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Tim Dubya

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Everything posted by Tim Dubya

  1. Happy Birthday, have a good one 👍
  2. I thought something was up yesterday (or day before) when I noticed that I couldn't see as far from the bus*as the haze was so dense. *I can usually see Alfred's Tower, about 20 miles away in Bruton, from Odd Down in Bath on the bus, but could only see about 2 or so miles into the distance. It all makes sense now.
  3. The 3rd floor of the 1 West Building won today's competition for the best (most comfortable/comforting) air conditioning. I have to service a machine in a corridor by the swimming pool (Olympic Sized 😉) tomorrow, it's a boiling spot even in the depths of winter. I guess I best do it last o'clock and go for a cold one straight after....
  4. Back To The Old House - The Smiths
  5. I think it's this manufacturer? https://www.britishfinescale.com/category-s/1853.htm
  6. Good point, I have nearly 2 boxes of the stuff, "Type J" I think?
  7. My supplier is now fully stocked with this week's essentials.
  8. My dad says that The Great Western always had clean engines, unlike the Southern, who's were filthy and this was pre-nationalisation he was referring to.
  9. Only the locals if you enter the square from the wrong direction! I lived in St Just for a couple of months, in a flat above the Commercial Hotel, about 20 years ago. You will have missed out on the 'delights' of The Miners (or The Zoo as the locals called it) as it shut years ago. In fact, the stainless steel from the urinal ended up under a mates Frog Eye Sprite in Kerris (sadly no longer with us.... my mate that is, Kerris was definitely still there a year ago).
  10. I still have those in the pile, along with a GRA Models resin, 51L (?) butter van and of course the David Green versions to build.
  11. If I didn't have a pile of Parkside kits with Bill B etched chassis, I'd be tempted by at least 5 of them. Stickin' & gluin' for me it is.
  12. We had our, rather fancy for Somervale School, version known as Rural Science. Exactly the same with added animal care and bees (not that you could get anywhere near their hives {the insurance for my secondary school must have been astronomical already} as there was a six foot chain link fence around them). I guess it being rural Somerset it made sense, although a guy I knew was in the "Armoured Farmers", better known as the 3rd RTR. Whether his studies in rural science helped or not it didn't stop him from driving a tank.
  13. Mick Jagger is 80. Mitch McConnell is 81. Should the benefits of a life of sex, drugs, and rock-'n'-roll be ignored?
  14. Pretty much what the driver said, that bus will be out of action whilst someone plugs a laptop into it to see what's wrong, that's before anyone else gets near enough to fix it.
  15. I've always found bog standard filler mixed with 50/50 water/PVA to do what it's meant to and not crack. Of course this is for DIY not train sets but it might work for what you want it for 👍
  16. Rocked up to the place they call work about 10 minutes late because my bus broke down and had to be rebooted twice from the magic cabinet under the stairs to the upper deck. First time the bells kept going off and all the internal lights too, but on the second attempt the driver had to put up with the windscreen wipers screaming across the windscreen for the last 10 or so minutes of the journey into Bath bus station, as they had decided to come on permanently. I have to leave the main campus early today to put paper in a few copiers in one of our satellite buildings, as no one there has figured out how to do it and as a result they have complained. I don't mind doing it in the slightest as I get an hour to do it and it's a couple of minutes to the bus station home. Of course that's F.A.B. because it's the Virgil Building, although it might not be Thunderbirds related 🤷
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