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Everything posted by JJGraphics

  1. When checking for "Purchased" Apps, make sure you are looking for iPhone Apps, as TouchCab is formatted for iPhone. John Edited to correct spelling
  2. Answer to the question in the heading of this thread: NO! Never would have done and never will . . . even if they survived this debacle. John
  3. Now had a chance to thoroughly test the 1.8.4 version on iPad2 (iOS 9.3.5) and iPhone7 (iOS10.3.3) and everything seems to work extremely well. John
  4. The half-dozen developers whom I know from many years in the industry would totally agree about the issues of developing for Android. It's a load of hurt and is why they have to a man given up on Android and now do only iOS Apps. It is not a question of "my toy is better than yours", but as Mike rightly says, the issues of developing for a platform that has developed many different nuances and complications. Yes, ESU do have an App running on Android, but on their choice of hardware in a closed situation, so they have control of both hardware and software, just like iOS in effect, which makes the job of developing their App a little easier. John
  5. Some routers will support the use of a USB drive, but the real problem you face is reading the files on another device as it will probably not "understand" the file system on the USB disk, even if it is shared via WiFi . . . Edit to add additional information: If you can get your USB HD shared on your router, this might just do the trick: http://www.stratospherix.com/products/filebrowser This is available via the Apple AppStore which also has a free "lite" version to do a try-out. Nothing to lose . . . give it a try! John
  6. Posted on SWD site yesterday! Please be advised that the new Hornby TTS decoders will FAIL when used with RailCom enabled dcc systems. The older TTS decoders were more tolerable of the RailCom cutout signal so would run. Please note this is NOT an ESU issue and all concerns should be directed at Hornby customer service. Is your controller railcom enabled? Surely they tested the decoders with as many controllers as possible? It is astonishing that something like this has slipped through the net. Or is it . . .? Maybe the low target price was set by "marketing" or the "bean counters" and this precluded the necessary detailed testing after the development work . . . if that is what happened, it will be far from the first time! John
  7. Updated on my iPhone and iPad today. Looking forward to getting home tomorrow to try them out! John
  8. Nothing if you've got good eyesight . . . but us old 'uns struggle with spider script!
  9. Interesting about the difference with a Prodigy . . . As I mentioned in another post, the only decoders that are troublesome on my layout with my ECoS 50200 are TTS ones in locos which a couple of friends bring to run on my layout occasionally. They apparently perform "OK" with the Hornby controllers on their home layouts. I still have my old Prodigy Advanced and we did try that some while ago and unfortunately the TTS decoders still played up. Other makes of decoder, both sound and non-sound all seem to perform well on my layout and can be reprogrammed with the ECoS without the slightest problem either POM or on the Programming Track. I do understand that they are a cheaper option and for that reason have their attraction, but the TTS decoders I have heard are mostly a pretty poor relation in terms of sound quality to that produced by decoders from the mainstream suppliers, especially with regard to the synchronisation of chuffs with wheel rotation on steam locos. The "driveability" also seems to fall short of what can be achieved with ESU and Zimo decoders even after tweaking. It is a great shame that Hornby have not taken a bit more care with the TTS decoders as the idea of budget sound must appeal to a lot of people and must be a good way to attract more youngsters to the hobby. John
  10. Yes, always solder. If a wire comes loose it could short on something and blow (at least) the amplifier side of the decoder. John
  11. I think it is just the TTS decoders. I don't have any JMRI stuff, I used a Prodigy with ESU and Zimo decoders without any problems for around six years. I then moved to an ESU ECoS and the only decoders I ever see problems with are when friends bring TTS-fitted locomotives to run on my layout. Sometimes they work fine, sometimes they don't. Sometimes the CVs can be adjusted, sometimes the TTS decoder will just not respond at all to POM or on the Programming Track. John
  12. On the couple of occasions I have phoned Bachmann I got a very helpful response, being given the price and being able to order what I wanted there and then. On both occasions the items were delivered promptly by post. John
  13. Are there actually any Clever Politicians? If so, they are strangely invisible. John
  14. That is really odd. Just a thought, have you tried an alternative browser on the laptop? (Another) John
  15. Make sure that the address that you are typing is just the figures, eg: and does not include htp:// or https:// or www (Another ) John
  16. After a lot of years working in technical support in the graphics industry, I can tell you that Canon are amongst the worst for updating drivers for any platform, even for their mega-expensive high-end kit. I have watched Canon engineers almost in tears trying to get over these problems. John
  17. Don't trust a memory stick! They are not reliable and can easily be corrupted. "Cloud" services can also have serious problems or may just disappear (or become extortionists as we have seen). One of my former clients who would not listen to me about backups and though he was being "cool" by using the Cloud lost a vast amount of his data when a Cloud company went bust several years ago. His company subsequently failed because of this loss and he is still fighting with HMRC as all his accounts data went south at the same time. Burn your photo collections to DVD (preferably two copies) and store them in different places or store the collections on duplicate removable drives and store them in two different places. John
  18. Certainly sounded more like a Pacer than a modern unit. I don't recall flange squeal like that on videos of other trains in that location. I also got the impression that not all of the engines were running . . . anyone else notice this? John
  19. Agree! Have also experienced this kind of excellent service from GaugeMaster. If only everything worked like that . . . John
  20. Out of interest, it is still visible to me on an iPhone 7 running iOS10.3.2 John
  21. Not too sure about that. It looks like the "as-is" refers to the features in TouchCab, rather than the App itself, implying that no changes will be made other than to adjust the code in the App to run on the 64-bit versions of iOS. After the release of iOS11 it appears that 32-bit Apps will not be allowed in the AppStore, so a legacy version will not be able to be there. If you have an older device, that means that you will no longer be able to access a 32-bit version of TouchCab. At that point it will be important to have a backup of the device so that you can "restore from backup" if you need to replace a device with another older one which still uses a 32-bit version of iOS. By the way, despite reports to the contrary, TouchCab was still visible in the AppStore a few minutes ago . . . John
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