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Paul Cram

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Everything posted by Paul Cram

  1. I hope they don't compromise the wheel for P4 as I for one will be cancelling my order if they do
  2. me but not a great western one Just bought a Bradwell Q6.
  3. I attended for the first time and thought it was very good. Some layouts I had not seen before and some interesting demonstrators. I thought the catering was very good.
  4. That is what I am doing at the moment for the J5
  5. Just won a PC models LNWR horsebox for £21
  6. Bill Bedford has done them as an etch for the Hawes goods shed. We had then commissioned from drawings we did on site.
  7. I ordered 2 kits earlier in the yearand theydid take a while to come. I suspect that they are made to order which may be why they take longer than just the transfers.
  8. It does seem that there is a disproportionate amount of criticism for this particyular layout becaue it is P4. There were a number of other layouts where the running was less than perfect involving finger poking to get things moveing and other faults. Thes don''t seeem to have attracted the same amount of comment. I was involved with a P4 layout at bracknell and whilst there were a couple of derailments the offending vehicles were removed and checked. On the positive side all of the locos started when power was applied and none of them required poking to get them to move. With any exhibition layout you are always subject to environmental factors. This along with putting in a vehicle and bouncing it down motorways is always chancing something going wrong. It is easy to get perfect running on a regular basis with a layout that never leaves home as it removes most of the facrors that cause problems. I should think that all exhibitors of layouts would want perfect running for the duration of the exhibition but sometimes other factors get in the way.
  9. The photo is 1932. 1636 was on the branch between 1930 and 1934.
  10. The photo is D17 1636 with the afternoon milk train. It left from that platform as it was easier to load the churns into the 2 ex NER milk vans that are making up the train. It was instructed to wair until the milk was loaded and then picked up further vans down the branch.
  11. Campling only has a 48'6 version built by the LNER numbers as previously given. The NER version was 45'.
  12. The LNER numbers for the low roof version were 1226-41
  13. The second vehicle looks like a Gresley suburban lav corridor composite. I attach a photo of my kirk kit of what I think this vehilce is.
  14. All I can say is that my travelling expenses were covered and I enjoyed a day out playing trains.
  15. I was at the Maldon exhibition as an exhibitor. I have the impression that he was let down by a number of layouts not attending that said they would. He also admitted that his communication with exhibitors prior to the event could have been better and said he would improve that. I see nothin wrong in how the show was advertsie abd havibg several Dakota Dibden exhibitions around the country coukl well be more confusing. At least you know where the exhibition is being held. I know that they had run out of cups by mid afternoon as I tried to get a tea and ended up with a coke so i am not sure about the recycling of cups.
  16. I think you will find that the rail inclination is 1 in 20 not 20 degrees.
  17. You could always see if you could commission Danny to produce the coaches as a kit for those that want them.
  18. I can confirm that the bogies Jol refers to come with bearings whether they will include wheels I don't know however I do understand that the rest of a coach will follow and I expect with a high level of detail.
  19. I do not regard myself as a modeller of greater skill. The reason I chose to model in P4 way back in the seventies was because I couldn't build stock square enough so that all the wheels were on the track. When shown how easy it was to build compensated vehicles I tried it myself and haven't looked back. In my view it is the narrower gaps at the crossings that improve the riding. I well remeber watching a very nice O guage layout where all the stock bounced through the point work and whilst it didn't fall off it spoiled the illusion. Certainlt some of the track I have run my stock on has been far from perfect but beacuse of the compensation things haven't come off. I was critical of one P4 layout at Stevenage not because it was running badly (it was running beautifully)but because some of the moves were rather unprototypical. It is certainlt easier to get good running on a static layout than an exhibition one regardsless of guage.because putting things in a van and bouncing them around and the reassembling them is quite difficult. .
  20. I too have been modelling rather than watching the tele, in my case finishing the lining and lettering on some North Eastern coaches. Not to a high enough standard to photograph though.
  21. The Slaters ref is 4050A and they were produced as a seperate sheet. Powsides do commisions so that might be an alternative.
  22. http://www.powsides.co.uk/www.powsides.co.uk/info.php?p=9&cat=168694 ID 266 NER Hopper
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