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Status Updates posted by DavidR

  1. Mosquitoes: here,in Silesia, they're a bl**dy nuisance; we've had occasional downpours and the damn things are plaguing us like mad.

    1. Horsetan


      Might garlic help keep them away?

  2. Here in Poland, the council have just turned up (in pouring rain) and cut my front hedge- gratis. Can't imagine this happening in Norfolk!

    1. Horsetan


      ...at any time of year.

    2. LMS_LNER_SR_GWR_fan2004


      Well, at least you got some rain, our country really needs it. Would you mind donating some for here?

    3. DavidR


      I'll send it on the next tram out.

  3. Well, here I am in Poland again with ears attuned to the BBC for wildlife programme(?): something about three lions !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DavidR


      Thanks. Weather a tad cooler here (only 25c).

    3. Regularity


      You will be safe from the black eagle, though...

    4. bourneagain


      Now they have to digest 11 Swedes.

  4. Sodden weather !

    1. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      At least with the schools on holiday, I don't have to do wet play/lunchtime duty.....

    2. DavidR


      Neither does my wife!

  5. Yesterday, Mrs.DavidR decided there was some shopping to be done as Sainsburys had cancelled the home delivery. She was gone for two hours and returned with said shopping on a sled!

  6. Dropped one nameplate on the floor yesterrday, whilst rebranding King 6016 to 6018. Couldn't find it, despite searching. This morning it was there, staring at me.

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Always the way when you drop something

    2. Rowsley17D


      Strange how it's always in the last place you look.

    3. Brit70053


      They love laughing at you as you fail to see them first time round.

  7. We got snow, here in Poland,

  8. In Katowice for two weeks, following a phone call the house had been broken into and trashed. Doesn't look too bad, apart from a half brick in the hall !

    1. JDW


      Oh no, sorry to hear that. Did they take the trains? If not: Everybody, quick, David's in Katowice for two weeks, let's all get round to his place... :-o

  9. It's a funny old world....order adhesive from a seller on e-bay and it gets delivered and processed by Amazon !

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      was it cheaper on Amazon? This happened to me and buying direct from Amazon was in fact cheaper.

      Lesson learnt.

    2. DavidR


      Yup it was. Just checked. Difference £1.20. Lesson learnt, as you said.

  10. It's 35c in Poland again ! Feeling frazzled. Meanwhile, back in Norfolk, the garden must be 6ft underwater!

    1. Danemouth


      Lucky you! I've just turned the gas fire on as it feels quite chilly.

    2. DavidR
  11. It's 35c in Poland again ! Feeling frazzled. Meanwhile, back in Norfolk, the garden must be 6ft underwater!

  12. In Poland until September end.

    1. Mallard60022


      get to see some steam action.......

  13. Temperature minus 2c, petrol =80p litre,turkey= 3 GBP for 3Kg, bottle of HP sauce =4.50GBP! Where else? Poland.

    1. bgman


      Devon Pasties !

    2. Horsetan


      They've got Tesco in Poland as well!

    3. DavidR


      that's where the turkey came from !

  14. Temperature minus 2c, petrol =80p litre,turkey= 3 GBP for 3Kg, bottle of HP sauce =4.50GBP! Where else? Poland.

  15. A Merry Christmas to you all. I'm off to Poland,until after the New Year.

    1. steve22


      Safe journey and Merry Christmas to you too.

    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Makes a change someone GOING to Poland.

    3. DavidR


      I'm off to do a little plumbing!

  16. Finally started building the layout I promised myself. A GWR roundy-roundy.

  17. I'm back in Blighty and the lawn is up to my knees. Out with the mower!

    1. SHMD


      I know that feeling...

  18. I'm back in Blighty and the lawn is up to my knees. Out with the mower!

  19. The plumber fixed my internet connection. (This is Poland!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DavidR


      He was working on fitting new taps. He also does electronics as a by-line.

    3. 69843


      He really is a crack tradesman.

    4. Horsetan


      He probably has a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics #jackofalltrades

  20. Back to the UK tomorrow for the (alleged) summer. Will be glad of cooler weather - its 35c here!

  21. It's been snowing hard, since 3am and with a foot of snow outside, there's been a lunch menu change: to turkey and Christmas pud!

  22. It's been snowing hard, since 3am and with a foot of snow outside, there's been a lunch menu change: to turkey and Christmas pud!

  23. It's been snowing hard, since 3am and with a foot of snow outside, there's been a lunch menu change: to turkey and Christmas pud!

  24. We've had minus temp's,here, since December: snow since New Year. But the buses, trains and trams run on time, schools are open etc. Why does everything go belly-up in the UK during winter?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 69843


      I'll trade. We've been having record temps in Sydney-46 degrees the other day!

    3. Jan


      Because council services rely on handouts from central government, and paying tax isn't a vote winner. You get what you pay for...

    4. DavidLong


      Got it in one, Jan.

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