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Paul Cram

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Everything posted by Paul Cram

  1. It is good news that the 52F A8 is now availavble. i will need to order one. I have built his T1 kit and it is a lovely model that ran first time without any tweaking.
  2. The original K&L sleepers were thick sleepers with holes one side and slots the other to take chairs with pips on the bottom. They only changed when Alan Gibson got involeved in selling them and were then oggered in 2 thicknesses without hte holes.
  3. Having experiencede them on an exhibition layout I would make the following observations based on experience: The set up is critical to reliable operation. It is not a matter of just using the slot in the buffer beam as they ust all be at the same height. Any variation sees vehicles becoming uncoupled. The position with regard to the buffers is also critical as if they protrude just a fraction too far they won't uncouple. If fitted stock is used then the vac/westinghouse pipe needs telocation away from the coupling for them to work. They need to be packed carefully for transport as the loops are easily damaged.
  4. I use 145 solder to solder the whitemetal axleboxes to the W irons. Not had a problem.
  5. The Bradwell tender is lovely and free running. His warning is apt.
  6. I'm still getting random items as wel although one or twice it has been correct
  7. My "My followed content" comes and goes and seem to be randomly populated with everythiing but the content I am following
  8. Thanks Martin that explains it. It does briefly appear when I first hover over it nut I couldn't get it to come back.
  9. Doesn't work for me, just allows the like option.
  10. Needs more proof reading to eradicate errors
  11. Here is one I use at school Write down a three-digit number whose digits are decreasing. Then reverse the digits to create a new number, and subtract this number from the original number. With the resulting number, add it to the reverse of itself. The number you will get is 1089
  12. I can recommend Narrow planet. Custom made at an off the shelf price, whats not to like and good service as well
  13. You are correct. It says saving 63% not 63% of the original price.
  14. I think the time taken depends on whether the kit is designed with compensation/springing or not. I an just finsihing a NER class X (LNER T1) which was well thought out and the chassis took no loner than a oo one.
  15. It's the same as building a non dcc loco but you wire in a dedcoder. The books may ne old but the kits aren't that different.
  16. The original K&L chairs were with pips and had thick sleepers. This was the wishes of the East London Area group who persuaded Len that there would be a market for plastic chairs. I was a member of that group at the time. I still have some of the original chairs and sleepers. The thin sleepers were at the request of Alan Gibson as was the removal of the pips from the chair base to enable track to guaghes other than P4.
  17. The original chairs were intended for plain track asw an alternative to the cast chairs then available. Slide chairs were produced to enable pointwork to be built but there were no point jkits. They were marketed by the Scalefor and EMGS stores and a digest sheet produced to support making pointwork . The original sleeper design had holes to accept pips on the chair negating the need fo gauges and also allowing for gauge widening. It was only when Alan Gibson got involved that the pips were removed and plain sleepers produced to allow then to be used for other gauges. Instructions weren't needed as the digest sheets covered this along with others covering the production of Vs and switches. Bearing in mind ths was all 30+ years ago it would appear that most people have managed ithout having instrucrions in the packs since.
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