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Everything posted by w124bob

  1. To go one stage further you need a loco either, http://lancemindheim.com/about-us/wireless-headphone-sound/ this is his second experiment. In a previous blog entry the jack simple plugged into small amp then to speakers.
  2. w124bob

    Boxed means?

    Does it matter, unless you are buying to collect "mint boxed" items the box just serves to protect it. As an example weathering and renumbering a loco effects it's value (up or down) but renders the box label irrelevent.
  3. Anyone got any suggestions for storage, now I dont expect it to stay soft for ever but at least a few months.
  4. Thats the one, I searched funeral trains and hadn't realised it was based on a real railway.
  5. "The Burden of Proof" by James Barlow has a description of a train journey from London to St Mary's Cray. He was obviously very familiar with BR circa 1968, the book was turned into a film staring Richard Burton. Titled "Villain" the train journey features, but the location was the North London line. The book has long been out of print but the film is on dvd. The opening titles to "Get Carter" feature in the book(Jack's Return Home")with very atmospheric description of an arrival at a rain swept Doncaster only spoilt by the author using Euston as the departure station! Anyone remember the title the of the book which featured Nine Elms shed and funeral trains?
  6. "The Burden of Proof" by James Barlow has a description of a train journey from London to St Mary's Cray. He was obviously very familiar with BR circa 1968, the book was turned into a film staring Richard Burton. Titled "Villain" the train journey features, but the location was the North London line. The book has long been out of print but the film is on dvd. The opening titles to "Get Carter" feature in the book(Jack's Return Home")with very atmospheric description of an arrival at a rain swept Doncaster only spoilt by the author using Euston as the departure station!
  7. Well seems like I've got my self a challenge, I found the Wiley City article and have spent the afternoon studying Iowa Traction on Youtube. As an aside is #60 the oldest regular working loco in the US?
  8. Not "doable" only in the talent dept and in the early hours I hadn't really done much research. Pretty sure there is a thread on here about traction modelling and I have an old CM mag with a trolley style layout featured , just have to dig through my collection. There's always brass!
  9. Built in 1917 and still working! Would love to model the line if the locos were doable. Now owned by Progress Rail and picking up new customers.
  10. The chap who built Westport Terminal built 2 25tonners both with sound and flashing roof beacons! http://www.westportterminal.de/grandtline_25ton.html Sadly I believe he has now passed away. Grandtline do a boxcab version as well, same mech but a bit more room. If my maths is right thats 9mm wheels on about a wheelbase 21mm for either version. Drawing taken from here https://www.cnwhs.org/ageir/ageir40.html
  11. Option 4, to escape from SWMBO! It helps that I live less than 10 mins walk from the hall. I have no connection with any of the layouts so mostly it's just a social thing for me.
  12. I've just bought a second MERG system, basic set up with one throttle less than £90. https://www.merg.org.uk Do you belong to a club? My whole set up for my other MERG system cost me less than £250, that consists of 2 throttles, computer interface 2nd hand laptop and ipod touch. Yes it helps that I have a good friend who does all the soldery stuff but there are are groups and a forum for support. My original system datesback over ten years so it's reliable as well.
  13. I'm lazy and inept so I vote for frog juicers, however if you are starting with blank boards and it's just the fiddle yard then it's cheaper and simpler to do a micro switch off the tiebar above the board.
  14. Time for some MLW action, aprox 1.30 blink and you'll miss it. Pretty sure this older clip shows track now out of use, it's crying out for modelling.
  15. Custard "one slice or two" my mother would ask.
  16. Big GE's have form for this! They seem to suffer from soot/oil build up in the exhaust system. Interestingly something I've never seen referenced to in an Alco, perhaps it's a wanna be turbine.
  17. You might have driverless trains/cars etc but the elephant in the room is the ability to generate tax revenue. At the moment the average pay for a train driver is £50k plus, if you reduce the the driver to (lets say) operator at some future point the pay scale will fall either by time or deliberate regrading. The driverless car model seems to suggest that individuals may not be the owners, again having impications for tax generation. Not forgetting the alternative fuel debate. If governments move to replace one tax option (wages) with taxes on business profits, automation of many jobs may just not happen. As a self confessed petrolhead I feel my driving days will become increasingly restricted and expensive.
  18. Look closely, does it have a sort of hook at one end? It's for putting the hand brake on/off, saves climbing onto the freightcar. NS in particular seem to have adopted these for brakemen. Put the hook around on of the spoke then pull down.
  19. Regardless of what dcc system you use the most common cause of run aways(in my experience) when using wifi,is loss of the wifi link or a dying battery in a throttle. I and a friend both use the Engine Driver app, I installed the free version but I assume the paid for version is required for route setting. Make sure Java is upto date as I experienced an issue which was traced back to missed update. I run mine via dedicated 2nd hand ex schools laptop(windows7) and an old Ipod touch, my DCC system is a MERG one, total outlay less than £250 all in. As for Yahoo, well haven't been near any of my groups since the up(ruin)dated the whole thing afew years back.
  20. More Harrison stuff here https://www.flickr.com/groups/1105081@N22/pool/ Scroll down the first page there's a rusty tank engine lurking behind a wall!
  21. I remember Rugby Cement lorries being a common sight in my home town because the chassis/cabs, mostly Foden, were kitted out a local firm. Bostock and Barsby, Hazel Way Barwell.
  22. A factory reset solved the intial issue, however using JMRI to set various CV's still did not give any smooth stopping. Add poor sound and I gutted the thing, reinstalled a standard Atlas circuit board and dropped in a Lenz decoder. Silence but perfect running, this might seem extreme but the loco was not expensive to start with.
  23. Clearly visible in the above shot, appears to be built into the box car. Appears working in the last 4 mins.
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