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Paul Cram

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Everything posted by Paul Cram

  1. I am nearing the completion of this kit from Arthur Kimber which has gone together very easily and is well thought out with good instructions.
  2. I do long runs by letting the solder creeep along the joint that has been well fluxed. I use a normal 18w iron but I make sure that only the solder and not the iron touches the model. That way the only heat is the solder which has a lower melting point than the white metal.
  3. The original K&L timbers were thick with holes on one end and slots on the other set to 18.83 gauge.( the slots allowed widening on curves) and the chairs had moulded pips on the base. It was Alan Gibson who persuaded Len to adopts thin sleepering and do away with the pips so they could be marketed to all 4mm modellers.
  4. Nope still wont add items to the cart using firefox
  5. Can you not just re gauge the existing wheels? If I rember correctly when I re wheeled mine to p4 the wheels were quite a tight push fit on the acle muff.
  6. Paul Cram


    This is interesting. I know a couple of people are hanging on until the price drops. This is based on what has happened with other locod. I (as a NER modeller) will not be buying one as they are to far out of period and the wrong gauge.
  7. I'm also interested in them, both the NER and the LNER versions.
  8. I managed to purchase one direct from Danny last September. I don't know whether he still has any left.
  9. I would be intersted in the NER Implement and Low Machinery wagons.
  10. I have just got 2 NER horseboxes from him in 4mm and have previously had the NER milk vans but that may have been longer ago than a year. I also got some other bits "W" irons and the like last Setember.
  11. For me that is the attraction. There won't be to much duplication of the models I build.
  12. Re layout compression, the current layout I am working on is not compressed at all. The only compromise is that the haed shunt has been terminated short of the fiddle yard so as to make it obvious tghat it is single line at that point and not double track. Admittedly it is a small station on a cross country route rather than the ECML.
  13. I am quite fortunate in that I model a railway that the RTR folk have ignored despite many of the locos lasting to the end of steam. I am currently building one of Arthur Kimbers kits and it is a joy to build. Next job is the loco chassis. Not much change from £200 once motor wheels and gearbox are factored into the equation but at least there won't be another one like it.
  14. My Kirk Gresleyss run on MJT bogies with cosmetic sideframes. They take about 30 minutes to solder up. The parkside cattle wagon with etched w irons took about an hour without the brake gear which will be the ambis etched version. That is a refinement I like to add rather then the palstic gear and that is usually where the time is taken. I would do the smae in OO so no time saving there.The D&S NER coaches run on either the compensated bogies that come with the kit or if they are the inside bearing ones are replaced by MJT units. Admittedldy this adds to the cost but they run superbly so worth it in my opinion. The other D&S kits are built as poer the kit. I know anotrgher P4 modeller who has built the D&S bogies without the compensation and they run very well also. They are P4. Loco chassis do take longer due to adding seperate hornblocks and in some cases the parts for CSB but no where near 30 hours. I built the High level J72 chassis (compensated) with all its detail parts in less time than that.
  15. I have to say I am with Jol on this one. I model in P4 but don't claim any great skill. I also don't think it takes longer to build things other than maybe a loco chassis. I find it easier to build compensated rolling stock as I find it difficult to build rigid wheelbases absolutely square. To me that takes greater skill. As for the rest painting and lining take just as long whatever the gauge.
  16. Thanks for the info. I didn't really look at Belmont Road as I am not a fan of shed layouts. I didn't get a close look at the club layout as it was in its very early stages of construction. I was on Eastthorpe Road which is OO Peco but bizarely enough operated by 4 P4 modellers including Len Newman.
  17. Which were the layouts with handbuilt oo track at Shenfield because I must have missed them?
  18. I must disagree. I am not a 00 modeller I am a 4mm modeller and have nothing at all to do with 00.
  19. The descriptions of the loco lamps on the website don't match the items
  20. Firstly OO is not a scale but a gauge and it claerly is OO gauge. What scale it is may be a different matter.
  21. Being very picky the photo is spoilt by having the buufer stop rails highr then the siding. It does rather spoil the illusion for me. The other photos do look wonderful and I do like the way the model is progresssing.
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