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Status Updates posted by Jack00

  1. Lots of catching up to do on RMweb. #longabsence

    1. 46444


      Welcome back Jack! ;-)

    2. Jack00
  2. just bought the latest BRM mag. but have to wait until saturday to read it on the journey to Gatwick!

  3. just had a look at 31 233 and DBSO at Penzance. very nice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RSLR


      Yeh seen that on facebook

    3. WD0-6-0


      Nearly missed my train home after school because I was looking around them

    4. Jack00


      Hi Jeremy, I'll try and upload them but need to reduce them a bit as they are big files.

  4. google Chrome lets me upload images on RMWEB without crashing my Android phone. Finally!

  5. Job Vacancies: mud flap, must be flexible and willing to travel.

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      must be prepared to get covered in...

  6. unravelling chocolate money, who'd of thought it was so painful!

  7. feed the hedgehog and time for bed. its been a long old day!

    1. yorkie_pudd


      they love chunky cat or dog food

    2. Jack00


      She's crunching away!

  8. cant wait to run some 60's goods on the layout. just need to finish off the track first!

  9. secret Santa? my colleague told me it was her already. don't think she understands. '

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metr0Land


      It'll come.....

    3. Horsetan


      I can hardly wait....

    4. SHMD


      My 6yr old says Santa is not real!

      He says that there are two of them!!

      One nearly loud one at school and one really loud one at church!!!


  10. DCC sound 'N' gauge? whatever next? I bet it's good though.

  11. signal box kit to construct. then a staff night out tonight. oh dear! this could get messy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jack00


      CK's on to something here...!

    3. Stubby47


      Falmouth club's show tomorrow...

    4. Jack00


      Working all day today Stu. Shame I can't make it.

  12. off over the Tamar tomorrow. shopping and Krispy Kreme donuts....dont sell 'em in Cornwall

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Why does Cornwall need Krispy Kreme (*bleurgh*) when it already has pasties and cream teas?

    3. Jack00


      Just a bit more of a variety. Pasties and cream tea gets boring after a while lol.


    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      One can never have enough of a good pasty, or a decent cream tea, it's against the Laws of Physics to argue otherwise...

  13. sat at home doing some work on the layout....I should be at Warley right now! never mind I will be sure to go to the next 'big' exhibition.

  14. why is Warley just a few days before payday! I have the weekend off work too. :-(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jack00


      Hmm...maybe next year.

    3. Horsetan


      Fate clearly preserves you for greater things.....

    4. admiles


      Why is it Warley is the same weekend I have a date with a steaming hot female? Talk about bad timing!!

  15. windows open due to using Glue and now I'm freezing. Brrrr!

  16. rough handled screw-drivers=big blisters...really need a new none!

  17. over a 1000 RMweb 'likes' thanks everyone!

    1. Nelson Jackson
    2. Swifty11
    3. 46444


      Quick! Hello! Magazine are at the door Jack! :) Well done mate-Well deserved. ;)

  18. 23 hours at work..! I feel a new addition to the fleet soon! or maybe hear it?

  19. not a single trick or treat ... advantages of living on a fast, busy, main road?!?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SHMD


      Generally, I am against

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      All Saints Day today, then

    4. RedgateModels


      memories CK - running from Church to Midland Station to get a DMU to Grantham to cop some Deltics ....

  20. applied for a new job...fingers and toes crossed.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RSLR


      Good for you mate :)

      I applied for 160 jobs in one week and heard back from none of them.... just says how much work is NOT out there!

    3. cornish trains jez
    4. Jack00


      Thanks everyone! Time for a well overdue change.but sshhh dont tell them that lol still need a good reference.

  21. needs a time machine.

    1. Jawfin


      Needs or wants?

    2. Jaz


      when you manage to buy one give me the address i need one too

  22. Been an RMweb memeber for almost 2years. suprising how much we evolve as artists, modellers, enthusiasts. its all good fun, though! just don't wish to think how much money i've spent in that time...!!

  23. relaxing week off work...just had an "all you can eat chinese" near Penzance was worth the drive. now for some trashy TV and browse on 'ere.

  24. can't wait to have a week off work next week. starting to get annoyed and irritible lol

    1. RSLR


      Time for a new Signal Box kit to be constructed ;)

    2. class"66"


      Week of chilling out sounds great to me...

  25. railway room all tidy, stuff gone to the dump...right lets make a mess again!

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