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Everything posted by N15class

  1. Why did I eat to much lunch!!?

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      eyes bigger than belly?

    2. N15class


      Not sure these days belly is pretty big.

  2. Just as a little distraction. I decided to construct some wagons. The first is part of this block. The reason being is that sometime in the near future when we get into our house I want to play trains, you know the sort of thing build a layout etc. I thought that if I had some stock, it would give me the push I need Having decided that I will build a loco for myself my thinking was that I ought also have something for it to haul. As the choice of the my first self build will either be a kit superheated 700 class or a scratch built 0395 class if I can organise it before the time comes. As they are both goods engines, wagons are called for. Having a look at my stock of unbuilt kits, the thing to do was build a few LSWR/SR ones, then when I get painting again it will be a simple job as the liveries are the same. So to the first to the wagon store. Something simple a Parkside SR 8 plank to dia 1379, fitted the bill perfectly. The season being I do not have to get loads of tools out, worse have to put away every time I stop. I assemble as per the instruction I think. Change a couple of parts as follows the first was the brake cross shaft, I used a piece of 1.2mm nickle silver rather than the plastic. The second was to use .45 wire for the brake saftey loops. The third was to fit brass door bangers rather than those fragile plastis one. I knew I was keeping the half etch boiler band material for something. Forth was the buffers, I do not know if Parkside supply sprung ones now, but with this one they are just cast, so I drill the castings for some heads that were in stock. Just like my EM days. As the eagled eyed of you would of noticed it only has 3 buffers fitted. One needs a brass tube fitting cos somebody buggered it up.
  3. The tank curves were not too bad. As they are short I could do them in my vee block, with the right sized bar as a former, but would of been easier if they had not half etch the back where the curve is.
  4. I do it now too, it helps with paint adhesion. also if the paint wears away you are not left with shiny brass showing through.
  5. It always surprises me how many ways we all find to paint models. Very interesting so far, I wait to read the next installment.
  6. They look good, I like the variation in the batter plates on the end. I guess they run on 18mm gauge but to what scale?
  7. I do too. The trouble here is the import duty a small lathe like the Emco one bought here is welll over a £1000. So it is down to getting my tools etc from England in baggage when we or friends family travel. so it a bit slow getiing everything over. Good thing is there is no duty on books.
  8. I had thought of that, but I as I was doing it by hand with the dremmel it was difficult to set the depth. If I could of mounted them in the piller drill I would of done.
  9. Hi I will do that. I am in the process of doing the others so will get some pictures before I to far. I am doing the 3 slightly differently, but the result is the same. I think I replied about the copper ring, but it is just a length of 1mm electric wire wrapped around the boiler, then soldered to the back of the smoke box. It is there to represent the round joint between the 2 parts, it is not quite rightwhen the real thing is looked at but I think is passable. It also means I canhave a seperate body. Makes painting and lining a lot easier.
  10. Back to searching for a compressor:(

    1. Debs.


      No pressure with that job, then! :-)

    2. halfwit


      Could always get a Kompresser if yer into naff German cars...

    3. N15class


      They are even harder to find here


  11. Chris It is all a great learning curve. Every loco I build I find someting new to do.then end up wishing I had done it on the previous locos. I am waiting my gazette, so am looking forward to seeing your engine.
  12. I like the grass on the river bank. Is the use of the hanging basket liner easy. The only liner I can remember seeing was made from sponge. But yours must be fibre? Do you need to die it or anything. Looking really good.I hope when I get started I can get close to your modelling.
  13. They look impressive, I am quite clad I model 1-43.5 they look a little small. The hoods look the part the weathering is just about right.
  14. Hi Paul That is very interesting I would love to see a copy. I missed out none of my family ever worked on the railways. I am not sure if ABS do a saddle tank Buffalo. I was fortunate I got a basic set of etchings for the pannier one just before John Berry passed away. Peter
  15. Well back to cleaning brass, and carrying on with 735

  16. It is begining to take shape. I do like this useing pink board as base board, as it is strong and light. I do not think it is available here in Brazil so I am going to need to look for something else.
  17. looks good, you seem to be getting a good atmosphere, I need to get a layout and play trains sometimes.
  18. So where is all this snow? Still none here.

  19. 10 days away and the brass of my 735 looks like it has been in the sea for a year. Damn humidity!!

  20. I will have to wait to see the piece in the gazette as mine takes about 4 weeks to arrive here in Brazil. But I like what you are doing. Are the holdand folds worth there money? I have a selection of various size folding bars. I just wondered if it would be worth replacing them.
  21. So why is it called travelling? When all you do is sit and wait for the next thing to happen. Why electronic check in, when you still have to queue to get shot of your luggage and they still check your ID and ticket.

    1. Debs.


      Everyone is treated as if in 'Cattle Class'.....I hate it.

  22. One more model shop to visit before returning home.

  23. Hi The trip here is very good. I unfortunatly will not be coming home with a compressor. I found one for about £200 but the same thing in UK is about £60 so even with carriage and our 60 percent import duty is still cheaper. As for getting the photos I missed the chance as we came back a different way. I did get a few pictures of the preserved line in SP itself. It must be really hard for these guys, as it is difficult in the UK to get the finance and help. Here there is very little sense of history and the drive for modern is imense.
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