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Everything posted by farren

  1. can i pick your brains a bit more on the loco list a bit more please i take it that the letters before the number are initials of the builder of the locos, so RSHN would be Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn and P would be Peckett, lost on BH,HL AB. sorry for the relative simple question but have just starting to take a interest in the industrial side of the hobby, will have to get some books to get to grips with builders and classes
  2. where to get a set of sharman's wheels from for the crane tank

    1. Horsetan


      You might have to go for nearest equivalent, since Sharman Wheels are no longer available....

  3. sharman wheels

  4. sharman wheels

  5. hi adam now my net is up and running i could see the links you kindly put up yet more super photographs of doxfords, the more i see the more i am tempted on building a little bit of the line, will keep looking for a nice shot of part of the line which will make a nice layout. i still thinking of going EM for under the stairs this would make the layout more intensive keeping me occupied more and i would be able to use it as a test track for my main loco fleet as and when they are re-gauged for the next layout. . i have found the fast track point tools but its knowing which to buy? i am sure there is no need to buy all but some will be got. i now also have space for the layout. just need to build the table .
  6. well a full week in the new house. even got my baby wired back up (Cambridge). and only one casualty of to get my hands bandage up so they can heal

  7. well a full week in the new house. even got my baby wired back up (Cambridge). and only one casualty of to get my hands bandage up so they can heal

  8. well a full week in the new house

    1. 69843


      Ah, house moves. Always 'fun'.

  9. very nice work put me down for one, money already put aside.
  10. Simply stunning model if it's not art,it must be craftsmanship. I see the kit does not build into the bigger class 79 which I plumped for as they were at Leicester with the added bonus of not having to try to do lt&sr livery. Looking forward to your progress on this model.
  11. Which class does the kit make the 51 or the 79 Will we be seeing a fully lined out lt&sr livery
  12. Are there any plans to do a full overall. So we might see her back in steam in the future Do you know. Having had a look on Flickr at some photos a the locomotive shed has a breage in the background which would make a scenic break. For a small layout under the stairs are any books on the Doxfords railway does anyone know? What where the other two locos doxfords used where they austerity 0-6-0t
  13. Thanks avonside 1563. Nice to see the real thing still knocking about. I have found some photos of both of them at Sunderland on Flickr. I know the Doxford site well as my dad comes from near there but never saw any of it in use. Super model. It does look very small next to the wagon. Mind it would not be much bigger in 4 mm if my maths are right 3mm in wheel base. Any way to late to change my mind it's turned up after just 3 days not bad.
  14. farren

    EBay madness

    very honest i can't find another in that condition any where, better no problem or unbuilt also available but that condition
  15. Has anyone manage to build one of these kits and could they post some pics please
  16. I emailed backwoods and the answer is it is ho. The drawing was taken from a old railway modeler. They got the scale wrong. Backwoods say they have sold hundreds and have only had one complete by a p4 modeler.
  17. After having a look at the photo of the kit I think the outside motion could be a head scratcher. So should keep me occupied for a while.
  18. Would it stand out that much? Surely its only as bad as OO but in reverse where the rest world look right for once. I've found cps models high level kits and not forgetting juldith edge. So lots of locomotive. Rolling Stock on the other hand needs to be found.
  19. hi, due to a house move i am having to scale back to smaller lay out for the time being, and what came to mind was a small industrial layout under the stairs it will be about 8' 6'' x16 inch. i have no track plans yet but i have just ordered the robert stephenson & hawthorn 0-4-0 ct i have just found out the loco is HO and not 4mm but i just like the the prototype so i'm still getting it.. i am also thinking of going EM but a made up layout and not set on any real railway.so i can run locos and rolling stock that take my fancy any ideas, suggestions or pointer i should consider would be appreciated ,
  20. Has just paid for a backwoods Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn 0-4-0T Crane Tank. Sorry to the Wife for when she finds out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Friar Tuck

      Friar Tuck

      I read somewhere this kit is HO scale - something to do with an error in the drawings the kit was made from, so beware!

    3. 69843


      Looks like the good Friar is correct:


      http://www.british-ho.freeserve.co.uk/index.htm (listed under Steam)

    4. farren


      He is I sent a email to backwoods and they confirmed it


  21. farren

    EBay madness

    maybe he works for the local council taring the roads
  22. I have to agree with market65 you have managed to scratch build a locomotive to a higher standard of detail and quality of build that a lot of modelers can only hope to achieve from a kit if they are lucky enough. Looking forward to seeing your j21 finished and hope you will be Shareing your future builds
  23. Great job on the sentinel What are your plans for decals with the sentinel?
  24. i've got the scanner talking to the pc again so tomorrow hopefully try and find for the pics of W1 with her lights.
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