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Tony Davis

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Everything posted by Tony Davis

  1. This Wheel's on fire -Brian Auger and Julie Driscol (Amongst others)
  2. Bl**dy Dandelions!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      You're worried about Dandy Lions, I'm worried about Spiffy Cheetahs...

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Louche Leopards?

    4. SHMD


      Chickens eat Dandelions...


      ...except the flowers, but still, numbers are well down this year.

  3. Hey hey my my - Crazy Horse & Neil Young
  4. Sweet America - Buffy St Marie
  5. Although they failed to mention what repairs will be made to the adjacent statue "Brass Monkeys" :-)
  6. Down came the rain - Mitch Murray
  7. Welcome to my nightmare - Alice Cooper
  8. Many Rivers to Cross - Jimmy Cliff
  9. Goodbye cruel world - Pink Floyd
  10. Life, the unsuspecting captive - Michael Nesmith
  11. Looks a bit insipid, reminds of that thing the Pink Panther used to arrive in at the beginning of the cartoon show.
  12. I use the laser ones too, for the same reason, that's how I found out that there was difference.
  13. It is inkjet, amazon have 10 sheets for £4.74 but you could probably find it cheaper with a quick search. A4 OHP Inkjet Transparency Film Sheets 135 micron Instant Dry should get the desired result
  14. The type you need will also depend on what type of printer you are using, there are separate films for inkjet and laser printers. Tony
  15. There is an online magazine viewer called Issuu, it has the first issue in it's entirety and previews of issues 2 & 3 if that helps
  16. Bought SIT 11's - seem nice & bright

  17. Bought SIT 11's - seem nice & bright

  18. 12 's or 13's for acoustic blues?

    1. Mallard60022


      11s. They are kinder to fingers. Change the pleccy to a 'harder' one.

    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Thanks, any particular make? I use Ernie Ball on my strat, 9's, at the moment I'm using medium wound on my Fender acoustic and, as you say, after a while my fingers ache and it isn't easy, not impossible, but not easy to do full bends, especially with my fourth finger.

  19. 12 's or 13's for acoustic blues?

  20. 12 's or 13's for acoustic blues?

  21. Ordered today, thanks for all the info.
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