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Everything posted by SHMD

  1. I've led a sheltered life. Today, I only learned, that “m&m”s are the same as “Smarties”!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Debs.


      'Cadblurys' counterfeit confectionery: have they no shame! :-)

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      m&m's dont have the tube that you can smack so the end flies off :)

    4. charles2


      Smarties are way better than straight chocolate M&M's - where M&M pick up is their peanut ones - and in the USA almond and coconut too (the coconut are DEEEELISH!!!)! And unfortunately micheal delamar, the only have the real smarties tube at Christmas with the big tubes (which even at 45 I get cranky about not getting from Santa!!!) LOL!!

  2. Odd feeling today as I looked out of the A321 window during take off for BeiJing. Just reversing back from the stand, at ShangHai PuDong airport, was a KLM 747 Combi with my wife a son on board!

    1. beast66606


      And out of the other window was a 757, with your luggage aboard !

    2. SHMD


      Not mine. Possibly theirs, but not mine! :)

  3. Only had my new Tool Box for 2 days and its soddin wheels have seized up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skipepsi


      Chinese quality control?

    3. Horsetan


      Oxymoron there, surely?

    4. SHMD


      Poor design - The plastic wheels are free to rub against the plastic case. Heavy box, long walk to the hotel and during the lift, (20 floors), the two fused together.

  4. Stop! Thief!! Somebodies stolen a day this week. I'm was sure it was Wednesday today...

    1. marc smith

      marc smith

      Yes, I thought that too!!! Still, the weekend is a day closer than we thought :)

    2. SHMD


      Normally yes but I have a full days work tomorrow and then another travelling so I will now arrive home Saturday - one day later than I thought!

    3. Horsetan


      "Down With This Type Of Thing!"

  5. Fantastic day! My son was given his “First choice” school, (he don't now it though), I fixed the machine within 1 hour of arriving giving me the rest of the day off, changed hotels and was given a really good upgrade, and finally, found a Railway Museum in BeiJing – Brilliant!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      I tried to translate "QianJin" but could only come up with Tying Knots or 1000 Pieces of Gold...

    3. Horsetan


      It was meant to mean "March Forward".

    4. SHMD


      I can see the relevance - as in the Long March and the National Anthem.

  6. Not sure if my 4yr old will become an Accountant, a Bank Robber, a Bank Manager or the Chancellor after he said that I didn't need to go to work as I could just go to the shops and “buy some money”!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boris


      5 of my classmates are doing time for armed robbery, I don't think it will be that one some how!

    3. Horsetan


      The only thing they got wrong, Boris, was that they got caught.

    4. SHMD


      Now that IS what you would call “extra curricular activity”!

  7. Lugging my 23.2kg tool kit around China is not easy. Today it lost 0.4kg in weight, (the wheels!), and it is now so much more difficult! Also, don't buy your 4 year old a pump-action water pistol/shot gun!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      Travelling around various universties fixing XPS instruments.

    3. Horsetan


      I wonder if Ryanair are going to expand into China...

    4. SHMD


      Horsetan - No thanks, the low-end is already well catered for here already!

  8. creme brulee! Hmmm... yummy...

    1. N15class


      We had some in Paris at Christmas, they were so good too.

  9. Busy week this one:- 2hr flight and 1 night in GuangZhou; 2hr flight to TianJin for 2 nights; 40min fast train to BeiJing for a night; 1hr 50min flight to Xian and I have just woke up after a really good nights sleep. And I still have to be in ShangHai before saturday!

    1. Horsetan


      Your Air Miles total must be stratospheric :-O

    2. SHMD


      536,000+ with one airline alone - and they are all useless!

  10. is wondering why I keep getting blank notifications - I think they coincide with SQL errors too!

  11. is unable to do anything serious today as I am too busy reading “Veet for Men” reviews on Amazon. Thanks BD ;-)

    1. Debs.


      Better than those hair-waxing strips; "what a rip-off!" :-)

    2. AndrewC


      Really Debs? I thought they were quite a-peeling.

    3. AndyB


      Maybe not a product to wax lyrical about then, Debs.

