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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. Thanks for your help ! I am aware of the search feature sometimes it is know what to search for.
  2. Looking forward to seeing this conversion develop.
  3. Just received mine..................WOW what a cracker !!!!!!! Everything about this is amazing. The book is a very enjoyable read. Need to get it connected and then run in on the layout. Thanks to everyone in involved and thanks to Sandra for getting it out so quickly. Perhaps a rerun of the APT-E would be a three car set......which leads me to my question, was it more commonly run as a 3 or 4 car set? Regards Scott
  4. There are always new people coming into the hobby, about 4 years ago I was one of them and hadn't even heard of DCC !!! The APT-E review appears in both BRM & Hornby magazines.................I don't have my copies yet (living overseas) but will have the APT-E before the mags so seems a bit irrelevant having a write up about a product one cannot buy and those that do have one know what it is about anyway. or not including the APT-E book.
  5. A great idea, but even touch tone and cell phone still have the corresponding letters to numbers. Or am I missing something?
  6. Don't you hate not being home when they try to deliver a parcel. My APT is in the city and I can't get to it !!!
  7. Looks great with the lights off and the computers flashing away !!! I think not being able to turn the lights off is about the only niggle (and IMO it is a small niggle)
  8. Great job on the building Cav. Regards Scott
  9. You might find by then there will be no MK3 left, that is usually what happens.
  10. Colour can be tricky. I bet if most of us went to buy paint for the living room that matches the colour in the curtains (without taking a sample along) we would choose the wrong colour.
  11. My condolences to the family. RIP Jock.
  12. I would like a more realistic rake of coaches for the Royal Train and NEM pockets please !
  13. I do wonder if the figures are H0 ??? Bachmann sell many of the same figures in the US under H0. I just received a pack from the UK and will have a pack arriving from my local dealer this week so we shall see.
  14. Hopefully one will be winging its way to me with a week or two.
  15. Those buildings are first rate, very nicely done, can't wait to see it populated. Regards Scott
  16. Wow simply amazing !! Regards Scott
  17. You have made a nice job of that Marcus, a credit to you ! Regards Scott
  18. I realize it is a long way from complete but it already looking amazing !!! Have you given a thought o what you will use for sheep? Have a look at the Bachmann sheep, I think with a lick of paint they will be perfect for Herdwicks. http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/image_box.php?image=images1/scraft/36-083.jpg&cat_no=36-083&info=0&width=1000&height=379 Regards Scott
  19. I think it is to let the lambs have access to better pasture before the ewes.
  20. Hattons have at least 117 in stock (many of them had more than 10 in stock so could only count as 10) and two liveries that have not arrived into stock.
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