply to topics, mis-aligned all over the page, unable to PM all of which left me unable to contact Andy for guidance. All other forums I visit were still accessible. Anyway moving on to things modelling. Your new project in 00 gauge looks interesting and I will be watching out for your sector plate build due to start soon. Best
  12. Well if that doesn't blow the old mojo into getting on with some modelling nothing will. Fantastic trip Ian watching some care free whales splashing about, great. Best
  13. Chin up Ian real life needs does seem to come along and FUBAR the modelling world an a far to regular basis. I'm in a similar pickle but have started to re-gain my MOJO again. Best.
  14. I must visit here more often. A great read and a fine model Julian. Best
  15. Chin up CME Take small steps and enjoy what you have now. I too have hardly done any modelling recently, well considering all the time available in the lock down not much at all. I have been able to go and watch one of my Grandsons playing football for an under 12's team and their skill, enthusiasm and energy is wonderful to see. So taking a leaf out of their book and getting asked have I got my layout sorted yet I started to work in my shed again. Little by little with plenty of tea and biscuits I am moving forward and upward. Regards
  16. Knock knock Gareth!! How's the work going in your model room? I've just looked at my posts and found I've been doing plenty other things to the house, out in the garden, still tidying up my shed and ridding my new Ebike on a bit of a health kit seems anything but modelling. Done a bit of a stock take and have at least made a little more space to proceed with my model. Stay safe
  17. An interesting read Dave showing some very neatly and expertly modelled work. I like the point actuation and the pcb tie bar I may do that on my Peco points but they are all laid now. I'm also thinking of allowing some of my fiddle yard to be on view as after all most times we go look see at it anyway. What I'm hoping to do is park up on view in the fiddle yard then pinching your idea of a tea / coffee mug shelf to hide my hand while I swap locos about. So far the scribble pad thoughts are suggesting I will need two lines connecting to a point or a two line traverser with a loco release extension on the shelf but I need to play further. Regards
  18. Just stepping onto the football pitch for a min. We both support a Liverpool team you Everton me Liverpool. I've supported Liverpool for some 65 years now and it is looking like after a long time you toffees have got a great manager and a useful team. Looking forward to our first meeting this year should be something special. Fire truck corner is looking very smart. Best
  19. Great to read you're not giving up without a fight on Lez's job situation, good luck and every success. Thanks for the layout catch up, that 517 looks very crisp. Regards
  20. Hello Swiftbeam and welcome to the forums. These days I buy RTR models as you know there are some excellent models out there. Somebody who has a good range of kits Is Connoiseur Models [http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiHg_2ejt_rAhUJ4YUKHSCIAsEQFjAAegQIARAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jimmcgeown.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw0GmpNFoctWYOQHDCVPx1y8] They are mainly LNER but if your main aim is for a good fitting brass kit then look no further. Best
  21. Yes Andy and DB's comment too, adding some limited scenic detail to the fiddle yard seems like a very good idea to me. I'm considering adding a "to be" viewed pivoting traverser to allow me to do a run around and that gives me some food for thought. My build is to have some high walls surrounding the fiddle yard to keep it hidden but I'm taken with having it all on show as in the earlier post above. What I would like to do is allow the fiddle yard traverser to pivot such that it will connect to a line that presently runs in front of the fiddle yard; some hedging between the tracks could make this work Sketching pad ready. Drafting pencil ready. Rogue ideas remover [eraser] ready. Cuppa not yet ready Best
  22. Hello Rod all the open spaces have been surveyed and are getting built on, it's looking great. I'm looking forward to seeing your layout on the 0 gauge VIRTUAL show. Best
  23. Mine came with a multi bit kit from B&Q, I think I've used the triangle heads a few times in 20 years, but they're worth their weight in screw drivers, bolts heads, torx and many more to many to mention.
  24. Great video Ian I'll be watching with interest the wriggly tin build. Best
  25. Cracking work there Duncan, superb modelling. Best
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