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Everything posted by letterspider

  1. I'll admit I wasn't expecting that!
  2. Dear Mr Moderator further to my last request for leniency, I was on my way to Arsenal to try and catch the other players but I have been told they have gone on to Ladbroke Grove. I am sorry if they get there and find that their wine bar has turned back into a bank. If you manage to see Mr V Morrison over there please tell him I hope everyone can meet me at CYPRUS Avenue. Thanks
  3. Dear Mr Moderator, can you please remove my moderated status as everyone else has gone to the Emirates and I am stuck in Acton Town. I know I have been no ANGEL but I am a Chelsea supporter and it will be a few years before that gets on the map (but sooner than any major silverware for the Gooners) If you see Willie in a china shop on the King's Road, please tell him I am sorry I heckled him but I forgot my autograph book at home. Please tell the other players I will can't make it to the pub on Gillespie Road as I am too late. Sincerely yours, lost somewhere in ACTON
  4. Further to Gwiwer's and 37 409's post and having had the dis-pleasure of having to measure West Acton to East Acton by foot, I also wish to apologise as I now see that East and West Penge are well within the limits of Interchange as defined by the Beck spreadsheet, (i only have a 1980's paper edition at hand as the downloadable version is difficult to fit onto my laptop screen all at once) Also I must be a bit slow as I don't see how Penge West follows on from Bounds Green - as I am a newbie to the way the game is played on this forum, could other members please remember to specify interchanges when referring to any stations arising from Zone 1 National Rail terminals please. Apart from that it has been jolly entertaining so far Breaking news as of 1030am - North Korea now have the Hydrogen bomb - (I'm sorry I have to go and start a new thread 'modelling nuclear bunkers in O gauge') and so I suggest we take things nice and slowly (to avoid ALL SAINTS) and advance one stop to ACTON TOWN.
  5. There is a big problem at Westminster at the moment and the station only has one brEXIT. Please go back two steps to PENGE and get your ACTON
  6. I am surprised this hasn't been mentioned in Bargain Hunters yet..
  7. Yes, since late night tubes came in... we like to call that move the Evil Which and the historical solution to that is KILBURN
  8. As we are taking about cricket, drop your Wisden and you might find that - Warwick Venue is a wackier venue.
  9. My first post in this topic so I believe I am given grace for a maiden double move to St John's Wood via Heathrow Terminal 3?
  10. hi I am also modelling this version of the weedkiller train - were you able to find someone to make up the CHipman transfers for you - can you post pictures as well of your work? Thanks!
  11. How much did you pay and can we see photos please!
  12. 22 years ago we didn't have internet - it is not a lot of time...
  13. I expect the model will have a raising pan. The link wire beween the motor and the head will ensure that it stays at the same height and overcomes the problem of how to insert a chain through the arm. My guess is that British manufacturers have been shown/offered this solution from a single designer and a reasonable price if they order in bulk. It may well work out cheaper than for DJM to design from scratch - in which case I would be happier with it than something in plastic or of poorer design.
  14. Holding out for a price drop or special offer...
  15. Wish I could produce BW pantographs as good as those. What I meant to say is that it is apparently very hard for the manufacturers to (affordably?) mass produce a well detailed, working (sprung and/or current collecting) OO scale BW pantograph. Hornby have said their Class 87 will not feature one, the Bachmann Class 90 - sounds like it should be very good if they are going to the trouble of putting in a servo motor - however my guess is the link wire from the motor is serving the job of holding the pan against the wire, instead of a spring. As for DJM Models' Class 92, Dave so far seems a little coy about providing details in his thread. It seems to me that it would be easier if the model manufacturers approached the locomotive manufacturers and ask them to design pantographs that in future are easier to model and to mothball the BW pan!
  16. Apparently because it is impossible to make a scale BW pantograph...?
  17. Sorry to hear - I do have a 3D printer and a roll of grey filament. The print bed is 12 inches by 6 from what I remember and it is based on a Makerbot. I have 2 to 3 weeks free - how could I help out? Ade
  18. Agreed - plastic handrails in particular are too fragile and it is a frustration that Bachmann doesn't have a spares service comparable to Hornby - (however thanks to RMwebbers who have helped me out in the past). Having seen the 3D samples - I have changed my mind on buying just the DBSO and am tempted to buy a rake - is there any info on whether Bachmann will be selling as a pack?
  19. Still haven't made up my mind on which liveries to order - does anyone have examples of consists being led by an SNCF liveried 92? Thanks
  20. Same problem here after not running a Railfreight Class 56 for about 2 years. What I have noticed is that the bearing mounts for the fan unit is mounted above one of the flywheels and can rub against it. That solved one problem Now I have a kangaroo motor with lights that do not work when the body is screwed on...
  21. Do you mean like a share certificate in the tooling?
  22. Thanks for replying to the post. So those weren't cross channel freights after all. Does anyone know what sort of freight is regularly passing through the Channel Tunnel by train?
  23. I live along the GOBLIN line which is being electrified.The whole scheme has been delayed due to mistakes in ordering the wrong catenary gantries, or some such. Everyday I am seeing traffic flows such as IPA car carriers from the continent being hauled by Class 66's and the odd 70. Can anyone please tell me whether there is any chance I will be seeing Class 92's doing this work when the line is electrified - if so any ideas what liveries they would be? Thanks
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