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Everything posted by griffgriff

  1. It’s a long time since I’ve seen a copy but is it the same as the old GLC plans book? ... just curious. Griff
  2. In much the same way I’ve been rereading his various threads. The 4 CIG topic in particular demonstrated Colin’s unwillingness to compromise on prototype fidelity and it’s a ‘must read’ for anyone who has designs on EMU or coach scratch building using plastic sheet. I can only imagine how his next layout (which would probably have been built to P4 standards) would have looked like. Griff
  3. I’m always excited at the prospect of the catering at Doncaster.... but not at the racecourse. There’s an excellent seafood restaurant in the market. This year I visited the excellent ‘Whitby’s chippy that was next to the spot where my car was positioned just opposite the venue. There’s plenty of choice. Griff
  4. A price comparison is no use either. You can’t seriously compare a HD loco (a crude toy by today’s standards) with a contemporary ‘fine scale’ model. It’s a completely different market today.... but I agree with your point about modelling now being no more or less expensive than back then... .... but I will add modelling today today is undoubtedly easier! Oh and when people complain about cost I always remind them to ‘cut their cloth accordingly’ .... although it’s a shame I’m never going to be able to finance Clapham Junction in 7mm...I shall be quite happy with a shunting plank and be grateful for what I have if things get tight. Griff
  5. Does this mean the end of continental modelling threads? Griff
  6. Don’t worry it’s a euphemism.... a Simplex with its sandboxes the wrong way round means the same as 2 short planks, a sandwich short of a picnic, a brick short of a load, a smoke box short of a rivet etc..... he was just dropping a clue. Luckily we’re a tolerant bunch and we will tolerate his difficulties Griff
  7. I don’t know.... that why I’m asking the question but the sidings at Midford are shunted in the Evercreech to Bath direction aren’t they? Edit..... just looked at a map and I see they’re not..... forgive me. I obviously need to buy more S&D books Griff
  8. Amberley seem to be getting an increasingly large slice of my disposable income of late..... another book looks like its coming this way. Griff
  9. Weren’t the goods sidings shunted ‘from the south’ being served by north bound workings? I don’t know but looking at Midford traffic would, presumably, come from the Evercreech Junction direction? Therefore coal worked north would have to go south to go north again? I’m asking out of curiosity.... I really should know more about the S&D. Griff
  10. Yep.... the exhaust port needs reworking and the associated roof panel needs reworking..... tanks also but I think I’ve a spare somewhere??? Griff
  11. Sorry 008 of course...... thanks.... Wasn’t that the original release before the shoulder (roof to side transition) was sorted? I’ve been wondering bout the current green one (an easier path to a correct roof).... cut still yours still looks very tidy Griff
  12. Agreed.... I’ve certainly become much more selective but it has inspired a return to real modelling. I’d much rather build something that spend £50 on a wagon. PS regarding 85 sales (and everything else) Bachmann won’t be making much of a profit if they don’t sell any. Griff
  13. What was the pathway to ‘002’? It’s always been a favourite; always tidy and smart. Griff
  14. Sorry did you say ‘banker’ wow! Every day is a learning day...... pity it ran in darkness would love to have seen a photo of that. Griff
  15. I did my PGCE in Bath..... which obviously doesn’t count but my placements were in deepest Bristol I did my PGCE in Bath..... which obviously doesn’t count but my placements were in deepest Bristol
  16. That’s not a very hygienic place to lay your Camembert Seriously though.... what is it? Rob
  17. I think it’s the Dublo Deltic is it not Griff
  18. It was unique as far as I’m aware (as always always happy to be proved wrong but until I am I shall continue to chuckle at shows when I see more than two on a layout ). Griff
  19. griffgriff

    Oxford N7

    You could never tell what colour they were under all that filthy muck covering them Griff
  20. I have it somewhere but I think there were 3 or so articles on the subject in the same issue. Griff
  21. Nice to see, unless my eyes deceive me, a return to ‘yellow’ stripes on the postal vehicles Griff
  22. I log in and find nothing has changed.... Everyone is discussing the 2018 catalogue, someone’s getting hot and bothered about pannier tanks and I have a chopper in the shed.... Progress Griff
  23. There were some wagon pages in BRM and I’ve probably got them hidden away somewhere but I believe Model Rail had a couple of articles on 21T hoppers in issue 47, September 2002. Might be useful if you can find a copy? Griff
  24. I’m amused. There seems to be lots of people desperate to find out what’s in the announcement and lots of people who are upset by the length of time it takes for models to be released. Knowing the later can be quite along time why are people so desperate for the former? I shall find out when I happen to come across the thread sometime in the next couple of days. BTW if you haven’t guessed I’m a firm believer that railway modelling isn’t something that can be rushed Griff
  25. They were still needed to catch the ‘clag’ from all those ‘spoons’ passing by in need of shopping! Griff
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