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Mr chapman

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Everything posted by Mr chapman

  1. Just need the inevitable upscaled version now Lovely model.
  2. Is it possible to model Guernsey with this tooling? Or is that a different boiler?
  3. Sorry, I meant people who have ordered a king based on CAD 1 or all crowd funded kings.
  4. Sorry, being a div here... But is that everyone who's ordered a king turn in deposits, or just the early models?
  5. The crimson and cream sets do have numbers on them. Not a problem as I have a couple of sheets from Fox. But an odd choice given the popularity of the livery. It does seem to make the book sets redundant without set numbers.
  6. Have the brakes got set numbers on? The hattons photos don't appear to show them.
  7. Well I'll be damned! Thanks chaps I thought this was a flight of fancy. Interesting about the cranks. When I convert the forthcoming Dapol model to 2mm I'll be sure to model this No one will ever notice but it will be a nice touch for me
  8. The companies that produce terriers seem to like producing the SECR locomotive in fully lined green livery. Did this ever exist? I've only seen "little titch" in grey or plain green with large numerals.
  9. So did the orders pick up in the end?
  10. Buy a king, grow the business then maybe one day:)
  11. Looks nice enough to me with a milk tank trailing
  12. I'm sorry Dave but this is awful. Looks nothing like a King Arthur! Start again...
  13. I have a pair of Dapol BR green maunsell's, a brake and a composite. These aren't really my era so I'm looking to swap them for a pair of olive green coaches if someone is in the same boat. Ideally the same combo or a pair of brakes.
  14. That's strangely low. I thought engineering wagons were all the rage. I'm waiting for the road van myself. You've already squeezed a pair of kings out of me, your on your own with the shark!
  15. Sod it! Ordered the bloody thing £135 is a great price for a loco these days. Plus it's broken up into manageable chunks.
  16. Don't tell me a UK manufacturer has finally learnt from the continental boys! Whatever next Top job Still mulling it over... The blue one would be nice but I don't model the west. Just trying to help out the western guys. Hopefully they'll reciprocate when you announce the Pullman's your dying to make Mind you... Watching the scramble for the second hand pendolino... Perhaps best not to wait!
  17. I personally would opt for no coupling on an express loco. Made do for years with no front coupler from Farish Nice close coupling between the loco and tender though! What's the recommended minimum radius on that? Out of interest... Is it too late to add a second king? I keep thinking about the blue one.
  18. Top stuff I'll buy a couple when they arrive, no rush! Should be able to make one good'un out of them
  19. Thanks That's very helpful! Neat job on the chassis. It's amazing the difference proper size drivers make.
  20. That M7 looks great! Is it a WW etch? Next time you take the body off could you take a picture of the chassis? I fancy one as a first loco build I saw mention of an M7 way further back in this thread (yours?) but the pictures had all gone.
  21. That's a shame, I always found them helpful regardless if what I wanted was due or not. The Bulleid's are the only thing that I feel the need to buy all at once as they make a complete set
  22. It's a real pitty. Not one that I'd ordered but was hoping it would make a lot of money to fund other projects.
  23. Any idea when the malachite Bulleid's are coming? There doesn't appear to be a due in the next 60 days section on the new Bachmann website. I noticed them in the background of a cabinet in one of sdjr88's videos.
  24. Thanks for your patience. I'm still very new to 2mm and don't know what fly's and what doesn't. I didn't realize you can change out the wheels and retain the value gear. That's made for a less daunting task!
  25. Oh right, thanks what about the rest of the rods?
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