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Everything posted by jcm@gwr

  1. Update, last night, when I asked about progress, it wasn't working, this morning, after I had replied, it seems to be okay! Maybe whatever was done to the load activity button has done it?
  2. Well, the search function doesn't currently work for me, I put in topic titles (eg Whacky Signs) and it claims it doesn't exist!
  3. Further to this problem, I have a variation of it. I've never 'lost' the button, but, it regularly just takes me to the top of the page, and no new activity! But again, not every time, and refreshing the page normally fixes it
  4. Can't the government put in place one of her suggestions? Ban undesirables from entry to our country!
  5. I reckon he hoped that the police couldn't/wouldn't follow!
  6. By definition, your location says you live there, if you weren't happy with people making that assumption, maybe add the word ex-pat! (you only have yourself to blame!)
  7. That's quite an honest admission, for an Australian!
  8. I think you're getting confused with a galaxy far, far away!
  9. One of the advantages of Ryobi (although others are starting to copy/follow suit), is that they have a one battery system, all the batteries fit all their cordless tools, they also sell some tools without batteries. It means you'll always have a charged battery, but it's only really viable if you need, and use, multiple, cordless tools, but they (Ryobi) do quite a range, including sander, hot glue gun, jig-saw, vacuum, nail-gun/stapler, multi-tool, radio, etc!
  10. We are making assumptions (that the patrol man is at fault), for all we know he did ask for a longer exit time, and either the operator got distracted, or discovered (too late) that it wasn't possible/faulty equipment/wrong code!
  11. Also not wanting to get too political, I don't think it's UK based businesses not wanting your business, more an over reaction to the (French based/led) campaign of wanting to 'teach us a lesson', for daring to leave their group (where they have the most sway)
  12. Or even a Belgian Waffle!
  13. Firstly, I did not call you 'woke', I suggested that the guys I worked with would, might. You need to read posts correctly, not read into them what you think/want to read. Secondly, there are various definitions of 'woke', the most common that I know of, is someone who tries to find something to be offended by, in normal language use, just to be able to get sympathy, and try and put others down by their faux indignation. Thirdly, I don't believe I have ever knowingly put someone down, otherwise I would find it very difficult to do my job, I'm a self-employed plumber, constantly in and out of different customers houses, all over north London, and all by word of mouth/recommendation. I don't advertise, don't have business cards, van not sign-written, and I can't keep up with amount of work coming my way (both new customers and repeat business), so I think I must be doing something right, the worst anyone says about me is, I can be a bit too chatty!
  14. Maybe you've had a bad experience with the way these terms have been used, but I can assure you that if you had used that attitude/approach with the vast majority of the guys I've worked with across the sites I've worked on, for the past 30 years, you would most definitely been put in your place, and be seen as being 'woke', a 'snowflake', and be told 'not to take offence on behalf of others'! You might be speaking from personnel experience, but so am I, sorry.
  15. No, most have come from within their own industry, an extension of friendly banter, nothing to do with anyone outside creating them, although they might have been picked up by them and used in a derogatory way. Having worked many sites, the vast majority of the trades use these terms to describe themselves, they wouldn't do that if they were 'put-downs', unless you are suggesting that their intelligence level is not high enough to realise/understand the insult? I have no problem being referred to as a 'lavatory mechanic'!
  16. Firstly, I agree about Shower Doctor, very useful site, and very helpful. Secondly, I'm guessing it's a Triton (or possibly a Mira), and they do have a history of the flow cartridge 'going off the end' of the controlling thread. You could confirm that you don't have a blockage/flow problem by shutting off the water, removing the cartridge, and turning it back on, carefully! It's a lot easier with 2 of you, and don't forget that it goes through the thermostatic cartridge before the flow cartridge, so you might also have to remove the thermostatic part to check both hot and cold supplies separately.
  17. I would agree, it's annoying, and unnecessary. Plus, if you really do 'value my privacy' why are you trying to track me, and glean information from me?
  18. Hopefully now someone will recognise it, or have an app that can identify it from your photos. Unfortunately my camera doesn't want to play at the moment!
  19. It might help if you could do a couple of close ups, both of the leaves, as well as the flowers.
  20. It might be worth checking to see if your laptop/tablet/computer could support some form of app, or try websites, maybe the RHS?
  21. Have you tried PlantSnap, or an equivalent app, that identifies plants?
  22. By your logic, it could even be a KitKat!
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