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Status Replies posted by yorkie_pudd

  1. Two more sleeps... :D

  2. 11 years ago I was on Newport station having a mobile conversation with a colleague and not believing what he was telling me.

  3. I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind.

  4. warm, still, sunny autumn day. Perfect for spraying varnish on a GWR coach. Shame I'm going to Dad's for his birthday.....

  5. Is in "that London"

  6. I don't ever want to find myself at a Horsetan-organised nudist garden party!

  7. I wish people would disable predictive text on their phones or tablets before posting.

  8. A stale British Rail cheese sandwich

  9. wonders if you can mix girls and model raiwawys.....

  10. You don't have to be an American to be strange.

  11. is shaving a bush #inthegarden #fnar

  12. Omg I'm literally dying of laughter http://youtu.be/RTHXzHFDK-U

  13. Soap but no water in this particular HST lavatory, the others occupied, so hands dampened by the simple expedient of putting them out of the window in the rain!

  14. Hear all, See all, Say nowt. Eat all, Sup all, Pay nowt. And if ever you do owt for nowt, allus do it for thissen.

  15. Anyone know what's hauling the Sinfin tanks (Derby - Grangemouth)?

  16. Anyone know what's hauling the Sinfin tanks (Derby - Grangemouth)?

  17. Oh why is ones workbench never big enough!?

  18. Cocktail sticks. The most useful general purpose tool ever invented.

  19. is 1 in 32 an OK gradient for modern locos [3%]

  20. is fond of Cornish pasties. Yum.

  21. is 1 in 32 an OK gradient for modern locos [3%]

  22. is 1 in 32 an OK gradient for modern locos [3%]

  23. Has anyone lived long enough to defragment a computor disc?

  24. This hot weather is not helping my RMweb Live schedule!!

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