  12. Spent all day, yesterday, travelling to GuangZhou to fix a customer's XPS Instrument. Found a bent pin in a 25way D connector! Now I have 48hours to myself before I go on to TianJin. Hope that one is as easy to fix...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      Say hello to Bo Xilai for me whilst you're at it. & his lovely (not) wife....

    3. SHMD


      I may have seen him! Is he short-ish with black hair and .....

    4. Horsetan


      Oops. Can someone call the Foreign & Commonwealth Office? Think there may be another diplomatic incident here.

  13. Not a happy traveller today. stuck on a A300 for 7.5 hours of wich the first 5.5 hours we didn't move an inch!

    1. N15class


      Should of paid the fuel subsidy

    2. SHMD


      Did quite a bit of storm avoidance, on the trip down to guangzhou. I'm not paying for that lot!

    3. Jon020


      A300... blimey! That's a old un... or was it a -600?

  14. Good news today! The hotel lounge has got a new “English” News Paper! It's the Monday edition of the China Daily. Hmmm... I think I'll save it for breakfast.

    1. DonB


      will it taste good with Marmite?

  15. Damn those hackers! It's taken me 2 attempts to remember my password and a further 3 tries at inputting a new one because I can't splell! Now if they'd have wanted to do something about SQL then I might have been more sympathetic.

  16. Is quite excited! I'm off to somewhere new tomorrow. I haven't been to anywhere new for ages and that was probably Israel or Norway 4 years ago. Anyway it's Inner Mongolia tomorrow afternoon. I'll take me mint source!

  17. Is about to open a packet of “Numb and Spicy Hot Pot Flavor” crisps...

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Do tell whether the "numb" bit referred to the flavour or your tongue after consumption!

    2. SHMD


      I think the "Numb" bit refers to the consumer for purchasing the product. Eminently forgettable.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I once tried some shrimp-flavoured crisps. Disgusting...

  18. is sick of tinkering with my 2012 Challenge entry design.

  19. Hi GHLawrence2000, I'll take that as a "no" then for the colour coded wire - except for the "Main leads" that is. I would still recommend that the Mains Terminals, on the Transformers, be covered up to prevent any roaming hands/fingers/necklaces/etc from touching them now or in the future. Preferably using Perspex as an overall guard above the Transformers. Regards, Kev.
  20. WOW! GHLawrence2000. There is a lot I caould say/ask/recommend here but... If it works and you're happy then that's really all that matters. Might I suggest you 'cover up' the exposed mains voltages inside the control box. Maybe only you will 'dare to' go in there at the moment, but you don't know about the future. Dare I ask if any of it is colour coded? Regards, Kev.
  21. ...bit of a panic moment then! - I couldn't find the mini-Bar in my room! Now safely located/pillaged.

    1. DavidLong


      Wait 'til you see the bill :-(

    2. SHMD


      Ah! Came into the room with warm/cheap outside beer, had a tin of the cold mini-Bar beer, then replaced cold beer with warm beer! Jobs-a-good-un!

  22. Arrived in Xi'An and went straight to one of my favourite hotels only to be very disapointed.

  23. Has just been stunned into dropped jaw syndrome once again

  24. I'm not wanting to desturb Andy Y, at this busy time, but anybody else lost bits of their "Your Profile" pull down menu? (Located at the top right on the index page.) I can't get at the missing buttons any more!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SHMD


      Andy C, Yep took a while but i,ve been doing exactly that. Incidentely, the amount shown does vary!

    3. Andy C

      Andy C

      Now funilly enough its perfectly OK on my laptop at work, but not on my PC at home!

    4. Re6/6


      Yes me too. But seems only to happen on I.E. Occasionally the full menu come but mostly not! I click on avatar and get to 'profile' page that way.

  25. OK! That's it! I've embarrassed myself enough today. Tomorrow I must download a spell checke r - of any description!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. martin_wynne


      Firefox includes a spell-checker, which works on all web sites as you type. Just install the British Dictionary add-on.

    3. eastwestdivide


      No, install the Welsh dictionary and give us all a llaff

    4. SHMD


      I think I might try that - thanks Martin.

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