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Everything posted by Trains&armour

  1. When you go on holidays, by all means rent a cottage But never leave your kids alone in it...: Just south of Llangwnnadl, Llyn Peninsula.
  2. Looks like an interesting project. The scenery is great, really looking forward to seeing your take on this in model form. And if you need any assistance with drawings, posters, etc, please let me know. (My wife suffers from short bouts of manic depression, and although I don't pretend to know what it really feels like inside, I pretty damn sure know what it can do to a person and the strain it puts on a family.)
  3. Agree, good book, certainly worth having. This one is not that expensive (yet...) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/THE-KINGSBRIDGE-BRANCH-FIRST-EDITION-1997-/122007718431?hash=item1c683a0a1f:g:mvsAAOSwuhhXVXQU
  4. I'm not always the most sensible person when it comes to Ebay auctions, but in this case I think I'll wait for the Heljan offering...
  5. Right, now I've had it! For various reasons not going to Britain this summer, so will you stop tempting me!
  6. More green from Europe. From this angle it almost looks like something Southern. But nicer... Right, leaving the thread right now.
  7. At least the Russians know that you need properly trained & attired staff to take care of your valve gear.... Nothing infantile about that
  8. I don't know much about the Ian Kirk kit range, but the one I have has basic couplings and no wheels, whereas the Parkside kit comes with wheels and mounting blocks for Bachmann NEM pockets.
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-R042-RAILMAIL-SPECIAL-VAN-PRINCE-CHARLES-LADY-DIANA-SPENCER-ROYAL-WEDDING-/301955174895?hash=item464dee51ef:g:rYUAAOSwl-FXNNNy Don't thank me...
  10. Robbies rolling stock does a nice ECLP wagon: http://www.robbiesrollingstock.co.uk/images/S_West/Eng_Clays_Lovering.jpg And Dapol seems to have released a double pack once But my research suggests that after the merger in 1930 of the three biggest china clay companies into ECLP grey with white lettering became the firms preferred livery. So in that regard, only the wagon from Robbies would fit your layout.
  11. Trade secret..... You don't need any special software. All major photoshop programs should work. You do, however need the right font, which I found thanks to gwrrob and this site: http://www.uksteam.info page http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gwr-elist/files, font GWR Nameboards.ttf. (but you need to be a member or register) Install it in windows and it should the be available in your photoshop program. With some experimenting with letter spacing, line spacing, stretching, opacity etc. you should be able to make a accurate 00 copy of the text you want. Good quality printable transfer paper is widely available, but the hard part is printing the texts, because you ideally need a printer that can print white! And those are about as rare as hens teeth, but luckily enough for me a friend of mine has one!
  12. Gentlemen, something like this? Transfer designs photofitted to my Airfix B set. Not totally correct, but it gives a reasonable impression.
  13. Nice shot, but the positioning of the pyramid has little to do with the railway. Or Cestius must have been a very visionary man.....
  14. Perhaps someone will like this: Trying to make some decals for Robin's B set, the first design attempt photofitted to my airfix B-set ;
  15. Definitely Swansea High Street station: https://www.flickr.com/photos/55877117@N05/8560804555
  16. Agree, it's on the plan and it has the same cap as the vent on the down building near the gents. The plan is dated 19-9-97
  17. There is a difference: The pdf is the accompanying document, the JPG is the map itself! A great highres scan, and it has it's charms that way as well. If I had the original, I would be more than happy with it's current state and the history of long use that it shows. But as a downloaded print, I would like a copy without the stains, creases and shadows. These would only be a "false" history.
  18. Some of you undoubtedly know this site, but I just found it. I especially like the section with the downloadable drawings: http://www.michaelclemensrailways.co.uk/article/gwr-original-plans-sections/616 Just downloaded the GWR route availability map, and am trying to restore it to a printable version. Will look nice in my mancave... If anybody is interested in a cleaned up copy, send me a PM and you'll get one when I'm done. Will do some of the other ones as well, but might take a while...
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