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Everything posted by SHMD

  1. The only one I remember (from the 60s ad 70s) is the pack of horses one - and always wondered what the connection with free (or corralled) horses was with smoking? Although, to be fair, I wasn't all that bothered about cigs then, I was pre-occupied with trying to get a "switch track" bought for my Hornby set so that I could shunt that awful giraffe car out of the train - as long as I didn't put that potentially explosive tanker (UD) next to the steam engine! You might be better with a "3sso" advert instead! Kev.
  2. Yet this is how it is now. The Rest Of the World, I agree, is no problem- but the EU and Germany in particular is. Kev.
  3. Easy - Google it! Kev. (Did I pass?)
  4. Todays (hardly) seafaring pic is from this morning, taken just after breakfast, looking south towards the morning sun. Ranco, Lago Maggiore - which is totally land locked but does traverse the Italian / Swiss Boarder. (It's totally weird being near such a large body of water with no evidence of tidal activity what so ever!) Kev.
  5. Here is the "KORS0R" - loaded to the gunwales with teak stock! ..a zoomed in close up of the plaque... (That last line is, ahem, interesting!) Here (presumably) is an earlier version of the M/F SJEALLAND, approaching her birth. A view from the opposite direction. (I didn't know they had "Drones" then!) What a beauty! ...and finally, the "PRINS CHRISTIAN". (When I was there, I never noticed the "blue print" behind the model!) Kev.
  6. Some more from my recent visit to the "railway" museum at Odense in Denmark. Once again, they are beautiful models, lots of detail - and - all have a railway connection. Above the "FREIA" is the sectioned M/F "SJEALLAND", (apologies for butchering that but my keyboard does not have the right symbols), and captivated my attention for ages - simply stunning... (Incidentally, the floor is made up of thinly sliced sleeper sections to act as "quiet" cobbles.) (Whilst that nearest coach looks a bit "design clever" the overall effect is very good.) (They even sectioned the coaches!) I'll upload a few more in a minute but the wifi here, (on the shores of the stunning Lago Maggiore, in northern Italy) is not brill. Kev.
  7. Whilst the 310 in C5213, is not exactly beautiful, it is most certainly much much better than what the cost saving measures applied to the design of the 312 in C5201 is. Kev.
  8. Is this not just a case of having to press "Refresh" ? I have to do this all the time, and not just with RMWeb. (Not including the RAID debacle that (permanently) lost a lot of pictures last year.) Kev.
  9. SHMD

    On Cats

    Good grief! I know cats are lazy but that's ridiculous. ...and I just know that when I get home, I would be greeted with (expecting) Food; Love; Food; attention; Food; etc - with the cat claiming it cleaned the place! Kev.
  10. SHMD

    On Cats

    audiophool /ˈpɪlək/ noun INFORMAL•BRITISH Definition - Someone who thinks that the "law of diminishing returns" does not apply to him. Kev.
  11. In 'our' case it's the German Paperwork requirements on top of the Eu's insistence of collecting 20% - of the original purchase price - each time the unit traverses the UK - EU border. Regarding the discounted updated unit - snatch their hand off! Thinking of the original cause - I was wondering if a "Rising Earth" / "Floating Neutral", in combination with an Earth / Neutral wiring fault, may have been the cause. Kev.
  12. I used to operate a couple of those (not my main job - thus no training/instruction, and maybe/probably from another manufacturer) but the ones I used were 50 ton capacity each, but could be operated in tandem. Boy did I take things slowly! Kev.
  13. SHMD

    On Cats

    "Audiophools" ! Luv it ! Kev.
  14. That does sound drastic. Might even be a write-off. (Worst case :- Could need a all the silicon replacing along with all the electrolytic capacitors. Now if the PCB is burnt through...) Out of curiosity - How big was the venue? During the "brown-out" did all the lights go dim or did some brighten up for the duration? Kev.
  15. I work for a UK manufacturing company and we export all over the world. Since Brexit, our European customers are having to pay VAT on all items sent back to the UK for repair (on re-entering the EU) - BUT at the original price! So, if a unit fails three times, we repair it (FOC if within warrantee) BUT they still have to pay 3x20% of the original price* - not a problem if you are VAT registered, you just claim it back... ...but if you are not VAT registered - you get clobbered every time. (* Not including admin fees and the absolutely awful many paper hoops you have to jump through.) Getting back on subject, what was the nature of the damage/failure of the "100 set"? Kev.
  16. The trouble with emotive type phrases such as "Only 6 months to save the NHS" or "10 years to save the Planet" is that they are finite - they have a cut off point. The NHS and the Planet will deteriorate slowly and there is no "one day" where everything is good and OK and the next it's failed. I have no intension of getting a Remote Controlled Meter BUT I also have no want to waste anything either. Perhaps instead of "Save the Planet" we should use the slogan - "Do not waste the Planet"? Kev.
  17. Now that these coaches are appearing on home layouts, you can see how much of a “gamer changer” they really are. They can change the whole character of a layout just by being there. They are (in fact) not accurate to any one prototype BUT they are “very prototypical” for many of the pre-grouping companies. I realise now that accuracy is not the most important thing - being prototypical is. (I don't include design errors in this.) Lovely, just lovely. I look forward to the next “leap” in the hobby. Kev.
  18. Have you tried F5 a couple of times? (Of course you have , but the F5 trick needs eliminating from the investigation...) Kev.
  19. RC? If you are struggling to find space to store a few seconds worth of "motion" then finding the space for a battery would be even harder. (Especially if you insist on keeping the original 12v motor.) ...but Giles, of this parish - and others - have produced some excellent RC models. Kev.
  20. I like the second coach in "Network Southeast" livery! Kev.
  21. Two weekends ago I found myself in a train museum in Odense and look what I found... These are all in the "Danmarks Jernbanemuseum" which, (I think), is Denmark's national Railway Museum. Website here: - https://www.jernbanemuseet.dk/ This is what greeted me when I walked in! "Modern" stuff here. ..and looking the other way - WOW! The models are fabulous! Just look at the detail. Really worth a visit with the only (slightly) down side being that the room was a little too dark. Kev.
  22. So that's "a definite sign" thread drift ? Kev.
  23. I ran DC - which ran OK. Then I switched to DCC - which ran OK. I then got a sound fitted loco - which ran OK. ...BUT the sound kept resetting at all the momentary lost wheel to rail contacts - with the exact same track! "Stay Alive" prevents the sound from resetting all the time. With small wheel base 0-4-0s you need as much weight/rotary inertia as you can get. (An "infinite probability Drive" might help too!) Kev.
  24. I remember President Reagan's brain being missing and no one noticed ! (Except Spitting Image that is.) Kev.
  25. I can answer some... Advantages of the Coreless DC Motor: - Light weight cheap very small sizes available fast response Low current Highly efficient no cogging effect no quiescent magnetic field when unpowered proven technology no exotic materials in its construction Note that not all these advantages apply to out particular application of small scale model railways. Kev.
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